
For Us (Glee)

What happened after Brittany and Santana's vacation in lesbos? They had to return to real life eventually right? Back to New York, back to their friends, back to figuring out what being an adult means. This is basically how I see their life going (with some flashbacks to before this story starts for some flavour.) This is a long one, so buckle in ;)

Sam_Lulpus · TV
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 26

Leaving Brazil was harder than Santana had anticipated. Up until the plane took off she kept expecting Brittany to say she couldn't do it. To burst into tears and tell Santana to continue the tour without her. But that didn't happen. Though there were tears from both of them, they boarded the plane and it took off, with both of them on it. If asked, Santana wouldn't really be able to say how her stay in Colombia went. It was only five days but it felt like a year. She kept imagining that some other Brazilian family were at that moment filing for adoption of the two precious babies she'd just left behind and the worst part was that it was entirely possible. It wasn't her anxiety or pessimism messing with her head. Eric had told them that there was no guarantee they would get the twins. There was a high demand for new borns in the adoption world, apparently. The only thing that helped them was that because they were born premature, the boys would have to stay in the hospital for a few months on ventilators. Santana just hoped they could get back before they were taken off them. She wanted to be the first person to hold them without all the tubes.

To keep her mind from going to the worst case scenario, she threw herself fully into every concert. She arrived early for rehearsals and gave everything she had into choreography. She would make every minute she had to be away from the two newest loves of her life worth it.

Her and Brittany's wedding anniversary came when they were in Argentina. Instead of moping around and feeling depressed, Brittany organised a whole day of fun activities. It distracted them both enough to actually relish the fact that they had now been married for a year. One whole year. It put some things into perspective for Santana. Like the fact that teenage her would have had a heart attack if she knew she was touring the world at sold out shows. She decided to appreciate it as best she could.

Asia was nothing like she'd imagined. Everyone was nicer than the last person she met. They made her feel like she was a president or queen or something, always bowing or kissing her hand. In India Brittany even managed to convince her to explore, much like in Brazil, and they ended up at a festival she learned was called Njangattiri Aanayoottu. To Brittany's immense delight, it was a festival centred around Elephants. Real elephants. Real elephants that you could feed and touch and take pictures with. Santana had never seen Brittany so excited in her life. They made a note to come back to India some time in March for the festival of colours, which their native guide told them was a must see.

From India they went to Japan, and Santana fell in love. She loved how similar Tokyo was to New York, but also how different it was. Most of all, she loved the energy. It made her understand some people's obsession with K-pop.

Loud screaming filled the night air. Thousands and thousands of voices forming one solid wall of impenetrable sound that hit Brittany so hard she felt like her entire body was vibrating and her head was being compressed. She clasped her hands over her ears and shut her eyes, wondering why on earth she had decided to sit in the crowd. Standing up quickly, she jumped over the small gate that separated the crowd from the stage, helped by one of the security guards, and jogged backstage, feeling her body relax as the sound got slightly quieter.

"Hi Brittany" she heard someone call. Without turning around to see who it was she waved her hand in the air, looking around at the signs around her to see where she was. Finding what she was looking for she ran down the corridor, gracefully avoiding the dozens of people bustling around. A few called out to her, asking if she was lost, but she ignored them. Finally, she turned a corner into a corridor that was significantly darker than the rest of the building, and she slowed down. She walked calmly, looking at each door intently before moving on and humming a tune that had been stuck in her head for two weeks. Finally she stopped at a door that was black just like all the others, but had a yellow sticker just by the handle. Smiling to herself she ran her finger over it, then pushed the door open and slipped inside.

As soon as she closed the door behind her she was pushed against it, warm lips encasing hers. She hummed into the kiss, bringing both her hands to wrap around a slender, slightly sweaty waist.

"What took you so long?" Santana asked, briefly disconnecting their lips so that she could kiss down Brittany's neck. Brittany exhaled slowly, happily, closing her eyes at the feel of Santana's tongue just below her ear and trying not to shudder.

