
Forbidden Temptation:Dear Alexander

Love! So sweet... Yet so painful... It can determine ones happiness and misfortune. It's like a coin with two sides. I happened to experience both the sweet part and the painful side... I wasted my youth chasing someone I knew I could never get. ‘Hah’ Love! So ironic

Omma014 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


" Hehe, I don't want my dad to get me married in a hurry so I just ran out of the country to enjoy my freedom for a bit."

He said and continued.

"Hmmm, why hasn't Alex arrived? And how about Avery? How is she now?"

After he said this there was total silence in the private room


On the top floor of Longtin conglomerate, the oppressive aura surrounding the office made special assistant Aaron shiver.

Meanwhile, the big bad wolf who was responsible for that oppressive atmosphere;(Alexander) sat at his desk.

His deep creased brows showed his anger as he glared at his assistant.

Suddenly, there was the sound of glass hitting the ground as Alexander pushed everything from his desk.

He was angry!


He said as he pointed to Aaron.

"Yes....yes young master..."

"How did you get this information?"



"Ahem. Sir the old butler from the main mansion informed me about this."

Alexander was livid. He grabbed a fistful of his hair.

"Get my grandmother I'm on the phone."

"Yes...yes sir. Right away."

Aaron quickly dialed the number belonging to the old butler who served in the old mansion.

The call was answered after a few rings.


The butler quickly greeted.

"It's me."

"Yes, I know it's you, Aaron"

"Da...I mean Butler Wu. Is the old madam with you?"

"No, she's preparing to go and see the young master."

"Oh, the young master wants to speak with the old madam."

"Okay, I'll hand the phone to her now."

Once the old woman was on the line, Aaron passed the phone to Alexander.

"Hello, my baby grandson!"

The aged and cheerful voice passed through the receiver.


"What's wrong? Who made my dear baby grandson upset?"

Hearing her voice, Alexander couldn't bear to scold her.

He sighed.

"Grandma I was told you sent a few women to my villa."

"Yes. Is that why you asked to speak with me? To think that you were missing me and decided to call or come see me."

Alexander pinched the space between his brows.

He said,

"Grandma please."

"Don't grandma me. Am not happy with you."

"Grandma. Please get those women out of my villa before I return to the villa."

"Huh? No way."


"Hmph. Since you have refused to get married and give me a great-grandchild, I have no other option than to arrange blind dates for you."


Alexander sighed.

"Grandmother I understand but I don't want anyone to interfere in anything related to my private matters. So I suggest you get those women out of my villa if not...."

"No way."

"That's okay. If you want to see me go berserk then don't heed my warning. Now if you'll excuse me I have matters to attend to now."

Du du du...

The line was disengaged.


"This child!"


Alice was standing close to the woman. Bent over when she heard her name.

"Old Mistress?"

"Tell the Butler to inform the servants in my grandson's house to tell the women who were sent there to go home."

"Go home? Why"

The old woman sighed.

"That child Alex. He's so stubborn. Even as I tried to matchmaker him and get him married it's all to no avail."

Alice frowned and nodded her head.

"That's right old madam! At least it's a good thing. It means he still has that girl in his heart."

"Ai. It's a good thing indeed. On one hand, his mother and father don't like the girl. And on the other hand... No one even knows when she'll be back."

"No worries old madam. Fate will bring them back."


A voice suddenly sounded.

Afterward, the sound of high heels clicking on the ground could be heard.

A woman wearing a black body hug dress and caramel-colored trench coat walked into the living room.

Mrs. Apollo( Amanda Apollo) sashayed into the living room. She was slim and had a height of about 1.75cm as a woman she was already very tall.

Although she had 3 children, she still looked very young and graceful as a result of good skincare over the years.