
Chapter 16: Jameson

He woke well before the sun to Annalise shivering. Summer had faded into early fall and the nights were getting cold. They'd have to spend at least one more night outside so he'd have to find a way to keep her warm. He stood and threw more logs on the fire before he pulled her closer covering them with another blanket. A minute later her shivering stopped and he closed his eyes drifting back to sleep.

When he woke next she wasn't next to him. He sat up to find her by the fire heating water. He got up as draped her cloak over her shoulders. "Are you warm enough?"

She smiled up at him. "I am. Thank you."

"We'll get you winter clothes when we get to the next town."

She stood smiling at him. "I think we'll manage with another blanket. We'll be back in the capital before winter."

He nodded. "You'll tell me if you need anything, yes?"

"Of course. But now I want and need a hot bath."

He laughed running pulling her into his arms. "We'll be staying at an inn tonight so you can take the longest bath of your life."

"That sounds wonderful!" He laughed. She was so excited over a bath that it made him smile. She was so innocent. He sighed. That's what he was scared of ruining, her innocence. It would kill him to see her twisted into a warmongering monster. And how could she not be with a father and husband who excelled at war. Maybe the best thing he could do for her is leave her to marry another. "Jameson?"

He shook his head. He was so lost in thought he hadn't heard her. "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you?"

She smiled weakly. "Food is ready. The sun has risen. We should be on our way soon."

He nodded. "You're right. Thank you."

They ate making small talk and then started riding. They stopped for lunch sharing an enjoyable meal and then continued to the next town where Jameson got them a room at the inn. As soon as they settled he smiled at her. "While you bathe I'll wash your clothes."

"You don't have to do that." She smiled at him.

"Annalise, I know it's easy to forget but you're a princess. You deserve clean clothes and a bath."

She blushed. "Thank you."

He held her as the women brought in buckets of hot water filling the huge wash tub. They grinned at them the entire time they filled the tub and he chuckled knowing what they must be thinking. He just pulled her closer to him as they looked out the window at the busy market. Once they finished filling the tub he smiled gently. "Why don't you get I in to the tub. I'll turn my back."

She nodded as he turned around. He heard her sigh in pleasures as she sunk into the water and he turned to find her smiling at him. "This is amazing."

He grabbed her clothes from the floor.

"Enjoy yourself. I'll be back soon." He left and went down to the wash room where he washed her things. The women smiled at him giggling and he just nodded to them. "The wife is bathing." They all giggled at him. He chuckled, he guessed they weren't used to seeing a man washing clothes.

After he finished he went back to the room where he knocked on the door. "Annalise... are you decent." When there was no answer he knocked again. "Annalise?!" Panicked he burst through the door but then he stopped when he found her sleeping in the still steaming water. He sighed has he reached into the water lifting her out. He cradled her against his chest trying his best not to look at her as he laid her in the bed. As he was about to cover her with the blankets he paused looking at her. She was so beautiful. He shook his head, he shouldn't be looking at her like this. But what if this was his only chance to see her. He'd just keep this to himself, a treasured memory he could think about when he was lonely. He smiled, he wanted to remember the way she looked forever so he watched her sleep for another minute before covering her with the blankets.

When she woke hours later she sat up blushing bright red. "I am... naked."

He smiled softly. "You fell asleep in the bath. Which is very dangerous, I hope you know."

Her blushed deepened. "Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you for putting me in bed." He nodded. "Did... did you see me?"

Her voice was so soft it made his heart race. "Don't worry, Princess, I was respectful. You've nothing to worry over."

She nodded seemingly satisfied with his answer. "I am going to dress now."

He turned his back as she dressed and once she was finished they went downstairs for dinner. As they entered the dining room some of the other customers starred at them so he took her hand pulling her close as he lead her to an empty corner table. Music filled the air and the other patrons began dancing and drinking and he could see the excitement in her eyes. "May I have this dance, Annalise?"

Her eyes lit up. "I would be honored."

He took her hand leading her to the dance floor where he lead her through the steps of a lively dance. She was a bit stiff but seemed to be enjoying herself as he spun her in circles to the time of the music. When the song changed to a slower one he pulled her against his chest, swaying with her in his arms. She smiled up at at him and he felt his heart stir. "I trust you're enjoying yourself?"

"I am. Though theses dances are nothing like what I was taught."

"Of course not." He laughed. "But if it makes you feel better, no one here could do a proper Morean Waltz."

"Just seems another pointless skill. Instead of dances I should have learned swordplay."