"I had to come from further away" she husked, the words barely audible as she strained to contain the groan threatening to bubble out as Santana bit down on a sensitive spot on her neck and her hands wormed their up her sides, grazing the side of her breasts. Santana grunted in response, moving back up to Brittany's mouth as she pushed her own body harder into Brittany's.

This time Brittany couldn't contain the moan. She loved feeling Santana's body against her, especially now when Santana was wearing so little and her hands had access to so much warm, pulsing skin. She grabbed Santana's barely covered ass, forcing their bodies impossibly closer together and making Santana moan, and lightly nipped Santana's bottom lip. Brittany smiled. She loved this; the teenage-like passion that she and Santana seemed to have rekindled when they landed in Asia. It had taken them a few days in each other's company to finally talk over the fight they had had in Rio, to talk over the entire situation really, and by the time their 27 hour journey from Argentina to Japan had ended, their relationship was well beyond mended. Two and half weeks going round Asia and they had spent every second they could, wrapped in each other's arms. And Brittany was loving it. It reminded her of how they were in high school once Santana had come out and was no longer scared of being caught. Constantly craving each other, never being able to get enough. Every touch sending electrifying chills up her spine.

"Fuck I need you now" Santana murmured against Brittany's lips, her hands, having slipped under Brittany's shirt, now both gripping her breasts, her thumbs rubbing circles around Brittany's nipples. Brittany shuddered, already feeling like her legs would not support her for much longer. She grabbed the hem of Santana's tiny tank top and hastily pulled it over her head, pulling down the straps of her bra and unclipping it immediately after. She dragged her nails down Santana's back eliciting another delicious moan from her, as she made her way down to her shorts. She teased around the waist, dipping a finger in as she traced around the edges, using the belt loops to pull Santana's waist against hers.

Santana pulled back slightly, lifting Brittany's shirt over her head and pulling the already unclasped bra down her arms, letting it fall to the floor, before attacking her neck with renewed vigour. She bit down every so often, smirking at the small moans and hisses Brittany gave, nimbly unbuttoning her jeans. Brittany's head was leaned back against the door, her eyes shut in ecstasy and her breathing fast and heavy. It took her a moment to realise that Santana had stopped, but as soon as she did and her eyes opened to see what Santana was doing, Santana pulled down her jeans and underwear forcefully, lowering herself to the ground and smirking up at Brittany.

"Fuck" Brittany said, exhaling heavily as she felt like her entire body was engulfed in flames. How could Santana be so sexy? As Santana brought her face forward, dangerously close to her pussy, Brittany struggled to keep her eyes open, wanting to commit this image to her memory forever. Santana placed her hands on the inside of Brittany's thighs and pushed gently, telling her to open them wider, and Brittany did not even waste a second before she complied, her chest heaving as she struggled to keep oxygen in her lungs.

Santana kissed once on the inside of each thigh where her hands had been, then suddenly and quite without warning, she dragged her tongue through Brittany's folds. Brittany's hands flew outwards, searching for anything to hold on to, anything to steady herself as her entire body shook with pleasure.

"Fuck…Fuck…Fuck" she said between rapid breaths. The combination of the excitement of watching Santana dance sexily on stage for hours and sneaking away to a closet like teenagers, had Brittany already wound so tightly that she didn't think it would be long before she was coming undone. She gripped Santana's shoulder, nails digging into the skin, as Santana sucked her clit into her mouth. Her other hand moved to her breast, palming it. Santana moaned and let her clit pop from her mouth gently.

"You're so hot Britt" she said in a voice hoarse with arousal. Brittany dropped her eyes so she was looking directly at Santana, though her eyes were only half open. Keeping her eyes locked on Brittany's, Santana retook her clit into her mouth, this time bringing two fingers to tease at Brittany's entrance.

"Oh god" Brittany said in a low voice, the words coming out almost like a growl and her eyes fluttering closed.

