
Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate

"Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate" is an enchanting and passionate paranormal romance that delves into the depths of forbidden love between an alpha werewolf and a captivating vampire. In the mysterious land of Elysia, moonlit forests and ancient feuds reignite as Alpha Gabriel finds himself inexplicably drawn to Selene, his sworn enemy. Their clandestine romance unfolds against the backdrop of an impending war between werewolves and vampires, challenging long-standing prejudices and traditions. As their love becomes a catalyst for change, they must navigate their roles as leaders, striving to bridge the divide between their warring factions and create a world where werewolves and vampires can coexist in harmony. With vivid imagery, emotive prose, and the power of love, this story weaves a captivating tale of sacrifice, unity, and the indomitable spirit of a love that defies all odds.

LegendMoore · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Gabriel stood rigid in the lit alleyway as the flickering street light shines upon his face. He turned at the sound of approaching footsteps, his eyes widening as Mark emerged from the shadows.

"Why are you here?" Mark asked sternly, his voice low and accusing.

Gabriel looked away. Mumbled, "Nothing. I was just...passing by."

Mark stepped closer, with eyes. "Don't lie to me. I've seen you sneaking around meeting with her." He spat out the word, like a curse.

Gabriel's shoulders tensed up. He remained silent. Inside his mind raced. How did Mark find out?

A look of disgust curled Mark's lip. "She's a vampire. A parasite." "Do you remember who we are?" He walked back and forth in front of Gabriel like a wolf confined in a cage.

Gabriel looked up. "It's not what you think. Honestly, there are things you don't understand" he said, his voice trembling slightly.

"You're betraying us!" Mark growled, his fists clenched. "Colluding with the enemy."

Gabriel took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He needed to make Mark understand the complexity of the situation, but the words seemed stuck in his throat.

Mark moved closer, his eyes filled with fury. Gabriel braced himself. He couldn't disclose the truth yet. His pack, his family relied on him. He met Mark's gaze, without hesitation.

"There are factions emerging "Mark whispered urgently. "Choose wisely where your loyalties lie."

After saying that, he walked away silently into the darkness again. Gabriel slumped against the alley wall, uncertainty and fear clouding his mind. The decision burdened him heavily in his mind.

Gabriel watched as Mark faded away into the shadows, his shoulders drooping in defeat. Inside him a tempest raged.

He had hoped to avoid this confrontation to keep his relationship with Selene a secret. But he should have known better; Mark was too perceptive and bound by traditions.

Summoning all his strength, Gabriel straightened himself against the alley wall. He had to tell Mark the truth, make him understand that what he shared with Selene went beyond the ancient blood feud between their clans. Greater forces were at play—mysteries that neither pack nor coven could comprehend.

"Wait" he called out with his voice echoing through the alleyway.

For a moment, silence was the response.

Reluctantly, Mark emerged from the shadows again, his body tense, like a spring. His eyes glowed with accusation.

Gabriel met his gaze without flinching. "I won't deny that I've been secretly meeting Selene, even before today," he admitted, pausing to gather his courage." It's not what you think. There are things happening, things that you can't even begin to understand."

A sneer formed on Mark's lips. "Don't tell me you've fallen for that parasite."

Raising his chin, Gabriel replied firmly "We have, but It's more than that. There are mysteries unfolding, things spoken of in prophecies. Selene and I….We're somehow connected to them."

Disbelief and doubt showed on Mark's face while Gabriel pressed on quickly.

"Please, brother. I understand how it seems. But you have to trust me. Our kinds have been at war for so long, blinded by hatred…Selene and I...we represent an opportunity for peace."

Mark stared at him silently for a moment before turning away.

"I hope you're right," he murmured quietly. "For the sake of all of us".

Gabriel watched as Mark walked away; relief washing over him as his shoulders slumped slightly. It was a step.

There would be a lot of work to be done in order to mend the rift between their two kinds. However, for the first time, a glimmer of hope sparked in his heart.

As Mark's footsteps echoed through the alley, Gabriel leaned against the brick wall, exhaling a trembling breath. His heart raced in his chest, still fueled by the rush of adrenaline from their confrontation.

Gabriel knew Mark enough to recognize the uncertainty and hesitation in his eyes. He couldn't blame him – a forbidden romance between a werewolf and vampire went against everything they had been taught since birth. The romance was forbidden for a good reason.

Yet…. Gabriel closed his eyes, envisioning Selene's face in his mind's eye. Her flawless complexion, jet hair and lips that curved into a smile meant only for him. She defied everything he had been taught – she was gentle, curious and as eager for connection, just as he also was.

With her by his side, the centuries old grudge between their kinds seemed to dissolve. But both of them struggled with the burden of secrecy.

Gabriel yearned for the day they would freely be together without the fear of facing consequences.

Maybe this could be a starting point. If Gabriel could make Mark understand. If he could make him see that vampires are more than bloodthirsty monsters... Maybe, just maybe there was hope after all.

Taking a breath, with unwavering determination in his heart, Gabriel knew he had to convince Mark and the rest of their pack. He had to believe that it was possible—for Selene's sake and for the future of their people.

