

A disaster called Greatwash caused by a person who wanted god-hood. This disaster leads to the jumbling up of elements. Sentient beings adapt to live under water on the ocean beds. In this magical world, after a political move by the supreme king everyone finds themselves in an adventurous voyage in their quench for immense power. Protagonists in the world, unlike other citizens realise themselves being woven into a bigger scheme of political hierarchy where the voyagers are puppets of the supreme king's and others' likings. Now these protagonists has to get hold of the strings they are being controlled with and reform the world into their own political priorities. In the process our protagonists finds themselves clashing with the ideologies of other protagonists. This quest for utopia quickly turns into an all out battle royale of political powers. The protagonists ought to survive and they ought to win. Find out who wins this battle of royale of politics and magical powers in an anthological drama.

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1 Chs


An uninhabited island large enough to hold out an all out war. Waves are crashing onto the shores as violently as they could. The waves start to produce a noise, almost a symphony if it wasn't for the noises that are distorting the music.

The symphony of waves are met with low deep groans of hurt soldiers and a fierce clash between the two tyrants; the leaders of the armies. It's so loud as if they were splitting the skies.

One look onto the land one could see a lot of corpses rotting away. One could also see bodies without head, bodies without limbs, some heads without bodies, bodies with severed guts and vultures pecking through the soggy interiors which gave out a foul smell. Some bodies were being feasted on by maggots and some heads were still hanging on the edges of enemy swords.

But there are also some brave soldiers who have their bodies intact and still breathing. In them you could find Khanwald waking his friend up with his voice while being glued to the ground.

"Guts! Guts!.... Wake up."

Guts, pants heavily and opens his eyes, nonetheless he is glued to the ground himself too and can't even move a muscle.

The black leather leather tunic he wore was painted red by the blood of the enemies he slayed. If there were no spots of black you can't understand that it was a black leather tunic.

Who wears a Tunic into a war? They wear it, Guts and his fellow members of brotherhood wear them. A brotherhood headed by one man 'The Supreme'. That's what he titles himself to be. This barbaric man controls a brotherhood of 'Ten-Million people' with a Leather-Tunic, A Sword and some magic. This barbaric man forces these ten-million people to fight wars with just a Leather-Tunic and A Sword and no magic. He commanded this army into many wars and actually conquered many lands living up to his name, but this time, it's different. Not only his opponent wields magic but everyone of the opponent's cavalry wields magical powers. Yet these brave soldiers fought them.

Only a handful of soldiers on the both sides are alive. It was a complete blood bath.

"Khanwald, why can't I move?" Replies Guts.

"I don't know, I thought you would know something about this."

"You are the nerd here Khanwald, you know these powers and shit better."

"It's funny ain't it?", an unfamiliar voice reaches the young soldiers.

Guts tries to peek over so he could see the speaker. After some struggle Guts gets to see the man. He wears an armour; red wine in colour. No one could spot the difference in the tint of the armours both sides wore, except for the Sigil that's printed on the armour of the unnamed man.

Guts tries his hardest to latch onto his sword but he is unable to.

"Don't sweat it we are 'Pacified' here, we can't move."

"Who are you?" Asks Guts;

"I'll save the introduction for later. Later in the sense; later when we survive this and actually meet to slit our throats again."

"Have you said Pacified earlier? They are 'Mystic-Arts right?' aren't they myths" Khanwald replies.

Khanwald is a very bright young lad, always into books, history and knowledge. His desire to learn is unquenchable. He is not a man suited for the art of war and violence but, the desire to learn this art brought him this far along.

"It's history, not myth" replies the man furiously.

"Can I be filled in here? I want to be slayed to death not rot to death." Guts intervenes.

Guts, an orphan raised by 'The Supreme' since Guts was a 12 year old boy. He slashed through many enemies and he slashed long enough. Now he is next in line to lead the brotherhood.

"Nothing Guts, we are going to die and it is funny to this man who doesn't want to name himself"

"It was funny because I got caught in a friendly fire. This immense pacifism spanning this whole island is actually our commander Darkness' one of many abilities. It's funny how these tyrants doesn't care about their soldiers and yet they act like they do. Victory is all they need and they don't care about the collateral damage." Replies the man with a smirk in his face. His smirk says a completely different story though, it says the story of the pain he has been through.

"Yes." Guts said in approval. He tries to nod his head to show his greatest approval but cannot.

Guts gets the hang of the situation. He closes his eyes embraces the cold air from the ocean flowing over his body and bids farewell to his beautiful world.

Many moments passed. The furious sounds of clashing tyrants had finally come to an end. Everything went peaceful for a moment until Guts felt his body being burned like being baked on fire while in reality he was just in contact with ground. The pacifism was gone as he finds himself moving again. He stands up straight and senses himself being suffocated. It was as if though he is being forced to drown even though he is out open in the air. He starts to run towards the ocean so he could cool himself from the burning sensation. In this process he notices every human in the battlefield experiencing the same thing. He went to lift the man but the man is long dead. He looks at Khanwald and they start to run together. Birds in the sky fell onto the ground. The sky rained dead birds. Soldiers that are too weak collapsed mid way and suffocated to death. The fishes in the ocean started to pop out of the ocean and they seem stabilised in air. Slowly Guts understood every living being is facing the same fate at that moment. They finally reach the shore and jump into ocean, completely immersing themselves. Now, to their surprise they could breathe in the water.

Khanwald understood everything. The Supreme - Conqueror-Of-Elements has lost. And without the head everything is falling apart. Darkness won dooming entire existence of conscious beings.

Khanwald surfaces himself and shouts;

"Darkness, wash the world with a tsunami. Wash every human into the ocean. We sentient beings will try to bring everything back to normal, our quest for knowledge will do it. But to do it we ought to survive and please let us survive."

This was was later titled as THE-GREATWASH. A millennia later humans begin their struggle to make their world normal. They titled this hefty mission 'A-Hunt-For-The-Utopia'.

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