"You like that baby?" Santana asked, dipping her fingers in only an inch before pulling them out again. Brittany nodded her head not lifting it from the door, and moaned loudly as Santana went in a little further. "I'm gonna fuck you so good" Santana told her, licking through her folds and flicking her clit as she pushed her fingers in. Brittany moaned again, bucking her hips. "Do you want that?" Santana asked. Brittany nodded frantically, every cell in her body aching for Santana to be inside her properly.

"Tell me what you want B" Santana said. The rasp of Santana's voice sent a whole new wave of arousal shooting through Brittany's body so that she bucked her hips again and felt more wetness drip from her already soaking pussy. "Fuuuck" Santana moaned, "You're so wet Britt, tell me what you want baby"

"I want you to fuck me Santana" Brittany said, her voice stronger than she had been expecting. She looked down at Santana. "I want you to fuck me hard." Santana closed her eyes for a second, trying to push down her own arousal, licked her lips, and then drove her fingers deep into Brittany.


Thirty minutes later, Brittany and Santana walked back down the corridor, grinning madly and fully sated. For now.

"We're so awesome" Brittany said in an airy voice, feeling so happy she could burst. Santana laughed and took Brittany's hand, pulling her faster round the corner.

"We're so late. I bet Eve is about to lose it. And don't even get me started on Emma." Brittany laughed. "Don't mention what we were doing B. She'll suspect it but won't say anything unless you mention it so don't." Santana said, trying to sound serious but failing as she grinned at Brittany. Brittany zipped her mouth and pretended to throw away the key. "Good"

"SANTANA" A voice yelled as they turned a third corner. Santana looked at Brittany quickly, suppressing giggles and walked faster.

"I know I know…I'm really sorry." Santana started, avoiding looking at Brittany, knowing she'd burst out laughing if she did.

"We've been looking all over for you for almost forty five minutes. Nobody knew where you'd gone, you'd just disappeared off the stage" Eve said, her face red and puffed up. She looked highly agitated. Santana tried to feel sorry, but she was a grown woman. She didn't need to ask permission to have a few minutes with her wife. Instead of apologizing again, because she knew it was fruitless, she opted for looking sorry.

"Are you going to tell us where you've been?" Emma said, sounding like she was trying very hard not to shout.

"With my wife" Santana said, feeling slightly annoyed at the way she was being treated. Eve softened immediately at her tone, but Emma scoffed.

"You have a meet and greet in five minutes. You haven't showered, changed, rested-"

"Who said she wasn't resting?" Brittany said. Santana fought the urge to laugh at the purely innocent voice Brittany was using. She bit her top lip and chose to look at the security guards around them instead of Emma or Eve, lest she give away Brittany's act.

"Oh?" Emma said unconvinced. "Why couldn't you rest in her changing room?"

"Who said she has to?" Brittany asked simply. "And honestly with you people always coming in and out, the band, hair and make-up and god even knows who else, it's not really rest. She was better off with me"

Santana was impressed. She had been with Brittany, yet even she was becoming convinced that their sneaking away had been completely innocent. She chanced a glance at Emma, and was surprised to find that she looked significantly more relaxed, even sorry.

"Yeah ok…" she finally said, looking at Santana. "Just go take the fastest shower of your life and get out there. We can't be late for this or we'll miss our flight to South Africa." Santana groaned at the thought of another plane ride, but allowed herself to be dragged into her dressing room by Eve.

"Brittany's good" Eve said when the door was closed. Santana turned to face her, eyes wide in shock.

"What…Uh…what do you mean?" she asked hesitantly, looking at Brittany.

"She almost had me" Eve said, winking at Brittany, who winked back.


Santana always loved meet and greets. She always loved meeting her fans anyway, but at meet and greets they were significantly more calm. This meant that without all the screaming and crying, she could actually talk to them. For two hours, she sat at a table signing autographs and taking pictures. She heard hundreds of stories from hundreds of fans, trying her best to understand those who couldn't really speak English. Weeks of touring foreign countries though, had robbed her of the shame in asking people to repeat themselves, or else for someone else to translate. When the time came for her to finally leave, she stood up and took the microphone from Eve.

