
For Heaven's Sake!

You've heard of teenagers summoning demons, and weird underground cults but, what about angels? No angel would ever stoop so low, right? Well, there is one angel. God is gone, the angels are withering away, the humans are claiming the apocalypse is upon them, and Hell is still a party. Only one angel can make everything right... Metatron, the princess of angels, enlists the help of the most powerful Prince of Hell, Azazel, only to end up with a lazy, sarcastic, fallen angel with a weird sense of humour. With no other choice, she and Azazel go on a wild hunt throughout Heaven in search of God and a way to wake up the angels before they become nothing more than dust. Will she manage to save heaven in time? Or will it vanish into dust, leaving Hell to rule the universe?

Tiger_Lily245 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter Eight

This angel is extraordinary, she is determined. She had the power to pull me out of hell, let's hope she can pull everyone else out too.

Every angel has its power limits, and the more power a task takes the more strain it puts on the body. That's why the most loved character here, me of course, was so heavy for the little Princess. The weight of dragging me out of hell took a big toll on her power. If she tried to do the same thing for a lesser demon it would've been a lot lighter. I just hope that she can handle all of hell.

I finish drawing the massive pentagram, I flop down into the cloudfluff beside where she is standing. It took about five days to draw this, it's the size of Japan! She doesn't say a word about it. I look up and see her with her eyes closed as if trying to remember something.

"I have a reign on the leftover power," she says with her eyes closed.

"All right here's the plan," I pause to make sure she is paying attention, "use up all of God's power, then you will have to combine our powers when God's runs out,"

"Why can't you do this part?" she asks, already knowing the answer.

"I would love to do this in your place but sadly if I try to use our dear parent's power I will burst into flames," I grab her hand and squeeze it, "you've got this Meta. Have you figured out what you are going to use to summon our demon brethren?"

I add, "You may not want to use a fishing rod just cause that might take a while," she gives me a look and puts out her hands.

Golden light begins to weave itself in her hands and pools around the ground. It begins to take the shape of a large golden fishing net.

"What is it with you and fishing gear?" I ask jokingly.

"It is effective, and," she pauses, "you are like fish, you congregate all together most of the time, and you are too unobservant to understand what's going on until it's too late," she keeps focusing and adds in, "act like fish, be treated like fish."

I sit and stare at her, flabbergasted, "Ouch! You hurt me, Meta," I chuckle, and jokingly clutch my hand to my heart as if she shot an arrow through it.

She looks over at me, rolls her eyes, then goes back to concentrating on the net.

"Do what the humans say again? 'Suck it up buttercup'," she says passively and finishes the net.

I sit there in stunned silence and then burst into laughter. An angel just told me to 'suck it up buttercup'. I sit back and watch her muttering something, I tilt my head to hear her better.

"Lucifer, Lillith, Asmodeus, Sorath, Vine..." she continues whispering all the demons' names by memory.

Once she finishes she looks down at me and nods. Then the tiny angel lifts the massive fishing net and shoots it into the air. It glows and falls through the pentagram and disappears into the clouds.

I look over at her holding the edge of the net, moving the edge as if she were scooping up a bunch of fish. Then a bright golden glow began to outline Meta, making her look like a mini-god. Beautiful!

She begins to pull, easily at first demons began surfacing onto the clouds all tangled around each other. As more demons began to surface she began to slip on the clouds and the glow quickly faded. I touch the cloudfluff, but nothing happens.

"Azazel," I hear her groan sweat shining on her forehead, "God's power, I used it all,"

I get up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and open up my powers to her. If I try to touch the net or distract her too much I'll break her concentration and the net will shatter. I feel her inhale a shuddering breath and take little bits of my power.

She keeps pulling up the net. More and more demons began surfacing tangled in the net. They show up stacked on top of each other like schools of fish in a net. I watch as they try to untangle themselves while other demons are pulled up underneath them. They trip, fall, and curse at each other.

Feeling power drain out of my body like this was always a weird sensation. It was like turning on a tap to a second life force. You could feel it dripping out of you, slowly draining out of your body.

Meta begins sweating and breathing heavily as the final angels get pulled up. There is still one that is giving her trouble. Lucifer.

Her muscles strain against me as if she was pulling hundreds of pounds of cinder blocks from the ground. She groans and gives one final yank taking a massive chunk of power from me, causing the air to force itself out of my lungs. My body jolted and a shiver went down my spine as my eyes suddenly got very heavy.

Then shooting out from the clouds and ten feet into the air was the devil himself. He lands on his back with a thud, coughing and quickly rolls to his feet yelling.

"What the f*** am I f*****g doing here? You f*****g idiots think you can just summon..." He looks around to see all of hell confused and yelling at each other, "how did you idiots get here?"

One of the demons looks at him, "The same way you did dumb**s, the giant net!"

He then goes back to yelling at some other demon. The net shatters and I feel Meta sink against my chest.

"Hey Princess, you did it," I say, my hands still wrapped around her waist, "I told you, you could do it."

"You're an idiot," she smiles and hugs him, "I knew I could do it."

"Hey lovebirds! Would you mind telling me why the f*** I'm back in this s***hole?" Lucifer yells from the edge of the pentagram where he now stood.

I clear my throat and Meta shakily steps away and stands on her own. She straightens up and raises her chin. She looks like a child standing up to an adult.

"Lucifer, God is gone and the angels up here need Hell's help," she states.

"You drag me, the devil himself, the f***ing King of Hell, up here because you guys are going through daddy issues?" He yells at Meta, "Solve your own d*mn problems, little angel," he spits, "now let me and my followers go!"

I look at Meta who looks like she is going to explode, I cringe and look at Lucifer who looks like he was beginning to regret what he said too. 'That was the moment he realized, he f***ed up.'

"Listen here you selfish, ignorant child! You tore this family and many friendships apart with what you did! All the angels you abandoned up here had to pick up all the slack that you ungrateful demons left us with! You owe us this!" She keeps going, "We had to take care of the humans all on our own while you guys just partied and drank your sorry miserable lives away! We took on all your jobs and responsibilities without a single complaint because we wanted to support you! You owe us, for heaven's sake!"

Everyone stood in stunned silence, at the tongue-lashing that Lucifer had just received. Meta, who was breathing hard now, points her index finger at Lucifer.

"You should also watch you lang-," before she could finish her sentence her knees buckle and she went down.

I run over and catch her. I pick her up and look Lucifer in the eyes.

"She's right you know," I say not breaking eye contact, "for the siblings we left behind."

Lucifer looks at the ground, "Yeah I know," he looks back up at me and stretches out his hand, "For our brothers and sisters."

I awkwardly shift the unconscious angel in my arms and shake his hand.