
Food Wars: Tavern

In the bustling city, there is a tavern that operates only between 7 PM and 12 AM. The food here is fancy and delicious, but surprisingly not expensive! Any ordinary ingredient, when in the hands of the owner Zane, shines brightly. Many people go crazy and become obsessed with his cooking! ----------- This novel is a chill, slice-of-life novel. 10 advance chapters: patreon.com/angelictranslating

AngelicTL · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
199 Chs

Unprecedented Happiness

The night was very quiet.

Moonlight streamed through the curtains, illuminating the bookshelf by the wall.

Erina sat at her desk, intently reading the manga "High School DxD."


"It's over again."

"The author only updates once a week. It's really not enough!"

After finishing, she couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion.

The artwork of the manga always fascinated her with its delicate lines, vibrant colors, and expressive characters. Every detail was meticulously crafted by the author.

Even though some scenes were a bit too risqué, the combination of romance, action, comedy, and fantasy captivated her.


Erina placed the manga back on the shelf.

Her gaze shifted to her secretary, Hisako, who was wearing glasses and browsing a light novel on the computer.

Unable to resist her curiosity, Erina moved closer and asked, "What novel are you reading?"

"Youth Pig-headed Boy Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai," Hisako replied.

"Such a long title?" Erina was taken aback.

"It seems that the longer the title, the more it conveys the essence of the story, so readers can understand what it's about at a glance," Hisako explained, stretching her back after removing her glasses.


"And... how is this light novel?" Erina asked, now more curious.

"It's quite good. It's about a group of girls with Adolescence Syndrome, who one by one appear around the protagonist, leading to various interesting stories!"

"Adolescence Syndrome?"

"It seems like it's a condition where patients experience supernatural phenomena due to intense self-awareness and pressure during puberty."

After explaining, Hisako glanced at Erina, who seemed lost in thought, making her feel quite happy. After all, Erina had been staying at the tavern, and they hadn't had much time together.


"Can you tell me everything that happened at the tavern? I'm very curious," Hisako asked eagerly, her eyes shining.


"There's not much to say about that."

"If you're worried that Zane might bully me at the tavern, you're overthinking."

"I had a great time there, tasting Zane's dishes every day, and he took care of me a lot in daily life."

"Honestly, if it weren't for having to handle the Autumn Election matters and recommending you for the competition, I wouldn't have wanted to leave!"

"Sigh, life is unpredictable."

"I wonder if Zane misses me after I left."

At this moment, Erina rested her chin on the computer desk with her hands, her eyes filled with a barely noticeable affection.

"Hehe, Miss."

"The real question isn't if he's thinking of you, but if you're thinking of him!" Hisako teased, covering her mouth with a chuckle.

"Thinking of him?"

"Why would I think of him?"

"The biggest change at the tavern is that my God Tongue has become more dependent on his cooking."

"Hisako, to be honest, I now find almost all food disgusting, even the medicinal dishes you made for lunch."

"Maybe I'm like my mother now, only recognizing Zane's cooking, no other chefs can compare."

This wasn't a lie. Zane had gradually become an important part of her life.


She secretly wondered.

Why is there such an exceptional man in this world?


"Miss, I can tell you've changed a lot."

Looking at Erina, Hisako sighed deeply.

"Regardless of how much I change."

"Hisako, you'll always be my best friend."


Hisako was deeply moved.

For some reason, Erina had become more open and straightforward about many things, like Alice, unafraid to express her thoughts and feelings.

"Miss, do you like Zane?"

Taking advantage of the warm atmosphere, Hisako asked the big question.

"I like him!"

"I really like him."

"You might not know this, but without Zane by my side, I feel empty inside."

"It's like my life is incomplete, as if I've lost something important."

Erina confessed her feelings openly to Hisako, without blushing or hesitation.

Of course, she knew that even if she didn't say it, Hisako's keen observation would eventually figure it out.

"As expected."

"Mr. Zane is truly amazing!"

"Miss, as your secretary, I dare not say much."

"But falling for such a man should be a happy thing, given how excellent Zane is in every way."

Hisako smiled even more.

At this moment, she was genuinely happy for Erina.

Zane's abilities and charm were highly recognized by figures like Mana, the Director, Leonora, Rindo, and others.

As the Director's granddaughter, Erina was also a standout at Totsuki.

So, they were quite a good match.



"I've never truly experienced that feeling."

"But, Hisako, I heard that some students have been secretly writing you love letters lately?"

