
Foothold Online

This is a story of Foothold Online: a stepping stone for humanity created by Peerless Incorporated with the purpose of launching the human race to new heights. But how could a VRMMORPG do such a marvelous thing? Follow our main character, Xale, as he explores this new world and find out.

Denvaro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Unnecessary Amount of Protection

"Come again, sweetheart? What did you say is outside?" Laila puzzled as she walked over and looked out the window. Both she and Xale stared out onto the scene before them, shocked looks etched across their faces. As another helicopter lands, multiple military vehicles pull up. People in official uniforms begin to pour out and start assembling a barricade around there house. While Xale and his mother are watching out the window, a tall man with silver streaks running throughout his black hair enters the room, walking up behind them.

"What's so captivating, you two?" asked the man. This man is Kel--Xale's father.

"Take a look for yourself, hubby. I believe our son has caused a ruckus."

Kel walked over warped his arms around Laila's waist. "We have a lot to celebrate, wubby," he told her. "What has grabbed your attention so?" He looked out the window. "What hell is going on around my house!?" he yelled suddenly, letting go of his wife to a more protective stance.

"Look, father--they crushed your favorite raspberry bushes," Xale pointed out.

"They did what?!" As soon as Kel saw his precious bushes, he bolted toward the front door with rage in his eyes.

"We should probably follow him. Right, Mum?"

"I suppose we should, sweetheart."

They hurried after Xale's father, both of them hoping he wouldn't do anything to rash. By the time Kel reached the door, however, there was a loud knock. He opened it angrily, still fuming over his destroyed bushes.

"Hello, I am General Allen Le'Doe. I am here by order of Madame President Thomas to protect monsieur Xale Lerford from any outside force with nefarious intentions," he announced with a salute and a slight French accent.

"Oh, yeah? That's real nice! Was it also in your orders to crush my precious raspberry bushes?" Kel barked, pointing to the corner of the yard.

"My apologies, sir, we did not see them. Is Xale home? Can I speak with him? It is of the upmost importance that I do."

"I am right here, General. What is so important that makes all this is necessary?" Xale inquired as he gestured at all the military personal and vehicles that had just appeared in the last few minutes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Xale Lerford. I will be stationed here until the President calls off the mission," the general said resolutely. "Now that I have informed you, I will take my leave. Feel free to act as you and your family normally would." He then turned around and quickly left. Leaving Xale and his parents stunned at the lack of any real information.

"I guess we go back to business, then. Anyway, come on, my boys! We have a lot to talk about," Laila announced as she pulled both of them into the living room and shut the door. "Sit at the table, both of you. It is time for a family meeting that will concern the future of all this household. You first, dear; what happened with the guild representative?"

Trying to calm down about the issue with his raspberry bushes, Kel started to tell them what happened while he was on the phone. "We talked about a lot of things; living expenses, how we will be rewarded for certain tasks in the game, and other perks. They want to make us Honorary Guild Elders, which has plenty of perks all on its own. The rest of the contract will be decided after we move to our new home and meet in person!"

"New home?" Xale and his mother asked in unison.

"Yes, they are moving us to their headquarters in Finland's capital of Helsinki. They will be here to pick us up this evening. Little does the military know that all their effort to fortify this place was wasted. Serves them right for crushing my berries," Kel muttered as he flipped them the bird through the window.

"So do we need to pack anything for this move? Because that's not a lot of time, dear." Laila asked nonchalantly.

"No, we don't have to do anything. They will send people for our stuff after we go."

"What about our gaming pods? Am I included in this move?" Xale asked.

"Yes son, you are included. I don't think the guild has made the connection that you are our son, however, and that you are the one who made all the commotion in the gaming scene recently. I am sure you are going to be propositioned the moment they put it all together. They will also have pods for us when we arrive. So when your timer expires, you can jump right back in," Kel informed him.

"Timer? What do you mean?" Xale asked.

"Have you not looked at your bracer, sweetheart? You have to wait twelve hours minimum before it will let you log back in to Foothold," Laila replied.

"Well that's kind of disappointing. I wanted to play immediately after we finished talking and grab a bite to eat," Xale said dejectedly. "Guess I'll go take a quick shower and a nap. Can you call me when they are here to pick us up?" Xale jumped up and went upstairs.

"I love that boy. He is going to change the face of gaming for sure this time, I know it. Hey, hubby, did they say who was going to come negotiate with us when we get there?"

"They did, indeed, wubby."

"Well? Who is it?"

"Crimson Pulse: the current Vice guild leader." Kel replied.

"This should get interesting fast," Laila said covering her mouth as she giggled.