
Unexpected Meeting

——-Seven years later——-

LingYu has just entered the palace with Auntie Bai to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday. As they headed to the Dowager's palace a maid hurriedly rushes over. "Madame Bai you are needed in the kitchen to double check on her highness Empress Dowager's menu for tonight's celebration." Auntie Bai nodded and turned to LingYu. "Go attend the Empress Dowager, make sure she have everything she needs and make sure all the preparations for your performance later is complete as well. " LingYu nodded and watches as Auntie Bai hurriedly left with the maid. LingYu continues on but stopped when she heard the sound of the zither playing. It was coming from behind a wall in the palace she has not been to before. As she looked around no one was in sight. "maybe I can take a little peek to see who is playing this beautiful music." Thought LingYu. As she got closer to a big door the music got louder. She notice the door wasn't closed entirely so she peeked through the opening. It was a garden and sitting next to a little pond under a tree was a man playing the soothing and calming music. As the man played the music his hands moved gracefully as he pulled on the string of the zither. He has his eyes closed and nodded his head gently with the rhythm of the music. As LingYu listen she was so into the music she didn't see a person coming from behind her. "How dare a servant girl like you spy on the second prince!" The voice startled her as she lost her balance and falls through the door. She felt a hand caught her wrist and pulled her in as another hand slid around her waist to help her balance. The whole world was spinning, next thing she remembers was her hand resting on someone's chest. As she looks up she saw a man with brown eyes and was holding her. "Impudent girl! How dare you!" Yelled one of the guard. "Arrest her!" The man holding her raises his hand to signal for them to stop as he releases LingYu. The Second prince stops playing and walks over to see what the commotion was about. "I'm... I'm sorry."LingYu said as she bowed and ran off quickly back to where she came from. " What happened forth brother?" Asked second prince. "Just a little lost girl." Answered Forth prince with a smile as he watches her rush off.