"Hey everyone!" she shouted into the mic. The call to attention was unnecessary because everyone's eyes were on her already, but the room did become significantly quieter.

"I just wanted to thank you all so much for coming out tonight" Everyone clapped and cheered at this, and Santana laughed modestly. "No seriously. Thank you guys. It's because you're all so awesome that I get to come out here and live my dream, and honestly it means so much to me that you connect with my music like this-" her words were cut off by a few screams of 'we love you Santana'. She laughed. "I love you too. I genuinely love all of you guys. I'm really going to miss Tokyo, it's definitely one of my all-time favourite cities." Everyone cheered loudly as she finished talking, handing back the mic and blowing kisses to the crowd. As she made to walk out of the room however, Eve pulled her back. She raised an eyebrow questioningly at her.

"They have something they wanted to tell you too" Eve told her. Santana looked back at the crowd and saw a woman in the middle, standing on a chair with a microphone.

"My English is…is not that good I'm sorry" the girl began. She looked about the same age as Santana, maybe younger. Santana quickly took the mic back from Eve.

"You're English is great don't apologise. What's your name?" Santana had made sure, when she had decided to go around the world, that she had mastered the art of speaking slowly and clearly, without it being condescending. She had practiced it so often that it now came naturally to her, so that she only really spoke normally when she was in Brittany's presence. Something about being around Brittany distracted her mind enough that she forgot what she was supposed to be doing.

"Yua" the girl said, blushing profusely. "We want to thank you…so much, for coming to Tokyo. You say…said…we love you music, but we also love you. You are inspire to us…" she paused and bent to talk to someone next to her. "An inspiration to us…sorry." Santana muttered a quiet 'that's ok' in the mic, smiling. "You make us to believe that it is ok to be ourselves, and for me especially, you mean the most to me" her voice was shaking with emotions, a few tears falling from her eyes. Santana pursed her lips and placed her hand over her heart, thoroughly moved. "You mean the most to all of us, and coming here to Tokyo, meeting with us like this here, it just shows how amazing you are. And we thank you so much." She finished in a very quiet voice, her words drowned out by her sobbing, but Santana heard them loud and clear. She walked around the table to where the girl was standing. Yua jumped down from the chair, clearly fighting hysterics.

"Can I give you a hug?" Santana asked quietly, though Yua's microphone picked up her voice and carried it across the room. She nodded vigorously, and Santana pulled her in, wrapping her arms around her. Being held by Santana seemed to be too much for Yua to handle, and her entire body shook with the force of her tears, though she held Santana weakly, like she was trying not to hurt her. Santana shushed her comfortingly, rubbing up and down her back and feeling close to tears herself.

"Thank you so much telling me all those things. It means more than you know to me Yua. Is there something else you want to say?" Santana asked gently. Yua nodded. "Is it about why I mean so much to you?" Yua nodded her head, slowly removing herself from Santana's embrace and trying valiantly to pull herself together. She opened her mouth to speak, but Santana stopped her, taking the microphone out of her hand.

"Thank you so much everyone. This night, and really all my time in Tokyo has been amazing. I'll definitely come back. Have a good night" she said to the rest of the crowd. She waved at them as she walked, pulling Yua with her, and blew one last kiss before walking out of the room and towards her dressing room.

"Eve, please give us a few minutes" she said once they had entered her room. Brittany was lying across one of the couches with headphones on, but took them off quickly when she saw Yua and stood up. Yua began crying again at the sight of Brittany, clutching Santana's hand harder than she was aware of, making Santana look round to see what was wrong. She smiled when she saw Brittany, mouthing a, 'hi babe'. Brittany smiled back and walked forward a bit, though not much as with every step she took Yua seemed to descend further into tears.

"Of course….but Santana-"Eve began, but Santana cut her off with a sharp look. "I'll come back in a few minutes then"

"I'll call you when we're done" Santana said forcefully. She rarely ever gave Eve orders, mostly because she trusted Eve to be in charge and felt awkward acting like her boss when the woman was almost twice her age, but in certain situations, like this one, Santana did not like to be controlled.

Eve nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door.

