
Forbidden Pleasure

A secret agen named Plasid Jace Watsons was assigned to execute the heir of Gazelles Company, named Jeanne Gracias Gazelles. Plasid thought that it would be easy for him to execute the heir but little did he know that the woman that he is about to kill is a certified pompous brat. Who happens to have a secret agenda, too. with their mismatched compatibility traits, will they be able to accomplish their mission?

Sh4k3speare · Ação
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1 Chs


This is a work of fiction, any names, characters, events, places, dates, and such are either product of author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

This will be my second time around to write a short novel with an R18 content so bear with me if I wouldn't be able to meet your expectations.

no one should copy, reiterate, translate, transfer and plagiarized this content without my permission.

Happy reading :)


"Faster... baby, ohh." I moaned and embrace him tightly because of the pleasure that is filling my entire body.

He engulfed me with a faster pace and trusted my womanhood deeper. "Oh my goodness gracious!"

He just smirk at my reaction and stared at my lips with full of lust.

The corners of my lips twitched. You want this? Then, get it!

I lick my lower lip and blurted a seductive moan. His eyes that is full of lust darkened and aggressively cover my lips. He cupped my face and explore my whole mouth. Every details, every edges of my lips, he's exploring it all like there's no tomorrow.

"Oh..." I heard him moan in the middle of our kiss.

Didn't thinking about what the hell is this man thinking, I fought back against hiss kisses. Like how he aggressively crushed his lips into mine's. Full of hunger like a lone submissive wolf.

Upon fighting back, Plasid suddenly stunned. Making my face drawned by irritation.

I arched a brow. "Fuck, Plasid! Just fuck me!"

His jaw clenched and eyes darkened. I felt his hands tightened his grips on my face and his pace became unreasonably faster. Making me grinned in pleasure. This is the hell I wanted!

"Oh... Plasid, own me... Ohh."

He fiercedly look into my eyes, and then I felt his sword inside me, tightened. So I gripped my hands on his back tighter, not minding my long nailes that's surely piercing his tanned skin.

He loosened his lips, leaving mine swollen, and darkly looked at me. "Turn over, Mi Amore."

I followed his command without him, taking his shaft off inside me. Making my pussy ache a bit.

He posistioned himself and grab my chest as he filled me once again. With his full length, speed pace, and his aura full of lust.


"Let's change up, the ball's coming soon." I commanded while looking at him questioningly.

"Later, Mi Amor. Just give me this chance."

I rolled my eyes and just didn't mind the ball. Stunned after feeling his shaft sti hard inside me.

"What the hell, Plasid!?" I fussed but he just laugh seeing my annoyance.

"My baby still want another round, Mi amore." He jokingly muttered while doing a puppy look.

"The fu—"

"What the hell?!" Someone from the door full of enraged shouted, making the both os us flinched.

My whole body trembled and went cold.


to be continued...

10 stars for the next update :)