
Birth of a star

The hustle and bustle of the street, everyone struggling to make ends meet.

So was life For a young beautiful lady, but what Fate had in store for man could not be changed either.

In a five star hotel and Famous owned restaurant, here in South Korea Named Diana's kitchen, Not Far away from the city, a lot of people could be seen rushing into this restaurants direction to order their special delicacies laughter mixed with noise erupted in the air.

A beautiful Lady who looked like a teen could be seen in a white shirt and black skirt that stood right on her knee and a little split added to it to enable her to move swiftly in them as she walked elegantly in her black runny shoes, Her beautiful pink hair was simply styled into a bun and a simple stud clung to her ears in her simplicity the heavens didn't waver in praising the Lady's beauty, so was everyone present awestruck by her beauty and her elegant poise.

Some men who could not control themselves had begun to drool and the young women were not left out as they eyed young Dandelion horribly, who unaware of what chaos she had created, took turns in going round the restaurant table as she oversaw all the activities and took account of it (who paid no attention to them) if only eyes could kill Dandy would probably be lying lifeless on the restaurant's floor then?

Wiping the bead of sweat that had come to form on her brows with the back of her palm she took a long stride to the counter as she sat on the barstool behind it.

It's been two years since she selfishly left Collins and bade him goodbye, she missed him but was too brazen to call him, the truth was she wasn't sure of how her emotions would be or his when they heard each other's voice since it was a short term meeting they had between them she felt less drawn to him and kept on consoling herself that there were no connections them, but who was she to fool even her heart told a different story at the lie she swam herself in each day.

Things have been tough but she had been fortunate enough to have gotten a Job in the world best restaurants, how it happened she knew not, she only woke up the following day and met an envelope lying in front of her door and ever since she had been working her asses off in this beautiful restaurants.

With her salary, she has been able to enrol her brothers into the best universities in the country and as God would have it they did well in their academics saving her the stress of paying school fee since they already won a scholarship that covered all their expenses except feeding, her salary was to pay for that and the rest went into savings.

It was the festival of Love in the city of Seoul, which explained what led to the increase in the number of people who patronized them.

Placing her head on the counter, Just as she was about to rest her phone rang gearing her bones back to life as she stretched forth her arms to reach for the phone that was also on the counter she picked the call as she forgot to check the name displayed on the screen.

" Hello -hello" her voice cracked so she repeated in a clearer voice...


" It's been two years since you guys met don't you want to meet her just for once" A sweet masculines voice could be heard as the eyes of the voice gawked queryingly at the figure before him if only looks could kill again, but the former seems not to be moved as he continued with his work, ever since Collins left Dandy in front of her house that morning that was supposed to be the epic of their love story, he had difficulty in forgetting her even though he has promised to let go of her, but her face remained a memory he couldn't forget, the tear-stained face her pink iris that told him the meaning of warmth at the same time pain, he just could not get his feelings straight.

" what would I say when I meet her, what if she doesn't want to see me, I don't even know her, I don't want to cause her more pain than she is in already, just tell mark to stay close " A frustrated voice replied in response to the earlier question the former had asked.

A sigh erupted in the air, as George sighed in concern before continuing what he started" you won't know if you never tried" he paused, seeing Collins blank expression on the topic, he decided to change the topic.

" The corpse has been sealed just as you ordered" George suddenly revealed earning him a slight nod from Collin.

" The least I could do for her" Collin muttered as he continued typing whatever he was typing on the laptop before him it seemed urgent.

He knew he couldn't face her right now but that didn't mean he couldn't help her without her knowledge too after all that you didn't know would not hurt you, he thought as his fingers said otherwise.

The Rooms temperature had dropped immensely and anyone other than the two present In the room would have probably frozen to death, but here sat two friends who were drifted in their world until one phone rang calling their attention home, staring at the caller he sent his gaze back at George who eyed him meaningfully when he noticed the latter nod his head he nodded his head back too before drawing his attention back to his work.

Hey, the author here, pls vote for this work as a sign of encouragement to this author, and if you haven't made any review yet please do leave a review and give this book a plausible rate, criticism isn't allowed but correction is, hoping to hear from y'all soon.

For more information on this author visit my Instagram page @Gift Adeola.

I keep you guys in check to update you more once I've fixed a permanent discord servers link so we can chat better.

Best regards,

Gift Rhoda.