"Should I go too?" Brittany asked quietly, as Santana put her arms around Yua and steered her towards the couch.

"No. No. No. I'm…sorry…sorry. No" Yua was shaking her head frantically. Her eyes were darting quickly from Santana to Brittany, no longer crying but breathing very quickly.

"Yua please" Santana said, her voice full of concern. She had seen this before in many fans, and if Yua didn't calm down soon, she would have a panic attack. "Please sit down. You can talk to us ok…please just relax."

Yua nodded, fixing her eyes on Santana and seeing the kind smile she had. She took a deep breath and sat down next to her, placing her hands on her knees. After a few minutes, Brittany felt it was safe to speak. She looked at Santana.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly. It was Yua who answered though.

"My parents…they kick me out a few months ago." She said quietly, looking directly at Santana. "They say that what I am is…disgraceful. That I shame them. My father, he believed that if I stay in the house I would bring bad luck. He said he would allow me to go, and not tell anyone else in the family, so that I could at least pretend to have some honour."

Brittany bowed her head sympathetically, and Santana covered Yua's hand with her own.

"I'm so sorry Yua" she said quietly, not really knowing what to say, and remembering when her grandmother had said almost the same thing to her. Yua sat up straighter, looking proud.

"But then…I thought of you…I thought of how you said you were scared all the time, and sad and angry" Santana nodded, "and I said to my father, to tell them all, because I wanted them to know. I didn't want to them to continue talking to me, to say they love me, when they didn't know all the things about me." Santana nodded again, and Brittany placed her hand on her knee and squeezed it. "My father was angry, but he said he at least was glad to see I was going to carry my burden with truth and strength, instead of hiding. He said because of this he would not force me to remove his name. That meant that anyone is my family who did not fear the bad luck, could still talk to me if they wished. I did not think that any of them would. But my auntie, my favourite auntie, she said that my bravery came from the ancestors, which meant that they had not forsaken me, and that bad luck was unlikely. It took a few months, but eventually more of my family believed her, after seeing nothing bad happen to either us. My mother still refuses to talk or look at me, my grandparents either, but my brother and father call me sometimes, to see how I am, and I live with my auntie. She's the one who bought me the tickets to come see you today, after I told her that it was you who gave me the strength that save me."

Santana was crying silently. She was filled with a mixture of pride, happiness and shock. By now she had gotten used to fans telling her what an inspiration she and her music was, but she rarely ever heard the actual ways in which they drew strength from her. She had assumed in large part that it was her lyrics that people connected with, as well as the fact that she was openly gay. She had never thought it was actually her own personal story, her personal struggles, that people were looking to. She rarely ever talked about it, usually just sticking to describing how she felt. Now however, she felt it may be time to say the actual story. She looked at Brittany, who was looking at Yua with a watery smile, trying not to cry.

"I have you to thank for the life I have now." Yua said to Santana. Santana shook her head. "Yes."

"No. you are the one who was brave enough to tell them."

"But I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for you. Whatever you say. You saved me." Santana shook her head again but smiled.

"Let's say I helped, but you did the hard part." She suggested, hugging Yua tightly.

"Are you feeling better?" Brittany asked her, standing up and going to pour her water.

"Yes…I just could not believe I was talking to you, and then…" she looked at Brittany as she passed her the water and looked about to cry again. "I still can't believe. You're both so kind."

Brittany smiled at her. "And you're amazing. I know I don't know you, but I'm proud of you. What you did isn't easy, and Santana is right, she may have helped, but that kind of strength only comes from yourself."

Yua choked on her water as she burst into tears again. This time though, she stood up quickly before either woman could hug her again.

"I'm sorry…I'm sorry. I love you two so much. I love you." There was a knock on the door and Eve peaked through hesitantly. Santana glared at her, but Yua nodded. "You have to go. I know you are busy. Very busy. I'm sorry"

"Stop saying you're sorry" Brittany said laughing. "It's really ok, right S?"

"Yeah. It's more than ok. Thank you for talking to us. I know I've said this before tonight, but it means so much when fans open up to me. Thank you."

