
Forbidden Pleasure (a succubus romance)

Abuse and mental torment, those were the things Prince go through in his everyday life, he was used to it but as time passes by he was starting to get tired till finally he ran away. Alone and starving in the middle of the woods he thought his life was coming to an end till a mysterious woman who just happened to pass by found him and took him in her care. The woman was strange and mysterious to Prince, apart from her living in the woods away from the population, her presence made Prince uneasy but he was in no position to complain after she fed him and gave him food. As days passes by, Prince was starting to have some deep emotions towards the woman he barely knows. Everything would've been fine till things went downwards after he learned a dark secret about the woman he secretly loved. She was a succubus and loving her was impossible yet Prince was determined and won't give up till he gets the love of his life, even if she was a creation of the devil. Warning⚠️: Book may contain abuse and explicit contents that sensitive readers may find disturbing. You have been warned, enjoy reading !

AsahinaMinamoto · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Running away

         My legs were aching, every part of my body hurts but I didn't stop running.

I was free.

No more suffering.

No more pain.

No more abuse.

Just freedom.

"Mphhm!" I slammed face first on the muddy ground, the dirty water seeping through my mouth and nostrils so fast I choked and coughed them out, wiping my face with my muddy hands to try and remove some of it from my face.

Once again I started running back on track to nowhere in particular, I just wanted to get as far away from the place I call home.

Rain started pouring, the clouds covering my only source of light which made it harder for me to see where I was going with only the moonlight's bright glow helping me navigate through this thick forest but that's not enough reason to stop me on my tracks.

'There should be someone nearby I could ask for help'

Those thoughts echoed in my head again though after running for almost an hour now my hope of asking for help was down to negative yet it didn't make me stop. All I want was to get away, to not be found so I kept running even if my body was about to just slump down on the ground, the muscles on my calves aching and wanting a break.

The rain had finally stop for a good 30 minutes, wet mushy ground and large muddy puddles were what it left.

I was leaning against a large tree gasping hard for air. I was muddy and soaking wet, my whole body was trembling with the cold and it didn't help that I was fully exhausted and wanting some water on my system.

I scanned my eyes around for any sources of fresh water but to no avail all I saw was the dirty puddles of rain water, I also couldn't hear any stream from a river close to our house which means I was very far away. Hopefully.

Slumping down on the ground I hugged my knees, laying my head above it with an effort to warm my soaked body.

It was dangerous to be out at this hour, I would catch a sickness or rather be eaten by the dangerous predators lurking around the woods.

"I'm starting to have regrets" I whispered to myself, hugging my knees even tighter. My efforts were for naught cause the cold was still seeping past my wet clothes down to my skin.

Y'all must be wondering what the hell is going on, why am I in the woods wet and muddy well long story short, I ran away from my abusive parents.

After years and years of torment and abuse I finally got away from them.

To be honest I wanted to kill myself back then but something told me in the back of my head to keep living so I did but I didn't want to keep staying on that God forsaken place called my home so here I am, in the middle of the woods, cold, starving and exhausted; oh and probably dying due to dehydration or getting eaten by some dangerous predators hunting for food at night.

"I'm so stupid" I laughed and coughed hard, sneezing at the same time then laughed again.

'I'm losing my mind'. I thought grimly, looking up in the sky and admiring the bright moon.

"Life is so unfair!" I screamed, my voice breaking as tears started streaming down my eyes.

"Well atleast I get to see something beautiful before I died" I snorted, realizing that I would really die right here on the spot.

I hate how cruel this world is, I have never tasted happiness in my life, such a cruel way to die but I guess this peacefulness is enough for me.

"I just wish this would be a painless death" I murmured before finally closing my eyes, letting myself succumb to the exhaustion. A little nap that would turn into an eternal slumber.

Sounds great.

                             ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


'Huh? I hear something'


'Who is it?'

"You still have a pulse, open your eyes"

I slowly opened my eyes, my sight being blurry at first till I blinked a few times, clearing my vision.

"I'm glad you're alive"


Squatting down in front of me was a beautiful woman, staring at me with big chocolate brown eyes hiding under a curtain of thick long lashes.

"Hello.." I said in awe, staring at her mesmerizing eyes.

The woman frowned, raised her petite hands and placed them upon my forehead.

It was so soft and warm that I wanted to lean my head towards it yet she pulled it away too fast.

"Why are you here? It's midnight" she asked in concern.

I couldn't tell strangers, especially who came out of nowhere the reason so I stayed quiet.

It looked like she wasn't offended or wanting to know the reason as she nodded her head, standing up and brushing the dust off of her black loose cargo pants.

Black cargo pants and black loose long sleeved chiffon shirt.... that's a weird outfit to be in the middle of the woods.

I also stood up, suddenly noticing how muddy I was made me self conscious and embarrassed at her presence.

She might think I'm homeless. Well I am right now but still.

"I'm sure you don't have anywhere to go" she suddenly spoked which moved my attention back to her.

"Y..yes..." I stuttered, getting even more embarrassed for no reason.

"Come with me" she stated.

"Excuse me?" I asked confusedly and quite suspicious too.

'You're suspicious yet didn't question yourself when you leaned into her touch?' A voice in the back of my head echoed.

The woman kept going without looking back not answering my question. I was left to contemplate wether to follow her or stay here till I finally decided to follow her since my gut says so.

'What if she's a bad person?'

My inner self whispered in the back of my head which got me thinking.

If she was...I would start running away again. I thought grimly cause the idea of running away in the dark was scaring me a little now.

After a few minutes of walking to somewhere I don't know my stomach suddenly growled loudly, indicating my hunger which made the woman stop in her tracks but didn't look back.

"We're near, there's a hot soup waiting at my cabin, hold your hunger for now" she assured and kept walking.

'She's really weird but in a nice way.'

I thought as I followed her yet kept about a feet distance between us.

Another minute has passed till she finally stopped.

"We're here" she announced in quite a monotone voice but at that moment I didn't care.

'What...am I seeing!?' I screamed in my head as I look at the three story house probably inspired by Italian architecture made of wood and brick right infront of us; there's even a 7ft stone wall with vines surrounding it, the two sides linking together in the middle where a metal gate was placed.

'How is this a cabin!?'

"Come in, make yourself feel at home" she mused then opened the gate and entering while I was there gaping at the sight.

'Who was this person?'

Thank you for reading this! if you like the story please vote with your power stones it motivates me to know people liked it and makes the updates quicker.

*coughs* I usually update once a week *coughs*

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