
Forbidden Temptation:Dear Alexander

Love! So sweet... Yet so painful... It can determine ones happiness and misfortune. It's like a coin with two sides. I happened to experience both the sweet part and the painful side... I wasted my youth chasing someone I knew I could never get. ‘Hah’ Love! So ironic

Omma014 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Sally was speechless.

"Uhhh...Baby where's your mommy?"

The little one's eyes dimmed. Mentioning his father was like talking about a taboo.

"Mommy is in the kitchen. Aunt Sal, I have homework to do. See you later."

He climbed down and walked towards the study room.

From his back, sally could see that he was not in a good mood.

She sighed and walked towards the kitchen.

Sally stood at the doorway to the kitchen as she watched Avery move around as she stir fried the meatball sauce.

She suddenly coughed,


Avery shook and this caused some of the stew to splash on her fair and exposed right arm.

She turned to glare at the culprit.

"Why did you have to scare me like that?"

Sally shrugged her shoulders while she raised her two hands up in defeat and smiled.

"Sorry...My bad."

"Never mind anyways. So what have you been up to lately?"

Sally sat on the kitchen counter as she picked up an apple.

Avery collected it from her to wash after which she turned off the gas and picked up a knife with a small plate.

She passed it to Avery and asked again,

"What have you been up to latterly?"

Sally replied,

"Oh Raymond called today."

Avery paused in her action of turning on the Gas. Her hand shook.

Sally noticed it too.

She cleared her throat.

"Ahem. Avery? What do you think of my brother."

Avery regained her composure.

She rolled her eyes at Sally's question.

"What do you mean? Raymond is your brother and I also see him as the senior brother I never had."


Sally nodded knowingly and continued,

" I instructed my assistant to book the plane tickets for next week Sunday. So start preparing..."

Avery nodded.

"No qualms Baby girl..."

Sally stood up and walked out.

Just before she reached the door, she stopped and asked a question...

"Avery have you thought about what you want to do About Darien?"

Avery stopped what she was doing and answered,

" what do you mean ?"

"I mean Alexander. What if he sees Darien and wants to take him back?"

Avery went still.

What ever Sally said was true. If she was to meet with Alexander again, it would be easier for her to look at him like she never knew him. But if he found out about Darien...he would find a way to take him away from her and she would have no other choice than to get involved with his family.

"No way!" She screamed.

Sally was stunned.

She hugged Avery and calmed her down.

"Calm down Ave. you can think it through with this week. And what ever decisions you make I'll support you."

Avery nodded and cleaned her tears.

During Dinner,

Avery didn't touch most of her food till it turned cold and she couldn't eat anymore of it.

Sally noticed her distraction and immediately felt bad for raising the topic of Alexander . She glanced at Darien who kept his little head down as he ate his food happily.

Ever since Darien was born, he had always been her little sweetheart. He was too smart and quick witted for children of his age.

Surely he inherited his fathers genes.

She absentmindedly rubbed his little head.

The little guy raised his head and smiled sheepishly at he. Then like nothing happened , he buried his head in his food.


Inside a dark room in one of the high end Houses in Arcade District, Alexander laid on his bed with his right arm just above his furrowed brows as he tried to have some shut eye.

For the past 5 years he had been having sleepless nights.

Anytime he closed his eyes, he would imagine that same scene.

His phone rang on the side table,bring him out of his daze.

He answered the call.

"What is it this time?" His voice sounded hoarse.

"Sir I have news." Aaron said.

"This had better be beneficial or useful. If not..."

Aaron gulped.

"Sir, it...I...it's.."Aaron stammered.

"AARON!! Speak."

"Yes sir. Sir it's about the madam. My men who have been tailing her this past few years have finally given me an update. I heard from an insider that Miss Avery Anderson is coming back to the country. There was no specific date given.

There was silence for a few minutes. Aaron got scared as he had just touched Alexander's bottom line.

Surprisingly, he didn't react.