Erina, her thoughts in a whirl, blinked and teased Hisako.

"Miss, please don't make fun of me."

"You know what kind of people they are."

"They're not as handsome as Zane, lack his charm, and their cooking skills are poor. I never pay them any attention."

"I've never felt that heart-racing, electric shock feeling from them, not even a bit."

"Honestly, I've never thought about pursuing love."

"I just feel content serving you like this."

Listening to Hisako's words, Erina was almost moved to tears.

But she knew she couldn't accompany Hisako for the rest of her life and didn't want to hinder her from finding her own happiness.


"It's not just you; I don't like those guys either."

"But do you ever feel the same way I do when you're with Zane?"

"No, no, Miss. How could someone like me have feelings for Zane?"

Hisako's face turned red, her eyes darting around, clearly flustered.

"No feelings?"

Erina was puzzled.


"Anyway, it's a bit early to talk about this."

"For now, we need to focus on the upcoming Autumn Election. I've recommended you and Mito."

Hearing this, Hisako became serious.

Since learning about the Azami Nakiri incident, she had always wanted to stay by Erina's side.

To help her overcome her inner shadows, she kept striving.

As the Director's granddaughter with the God Tongue, Erina was likely to take over as the new Director one day.

She would lead Totsuki and revolutionize the culinary world in Japan.

This gave Hisako a lot of pressure as she wanted to keep up with Erina.

This Autumn Election was a rare opportunity for all participants. For example:

If Alice truly wanted to surpass Erina, she would have to win this competition.

Otherwise, she would never have a chance.

From Hisako's perspective, she had to win to stay by Erina's side.

Then, when Erina became the new Director, she could legitimately assist her as the most prestigious assistant.


"Miss, don't worry."

"No matter who I face, I guarantee that I'll win the championship and won't let your rival Alice take it."

Hisako's eyes became firm as she adjusted her emotions.

"Winning is important and relates to my reputation."

"But Ayama, Alice, Ryo, and others are strong."

"Even the underdog Megumi has been making rapid progress."

"So, I don't expect you to win the championship."

"Hisako, just do your best. Regardless of the result, I won't blame you."

Erina gently patted her on the shoulder, encouraging her.

Hisako's eyes reddened, almost tearing up.


"Your words are enough."


If Chinese people learn to take care of themselves with a simple egg fried rice,

Japanese people first learn to cook curry. From peeling onions, cutting potatoes, there's a home economics class teaching curry cooking.

The spicy but not hot curry sauce, soft, tender potatoes over rice, served with refreshing pickles.

That's a classic Japanese curry rice.

Early curry came from India to England, and after the Meiji Restoration, Japanese people imitated British curry stew and adapted it to their taste.

So, a bowl of curry rice took Japanese people 150 years to perfect.

First, Soma prepared onions, carrots, ginger, garlic, celery, and beef, peeling, chopping, and dicing them.

Onions were the main ingredient, needed in large quantities.

Carrots for color, celery for freshness, beef for meat flavor, ginger for spice.

He then covered the ingredients with water.

Boiled until everything was soft, then blended, cooking the entire mixture until it became a yellow paste.

Simmered on low heat, added curry blocks for a Japanese curry flavor.

Finally, he added a special ingredient for taste:


When ready, he served it.

Scooping cooked rice onto a plate, then adding a ladle of aromatic, bright curry sauce.

When served to Satoshi, the aroma made him quite satisfied.

Unlike traditional curry rice, Soma's version had a rich, dark red color, thanks to his unique method.

Each grain of rice was shiny and separate.

The curry sauce created a striking contrast.

Every grain soaked up the curry sauce, emitting a tempting aroma under the light.



"This is the new version of Soma's Japanese curry rice."

"Please taste it and see how it is."

Soma, just finishing, looked at Satoshi with anticipation.

"Why curry rice?"

Satoshi, puzzled by the dish.

But tasting it wasn't hard, so he scooped a bite and tasted it.

The rich curry aroma greeted him.

Unlike traditional curry rice, Soma's version focused on delicate texture and layered flavor.

Each bite combined rice's fullness and curry's richness


The beef, carrots, celery, and other ingredients added richness, being well-cooked and flavorful, enhancing the dish!


"How to evaluate?"

"Everyone has a different understanding of curry."

"Flavor-wise, some may find this traditional curry too strong or over-spiced."

"Others might find it not exciting or bold enough."

"But true cuisine should cross cultural and regional boundaries, touching hearts and taste buds."

"I didn't experience that in your curry rice."