"Mark" Gabriel began in a resolute voice, meeting Mark's gaze without wavering. "I understand that this challenges and goes against everything we've been taught...But the truth is not as clear cut as we believed. Selene...She's different from the others."

Mark's eyes narrowed, his body tense with skepticism. "How can you be so sure? You know how manipulative they can be."

Gabriel shook his head gently. "I just know it within my heart. When we're together it feels like... Like centuries of hatred between our races disappears. She truly sees me for who I am, beyond being a werewolf." His voice, showing more emotions as he spoke.

"We both desire the same thing. Peace between our people. Can't you see? Our love has the potential to bridge the gap!"

Mark scoffed dismissively. "You really believe that? Are you willing to jeopardize everything. Your position as Alpha and the safety of our pack. For a fantasy?"

Gabriel's eyes sparked with anger. "It's not a fantasy! I thought you of all people would understand. He moved closer, his hands tightly clenched.

"If we don't seize this opportunity, the cycle of violence will continue indefinitely. We must explore possibilities." Gabriel's voice echoed through the alleyway loud with conviction.

Mark stood firm. "At what cost? I cannot stand by and watch while you put our pack in danger, for a vampire." His gaze bore into Gabriel's. "You are our Alpha. It's time for you to act like it."

Gabriel fell silent, feeling the weight of leadership pressing upon him again. Could he safeguard both his pack and his beloved?. Was he deceiving himself by believing it was achievable?

Doubt slowly infiltrated Gabriel's mind even as desperation clawed at his heart.

The future of both werewolves and vampires relied on him.

Mark's hands tightened at his sides, his knuckles turning pale from the tension. Disappointment showed on his face as he slowly realized the truth.

"All this time, I thought you had the best interests of our pack in mind, "he said, speaking with a low voice. "Now I see that you're only concerned about yourself."

Gabriel flinched, responding to the accusation. "That's not true! I'm striving to create a future for all of us. This hatred between our kinds has lasted long enough."

Mark took a step closer, his eyes blazing with intensity. "At what cost? Our traditions? Our way of life?" He pointed a finger at Gabriel's chest.

"You're the Alpha, it's your responsibility to uphold the laws, not sneaking around and breaking them for your own selfish desires. "Mark exclaimed angrily, spewing saliva from his lips.

Gabriel's shoulders slumped as he realized Mark was right. He had neglected his duties. However he couldn't let go of the flicker of hope that had taken hold in his heart.

"I know that you don't understand," Gabriel said softly. "But I have to listen to my heart in this matter."

Mark snarled with a curled lip, "Your heart? A true Alpha leads with his head, not his heart."

Turning away with fists, Gabriel yearned to make Mark see. Unfortunately, Mark's mind was closed off now, creating a divide between them.

As Gabriel watched his friend walk away, thoughts raced through his mind. He recalled Selene's eyes filled with serenity and acceptance – her nature and kind heart shining past old prejudices.

If he gave up on their love, could that light within Selene be extinguished forever? The mere thought was unbearable for Gabriel.

He was determined to give it a shot, no matter the consequences.

Mark's footsteps echoed through the alley while Gabriel stood alone, burdened by the weight of his choices. He knew that the path ahead wouldn't be smooth. There would be many people, like Mark, who will criticize his decision.

However, within his heart, Gabriel held on tightly to the vision of a better future. A future where werewolves and vampires could coexist without fear. Where children would grow up without ever knowing the hatred or the bitterness of old grudges.

He was determined to make them understand and help them see what he had seen. That beyond customs and traditions there exists a warmth and light that is worth fighting for.

Selene represents a glimmer of hope, the first ray of light, after a long and dark night. Together they would bring forth a day.

With determination, Gabriel straightened himself up. The night air felt somehow lighter as he walked away, from the alley. Inside him a new hope sparked.

There would be challenges, sacrifices that would be made.. But with Selene by his side, he felt confident that they could confront any challenges that came their way.

The old traditions is falling apart. It's time for a new era to emerge.

Mark stood still, watching Gabriel's fading footsteps until there was silence. The narrow alley now seemed vast with shadows growing in Gabriel's absence.

Mark's mind spun, searching for stability amidst uncertainty. Moments ago everything had made sense. An harsh reality. The pack always came first; their safety was paramount. Any threat had to be eliminated regardless of the cost. This was the way of their kind. The only way he knows.

Or So he thought.

Now, Mark did not even know what to believe. Gabriel's confession shattered the foundation of his beliefs.

Could a vampire be more than a soulless bloodsucking monster? Is it possible for ancient enemies to find ground or even achieve peace? The idea seemed absurd and unimaginable in his mind.

Yet, Mark couldn't ignore what he saw in Gabriel's eyes. Pure emotion and unwavering conviction. Perhaps it was foolishness or even madness to consider the possibilities. 

But could it also be the glimmer of something better?

These questions raced through Mark's mind. He had no idea where they would lead, whether to hope or despair.

Yet, for the first time, the path ahead seemed like an uncertain journey, towards brightness.