
For Alice

Love makes life perfect. It is like having the last piece complete your jigsaw puzzle, but how far can one go just to maintain the completeness of their puzzle? After going through numerous miserable relationships, Alice finally settles into a perfect relationship with Sammie—who would do literally anything for her. And because Sammie would do everything for Alice, would Alice ever handle the dark truth and do everything for Sammie in return?

ainbwoop · LGBT+
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1 Chs


It was not the first time for her to be late on their dates, and it was starting to frustrate Alice. All kinds of possibilities were entering her mind like course meals coming from one to another with no end which makes it overwhelming because of the huge amount that she was being forced to take in.

Alice did not want to do it, but she decided to do it just so she could end all the possibilities that were filling in her head once and for all.

With her hand tightening on the steering wheel, she followed the directions with the speed gradually increasing as if there was not a heavy storm occurring at the moment. Whether she gets into a dangerous accident or not, it did not matter as what she could only think of at the moment was whether Sammie was cheating on her or not.

Like the speed of light, Alice arrived to her destination where it was said her girlfriend was located at. There were mixed emotions with surprise dominating as she stood in front of the beach house of one of her ex-boyfriends.

Pushing the door open, a sight that never crossed her mind appeared before her. None of the course meals that entered her head was there.

The sound of waterdrops that were dripping from Alice's dress along with the muffled strong raindrops were like background music to the sinister situation.

"Alice. You're here."

Seconds later, the blond man stopped struggling as he stayed levitated in the air with his unmoving eyes staring down into nothing. His life, too, was now nothing.

Sammie smiled—warm as a cup of hot chocolate in winter. "I'm sorry for finishing up late. Shall we go for dinner?"