"Thank you" Yua said with her hands against her chest, looking close to hyperventilating again. She threw herself at Brittany, hugging her quickly, then she moved to Santana and gave her the same quick hug. "I'll go. Thank you Santana" she said, pausing to look seriously into Santana's face, then she rushed out of the door.

"Eve" Santana said sternly, trying to contain the irritation in her voice. Brittany stepped towards her and placed her hand on her lower back, trying to calm her down.

"Santana I'm very sorry, but you have to be at the airport in less than an hour. You cannot miss this flight or you'll be late for your meet and greet in South Africa. I'm sorry"

"Thanks Eve" Brittany said. Her tone was polite, but it told her quite plainly that she was dismissed. She nodded and closed the door.

"Santana, Eve's just doing her job"

"I know. But so am I. If she had it her way I wouldn't have even talked to Yua at all. And imagine that? The whole point of this" she brandished her hand around the room, "is the fans. It's not just about singing, and signing photos, it's about the connection. Like what just happened." Brittany nodded in understanding. "I just can't take much more of the way she and Emma keep shuffling me around as though I can't make my decisions. If it were possible I'd continue this tour without them."

"This tour wouldn't run without them." Brittany said laughing gently. "Look, we have a long flight coming up, and we can talk to them about it. But you know as well as I do that they are the way they are because they need to be. You've just been dealing with it for longer than you're used to. It's been a long tour" Santana nodded. "I think there's another reason you're so fed up S" Brittany said after a moment's silence.

Santana sighed and leaned her head on Brittany's shoulder. "Yeah."

"You feel like if the tour isn't just singing and signing photos it'll make you feel better about leaving the twins." Brittany said quietly. Santana didn't respond. There was no need. Instead she closed her eyes and imagined the tiny baby she had not held for three weeks, a heavy weight sinking in her chest.

"Does it though?" Brittany asked.

"Not really" Santana said in barely a whisper. Brittany pulled Santana to face her.

"I miss them too," she told Santana, looking into her eyes and caressing up and down her arms. "But we're going to see them in a week. Just try not to bite anyone's head off."

"I'll try" Santana said dejectedly.

"If you feel the urge, squeeze my hand and I'll take some of the edge off" Brittany said, winking at her. Santana smiled despite herself.

"I'm gonna hold you to that" she said, pecking Brittany's lips.

"Good" Brittany told her. "Now let's go before Emma comes in."


Santana pulled on the jacket one of the backstage assistants was holding out for her as she stepped down from the stage. She had not packed well for cold weather, and she had certainly not planned her performance costumes for it. Why on earth was it so cold in Kenya? Wasn't it supposed to be hot at the equator? She walked backstage without really paying attention to where she was going, just wanting to warm up a little before having to go back on stage. She spotted Brittany sitting on a couch a few feet from her, huddled under a large blanket. Even from this distance Santana could see that her wife's face was red from the cold, but even then she was still so beautiful. Maybe even more so, not to mention that she looked absolutely adorable. Brittany looked up and saw Santana. She pulled the blanket open, inviting Santana in.

"Come over here and warm me up" she said.

Santana laughed and moved into the space Brittany had made for her on the couch. "Oh honey" she said, pulling Brittany into her and rubbing her hands over the skin she could reach. "You're so cold B"

"I know" Brittany said dejectedly. "I didn't pack many long sleeves, and I wasn't expecting it to get so much colder, or I would have changed out of my shorts."

"Awww" Santana cooed.

"You're so warm though" Brittany told her, pressing her face into Santana's neck. Santana shuddered as Brittany's cold nose nudged under her chin. "Sorry" she whispered.

"It's ok B" Santana told her. "And I'm warm cause I've been dancing on stage…" she trailed off, and idea coming to her. "Hey Britt?"

"Mmmhh" Brittany hummed in response, her body already relaxing as she sucked up Santana's warmth.

"I think I have a way for you to warm up. If you're up to it"

Brittany pulled her head back and looked up at Santana, her eyebrows raised.

