

Cordy and Eden that were forced to agree with their marriage because of their parents. They are best friend since their childhood , their father both running a big company in musical and branded products . To make a large amount of money, they've been forcing their child to get marry. After marriage , everything changed. from a best friend , to the stranger living in the same rooftop. will it happen forever?

rubbbbyjaneee · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Cordy wake up when he feel the headache attacked him. he open his eyes slowly and found out he's not in his room. he quickly get up from the bed and walk out of the room. he slowly walk downstairs to check the owner of the house. from the stairs , he can smell the chicken soup already. he quickly make his way to the kitchen . "morning Angel but how can i get myself here? in your house?" he greeted Angel politely. "oh you're awaken, well , i didn't know where you're living , and i see your phone was shut down , so i thought your phone already dead. while you already drunk and start talking about how worst your marriage life is, so i bring you here" Angel said before preparing the foods on the table. "did i?" he asked while messing his hair. "what's the point messing your hair like that duh? come here and let's eat. won't you go to your company too?" Angel asked while laughing. "oh right" he said sitting on the chair before start eating.

"won't you have any boys clothes or maybe a coat , better , because i don't think i can drive all way to my house. seems far away from here" he asked Angel that are now washing the dishes. "i think i have. it's my brother's coat , take it at the black box in my room under the bed" she said. Cordy nodded before walking upstairs to take what he will wears. he feel sorry that he asked the question and Angel need to mention about her brother again. Her brother already passed away 4 years ago because of Lung Cancer. Angel and her brother are close to each other , when she knows that her brother passed away , she didn't hesitated to skip her class and book a ticket back to Hong Kong.

"under the bed" Cordy remind himself as he arrived at Angel's room. As he opened it , he see lot of pictures frame on the wall. Her brother pictures , Angel own pictures , and her other friends pictures. "she keep my pictures more than my wife did" he smile bitterly. he get the black box under the bed before opening it. he checked the clothes using Angel's mirror before smiling. "handsome Cordy" he said to himself. He quickly changed his clothes to the new one before walking back to the downstairs. "Angell!!!" he shouted and see Angel laying on the couch watching her favourite drama. "what?" Angel replied and start looking at him from head to toe. "im lucky to have a handsome , rich but also the beast friend" She chuckled. She hugs Cordy tightly. "i miss you so much Cordy" she said smiling. "bruuh , I'll bring this back tomorrow , and i need to go now , i still have a meeting to attend before 12" he said kissing the girl's forehead. Dont get yourself wrong , They both didn't fall in love with each other , but they treated each other just like a real siblings. "bye bye Cordy!" Angel said waving her hand cutely. "byeee" Cordy said start driving away from her house .

"peek-a-boo!" Zic shown up in front of Cordy. Cordy didn't mind him and just focus on his work. "are you serious?" Zic said annoyingly before sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. "yah this is my company , why are you not knocking before entering the CEO's room?" Cordy asked putting his pen down and glaring at Zic. "come onnnn why should i do that? im your friends after all" Zic said smiling. "whatever , what's bring you here?" Cordy asked. "let's have a lunch with the other , in your office , can we Mr. Cordy?" Zic smirked. "noo" Cordy denied. "im sorry but they're on their way with some foods" Zic laughed. "stupid" Cordy said walking towards Zic before sitting beside him. "How's your and Eden? did she text you today?" Zic asked. "nope , and it will never happen" Cordy sighed. "i hate to say this but , if you couldn't hold this anymore , stop loving her , join her playing this game. force things" Zic explained. "it's hard. the fact she said she really love me when we were 20. Then when it's about marriage , she start acting weirdly , treat me like a stranger. i mean , if she didn't love me why did she told me that she did? to cover her guilt?" i asked looking at the tv's screen. "she changed a lot , i don't have any idea what's happening. it's like a bad nightmare" Zic said again. "AI AI AI AI YA GOT ME FEELING LIKE FEELING LIKE A PAPILLON" other friends start shouting after Riwon opening the door. "dont be too noisy stupids" Cordy said looking at the plastic that they bring. "what it is?" he asked. "pooped. won't you see foods here?" Andrew said passing the plastic to Zic. "your poop" Zic and Cordy said laughing.

