
A New Beginning

Jenna and I hung out all day till it had gotten dark. Our usual plan was to get ice cream than send me back home. But instead we spent a whole day at the mall, doing nothing but buying things we needed and wanted.

I didn't have any money even if I did live in a rich house with a rich family. So Jenna had bought most, well all of my things.

As she drove into the driveway, I gathered my things.

"Thank you for the wonderful day Jenna." I said smiling at her.

"Of course. Are you excited for tomorrow?" She asked.

"What exactly is tomorrow?" I asked her, curious.

"School. You didn't know that?" She asked concerned.

I was shocked. I knew I had to go to school. But I didn't know it would be this early. Kate must've turned in the papers before she adopted me without saying. She did say she had gotten everything ready for when I arrived. But obviously I was to excited to question what she had meant by that and what she had gotten ready.

"Oh, no. Kate never told me anything about school. But I'm guessing she had already given the school all the papers with my information." I said, now curious about the school I was going to.

"Oh. Well the only school close to this area is Lakewood High. That's the school everyone goes to if they live in this town." Jenna said unlocking the car.

"Oh okay. Well I'll see you tomorrow than." I said opening the car door. Than walking out into the driveway.

"Okay!" She shouted from her drivers seat.

I closed the car door and waved goodbye as Jenna backed out of the driveway.

I walked inside the house after unlocking the door. The house was silent. I went upstairs to my room, not wondering where James was. I didn't care about where he would be. He yelled at me this morning because I slapped Jessica. Even when I didn't remember doing so. He couldn't blame me for it. After all, there was a full table of liquor, and tap water was not going to be the other option on what to drink.

I went into my closet to change out of what I was wearing. But before I could do so a voice had spooked me into staying stiff.

"Hey Ella." A very familiar voice had said from behind me.

I turned around to find James sitting in the same chair as he always did.

"Get out. Don't make me say it again." I said, upset at the fact that he came into my room without permission.

"Please, just give me some time to explain." He said softly with a sad voice.

"You have thirty seconds. Start talking." I demanded, walking out of my closet, sitting on my bed.

"Okay. Well first off I want to say sorry for yelling at you this morning. Jessica is fine, and you were also very drunk because of the whole table of non sober drinks. That was my fault and I'm sorry.

Second, I should have checked with you to see how you were doing while at the party. I knew that it was going to get crazy and should have warned you in the process.

Thirdly, I was not being a big brother last night. I didn't put any juice on that table. I didn't stay with you at the party, and I didn't take you to your room when I saw you drunk like that. That was all my mistake and I'm so sorry for all of it." He said with a tear coming from his eye.

He was never heart felt with me. Even if it has only been just a few days with him, he was always just joking around with me, acting like a friend than a brother. But today was different.

I had no idea if I wanted to forgive him.

Deep inside I knew why I wanted to stay mad. The reason wasn't because he had yelled at me this morning. The reason was because I was jealous. I hated the fact that someone as amazing as him was dating someone like Jessica.

"I understand. I get it. But you had many chances to tell me. To come over to me and say not to drink what was at the table. You had many chances to grab my wrist and pull me from the party and put me in my room where I couldn't make a full of myself. But instead, you stood by Jessica watching like everyone else. Like you didn't know who I was. And that can not be forgiven. At least not now." I said with my head down trying not to cry myself while he was still in the room.

James had stood up from the chair, than sat next to me on the bed.

He put his hand on my cheek and moved my face to look at him eye to eye.

"I understand. I'm still sorry. But listen, I don't care if you forgive me or not, or if you don't even see me as a brother. You don't have to see me as a brother, because I don't see you as a sister." He said softly wiping his own tears.

I was shocked "What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"What I mean is that I lo-"

And as he was about to say the words I was guessing. His phone rang.

James looked at his phone. "I'm sorry. It's Jessica. I need to take this."

And as he left my room, my heart dropped.

I shook my head in disappointment of myself. He will never love you. I said to myself.

I went into my closet, got dressed. Than went straight to bed, not caring about what had just happened. But deep inside knowing I was going to think about it for hours and maybe days. And as I cried softly, I had finally fallen to sleep.