Twenty minutes later, Brittany could not complain about being cold anymore. She was warmed by the constant, and precise movement of her body, the bright lights all around her, the warmth of the hands and bodies of the people around her, and the thrill of facing thousands of screaming people. At first she had been hesitant to dance with Santana, not wanting to mess up the other dancers 'groove' as she put it, but then the dancers had been all too happy to have her join, one of them gladly vacating her position.

"Brittany, you worked hard on this choreography too. You should at least dance it once" she had said, changing out of her costume and looking glad for a chance to rest.

So now, here she stood, feeling a rush she hadn't even been aware she missed, slightly tired from not dancing for two months, but thoroughly enjoying herself. She was shocked by how much she had missed sharing a stage with Santana, not having realised until Santana stepped out on stage and winked at her, that the last time they had danced together was at their wedding. She held her position for another beat and then moved forward, placing her hand between Santana's shoulder blades, and rolling her hips before spinning away. It was in moments like these, when she not only watched Santana perform, but performed with her, and saw the reaction of the crowd from the stage; the adoration and elation on each of their faces, the never ending screams of love and affection, that Brittany fully appreciated how much her life had changed. This was monumentally different from performing at glee club nationals. They were not competing, they were not trying to out-do anyone, or impress any judges. They were performing for fans who loved them. Fans who knew all the lyrics to all the songs, some who even knew the dance moves. It was something special. Something meaningful. And though Brittany was obviously anxious for the tour to end, she knew it was because of the tour that she even had anything to be anxious about.

Throughout the performance, Brittany and Santana shared meaningful glances, something that told Brittany that Santana was thinking the same thing she was, and when the concert ended, they both took thirty minutes to lay on the couch in Santana's dressing room, the door locked to keep out Eve or Emma, and just silently take everything in. Since Japan, they both had been very introspective. Brittany kept thinking about how everything had to happen exactly as it had for them to end up where they were, and Santana was oddly emotional. She cried more often after meet and greets, and spent a lot of time in Brittany's arms. Not that Brittany was complaining at all, but Santana's emotions, though sweet, came with a downside that was hard to ignore. She'd been snapping at Eve since landing in South Africa, and was more than hesitant to follow instructions. She never did anything to put the tour in jeopardy, but she tended to disappear from the hotel without security, just to spite them, or else she'd show up precisely on time, just to make them a little anxious. Emma was so irritated with her behaviour that she was now only communicating to her via Eve or Brittany, and Eve was on constant edge, running around and trying to make sure there was nothing for Santana to snap at her about. Brittany had tried to talk Santana out of this behaviour, but truthfully had not put a lot of energy into it. She too was tired of the way Eve and Emma controlled them, and she was mostly tired of the way they kept asking her to 'handle' Santana. Overall, eight and a half weeks of flying around the globe had everyone on their last nerves.

On top of this there was the fact that Brittany and Santana also had to deal with their anxiety about the adoption. They had a meeting set with the adoption lawyer and social worker in two days, and they would be flying straight from a concert to get there a few hours before it.

There was a loud knock on the door that pulled them so violently from their thoughts that they both jumped, and Santana swore loudly.

"FUCKING HELL" she yelled, clutching her heart. "Who the fuck…WHAT?" She yelled at the door.

"Santana open the door this has gone on long enough" Emma said. Santana rolled her eyes.

"Yeah ok" she said under her breath. "Let me just do that." But she made no move to get up. Brittany stared at the door for a second, waiting to see if Emma would knock again. She was shocked however, when she heard the lock turning and the door flew open. Santana stood up quickly.

"Are you kidding?" she asked loudly.

"Don't yell at me." Emma said testily. "I have good and bad news"

"Why can't you tell me later? I'm resting EMMA" Santana said exasperatedly, her voice raising.

"You'll want to know now" Eve said. Santana scoffed. Emma looked at Brittany in that 'handle her' way she despised so much, making her shake her head and sit back down with her arms crossed. Emma sighed.