They were eating peacefully when Cordy's secretary shown up with worried face. "what's happening?" Zic asked while munching the seafood noodles. "Mr. Cordy , we have a problem in Mrs. Eden's company" she said holding the phone with her. "why? what happened?" Cordy asked getting up from his seat and get the key. He's ready to drive to Eden's company. "some strangers start shouting and throwing papers to Mrs. Eden" she explained. Cordy didn't waste any second as he start running to the lift before making his way to the groud floor. he start his car engine before driving to Eden's company building.

he's arrived and see some people still widely throwing something towards Eden. Eden is between the bodyguard , she's afraid and keeps looking down. he didn't park his car well and run towards Eden. he got pushed but he didn't have any time to staring at them and just get up from the ground walking towards the guards. "what's the point having 8 bodyguard with 8 packs of abs if they couldn't take care of about 20 people here" Cordy said firmly. "im sorry Mr" one of the bodyguard said . "im sorry for whatever she did. she's my wife , if you have any problems to deal with , just call her secretary or me , not throwing something like this. you should respect her , she's the CEO of this company" Cordy shouted that cause everyone to cool down. "your wife didn't pay me for 2 weeks late when i suppose to get paid" one of them shouts. "your wife not even read my works and throw it to the rubbish ban. she's just focusing on her phone talking to you all time , what kind of CEO she is? after that she fired all of us without any exact reasons!" one of them shout back. 'talking to me all the time? she never did that' i said to myself. "im sorry for her mistakes , I'll pay you guys , and you can come to my company to have an interview being one of the staff or working as my artist bodyguard or even something else" Cordy said bowing many times . "you should be lucky to have a husband like this !" one of them shout again before leaving the area. after all of them leave , i breath deeply before sighing. "what's your problems Eden? they need money to feed their families" Cordy said glaring at Eden. "Mr , your shoulder is bleeding" one of the bodyguard said. Cordy looked at his shoulder , the coat almost got ripped maybe because of them pushing him harshly. "oh crap!" he checked his shoulder. but injured is not the problem. she's wearing Angel brother's coat , and it's the most important thing for Angel. "i-im sorry" Eden mumbled. "Eden!" a man voice shouts from Cordy's side. Cordy turn around and see Steve smiling bringing a bouquet of flowers with him. Cordy smile bitterly. "you should tell your secretary to call him instead of calling me next time. you're ruining my mood" Cordy said walking away not minding his blood dripping from his shoulder.

"better be careful next time" Steve smirked before walking towards Eden. Cordy hold his hand from punching the jerk face , he shut himself and drive away from the company.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Angel said as she noticed Cordy bleeding a lot and almost soaked the whole clothes that he wore. "im sorry Angel but something bad happened , im sorry for this clothes , i know it's the only thing you have" Cordy looked down. "it's okay Cordy. the important is , you're okay , am i right?" Angel said smiling. "but this is the only thing you kept and i destroyed everything" he said again before sighing deeply. "hey it's okay , I'd still have his pajamas with me , i usually wears it too. so don't worry okay? as long as you're safe , now tell me what's happened?" Angel said bandaging his shoulder. "nah some problems in the company" he said. "until you bleeding and injured like this? you're working as a doctor or what?" Angel shake her head. "im great so don't worry" he smiles. "im trying" Angel added.

"where have you been for 2 hours?" Eden asked as she see Cordy opening the door. she's been waiting for him for 2 hours straight hoping she could see him resting in his room or sofa. "to a friend place?" Cordy replied. "I've been waiting for your for 2 hours , Cordy , 2 hours. won't you know how worried i am?" she asked. Cordy didn't reply back. "if i know i wouldn't wai----" "who asked you to wait for me then? i waited more longer than you did , did i ever talk about that? you're being kid saying 2 hours waiting while me? i once waited for 24 hours when you didn't show yourself in this house" Cordy said firmly. "i-" "no need to be sorry. it's tiring same words that didn't meant to be say" Cordy walking away from Eden thought that Eden will stop him but she didn't. she's ready to argue with him again. "i helped you , be thankful and don't start the fight again with me. it's tiring Eden" he said leaving the girl.