He pulled her closer. "There is no need for you to wield a sword."

"Why? Because I am a woman? I've seen many in the army. Your mother was a knight was she not?"

He pulled her closer yet looking into her eyes. "No. Because you're a princess."

"So what of it?"

"You don't need to wield a sword. That is why you've people like me. Let me do the fighting for you." She sighed and he kissed her. "I don't want you in battle. If you charge someone with a sword they will fight back, Annalise."


"I won't see you cut down. I am your sword and your shield. Let me be of use."

Tears fell in on his cheeks and as he wiped them away a woman with black hair approached them. "May I cut in?"


"It's quite all right." Annalise smiled. "I need something to drink anyways."

He nodded as she walked back to the table talking to the serving girl. "You're a very handsome soldier." The woman smiled as they began to dance.

"How do you know I'm a soldier?"

She laughed. "It's obvious by your mannerisms. You're high ranking as well." His eyes widened. "You walked though here as if you owned the place. You never gave the thugs in the corner a second glance, meaning you aren't scared of them, you stand tall and straight and when you speak to the workers it's always in a smooth, yet ridged tone, like you're use to giving orders. I know your type."

He laughed. "You've got me."

She spun in a circle. "That girl, what is she to you? You're obviously close but yet you seem to be keeping her at a distance." He almost tripped over his own feet in shock. "I am going to guess you've been paid to escort her somewhere. Probably the daughter of a noble or merchant."

"Something like that." He smiled.

"What I am asking is if you'd like to join me for the night?"

Before Annalise he would have seriously considered it, this woman was beautiful, but she was nothing compared to his princess. He looked over at Annalise who was sipping wine from a goblet and smiled. "I am not that type of man. There is only one woman I am interested in."

She smiled. "You're a wonderful man. Who's in for a heart break. Noblewoman are all the same. She'll play around until something better comes along."

He pulled away. "You know nothing of Annalise." His eyes widened, how could he be so stupid as to give her name to a stranger.

"I thought she looked familiar. How foolish to bring a wanted princess into an inn in her uncle's territory."

"All land in Morea belongs to the king and soon it will be hers." He pulled away quickly moving to her side. "We've got to go. Now."


He looked into her eyes, they were glassy. Had she gotten drunk from one goblet of wine? He grabbed her hand. "They know who you are. We must go."

She nodded but before they could leave their table was surrounded. "I hate doing this, really." The woman sighed. "But the bounty on her head could put food in a lot of hungry bellies."

He reached for his sword only to realize he had left it upstairs. "Don't do this. This is treason!"

Annalise was now standing behind him, her hand on his back. "Jameson..."

"General Jameson Amerthine... I never would have guessed you were the escort."

"You seem to know an awful lot." Jameson sighed.

"Why wouldn't I? My husband will be your replacement once Alion is on the throne."

He sighed. "Your husband is Markel... I should have known. Nice to see he found a woman just as over ambitious as he."

She laughed. "I'll be sure to tell him. Now please, the princess. You've no sword, you can't hope to win."

Flames began to dance on his fingers. "I don't need a sword." As he stepped forward Annalise fell to the ground behind me. He turned dropping to his knees as he pulled her into his arms. "What have you done?"

"Relax, dear General. It was only something to help her sleep."

He looked around at the men surrounded him and knew he couldn't hope to fight them all while protecting Annalise. He was good with magic but the only way to take them all down would kill most of them and probably burn down the inn. They were just people struggling to survive so he raised his hands into the air. "I surrender so long as you don't harm the princess."

The woman nodded. "You've my word that she will won't be hurt by anyone in this village. Bind him. And take the princess to her room."

"Please don't take her from me." He couldn't bare to let her from his sight in this state. She wouldn't be able fend off any attack. The thought of her being defenseless and alone terrified him. "Please..."

The woman sighed. "You may be in her room but you will remain bound."

"Very well."

They were taken up stairs where she was laid in bed and he was tied to the furnace pipe. A man stayed in the room all night so Jameson stayed awake watching over her. The next morning the door swung open and a man walked in grinning. "It's time to go, General." Two other men walked in grabbing him up while the first grabbed Annalise throwing her over his shoulder.

"Must you be so rough?"

"It doesn't matter to me. Far as it see it, the two of you will probably be dead once we reach the crown city."

"I was told no one in the village would harm Annalise." He said squaring his eyes at him.

"And so long as the two of you behave, no one will."

He grit his teeth. He was going to have to kill this man, he could tell already.