"I'm beginning to think that I actually only have good news" she said angrily. "This tour has gone on for way too long"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Santana asked.

"It means that your concerts in Nigeria have been cancelled." Emma said sharply. Santana frowned and looked at Eve, preferring to deal with her.

"Yes they've been cancelled. The government isn't happy about the fact that you're an open LGBTQ member and supporter. They have 'highly discouraged you' from going. We've decided that it'll be safer if you don't perform."

Santana frowned deeper still, and Brittany stood up. "But that's not fair to the fans" she said.

"And what kind of message does that send them? That we don't care that they're government is oppressing some of the population? Taking away their rights?" Santana added angrily.

"We don't really have much of a choice. If we enter Nigeria and you are suspected of spreading LGBTQ propaganda, or criticising the government, the concert is likely to be shut down. They may refuse to give us the permits we need for you to perform in the first place, you could be deported." Eve said calmly. "We've looked at it from every angle Santana."

Santana shook her head and looked away from them, choosing instead to face Brittany. Brittany was deep in thought.

"Alright. Then if she's not performing, we have to tell them why." She said finally. Santana nodded, looking back at Emma and Eve. Eve was smiling slightly, but Emma looked confused.

"What do you mean, of course we're going to tell them why. This is unjust, and undemocratic. We have a draft for you, but we both thought you'd want to say your own words. We just ask that you don't be too rude. This is still your fans' country, as much as they may not agree with its policies. They may not react well to too harsh a criticism. Stick to facts." Santana nodded.

"I got it" she said. She still wasn't pleased with them, but her initial anger had subsided.

"What's the other news?" Brittany asked.

"Well since you're not going to Nigeria, you have about…uh I'd say a week off" Eve said happily. Santana and Brittany took a moment to understand, then their eyes widened and they gripped each other, hardly daring to believe it.

"We've already booked you a flight for next Friday from Brazil to Chicago, so you can't be late" Emma looked sternly at Santana, then a small smile graced her lips. "I'll meet you there."

"Wait" Santana said, needing to clarify before allowing herself to relax. "Wait. We get to spend an entire week..." she couldn't bring herself to say the words. Eve's smile widened.

"With your boys, yes" she finished for her. Brittany let go of Santana and pulled Eve in for a tight hug.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed.

"Yes. Yes. YES" Santana chanted, punching her hand into the air. Despite still trying to appear angry with them, Emma laughed.

"Yeah yeah…I knew you would be pleased. Now please get ready for the meet and greet. Obviously you have about an hour, but with you two I never know."

Santana, feeling a lot less irritated, smiled cheekily, but nodded. Brittany smirked.

"Also" Eve said slowly, "I might not see you again tonight, so I have to tell you, you have to be up tomorrow by five."

Santana frowned deeply at this, but her complaint was stopped before she even had a chance to voice it.

"Santana you have the complementary hotel Safari. You have to be up." Emma said quickly.

"Don't bother, I already tried to get them to push it forward. It was to begin at four originally." Eve told her quietly. Santana shut her mouth and sighed.

"Alright, we'll go" Emma said. When she reached the door, she paused and looked back at them.

"Girls" she said, suddenly sounding hesitant. Santana, who had turned to face Brittany, spun around quickly, wondering what had caused the sudden change in tone. "I uh…I may not have said it, but…" she paused again, and Brittan glanced quickly at Santana. "I'm really happy for you" she finished. Santana frowned slightly. "For you and the boys" she clarified, seeing their confused expressions. Brittany's mouth formed an 'oh' shape as she understood, and Santana looked back at her with her eyes wide.

"Thanks Emma" Brittany said genuinely. Santana nodded slowly, still a little confused about what had brought on her confession, but pleased by it none the less.

"Yeah thank you" she said. Emma nodded once, then walked out of the room. Eve hung back a moment, her eyebrows raised in shock.

"What was that about?" Santana asked her amused. Eve shook her head and shrugged.

"Maybe she thinks having kids will make you easier to work with" she joked. Santana laughed. "Though I think it'll be the opposite." She smirked and walked out of the room.