
Food Wars: Tavern

In the bustling city, there is a tavern that operates only between 7 PM and 12 AM. The food here is fancy and delicious, but surprisingly not expensive! Any ordinary ingredient, when in the hands of the owner Zane, shines brightly. Many people go crazy and become obsessed with his cooking! ----------- This novel is a chill, slice-of-life novel. 10 advance chapters: patreon.com/angelictranslating

AngelicTL · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
211 Chs

This Feeling, I'm Flying! (2-in-1)

Great dishes!

They always rely on the carefully chosen ingredients, unique cooking techniques, and exceptional knife skills.

And evidently, Zane's Reincarnation Spring Rolls excelled in every aspect, leaving even Erina, with her godly palate, marveling.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that such a miraculous dish, a glowing dish, could exist in this world!

"This phenomenon of dishes glowing, how is it achieved?"

Taking her eyes off, Erina, feigning calm, asked with curiosity.

"Curious?" Zane said with a smile.

Erina nodded.

"It's very simple, you just need to use glutinous rice flour and clear flour to make the spring roll wrapper."

"This makes the spring roll wrapper softer and shinier, and then during the frying process, you need to pay attention to the heat and oil temperature, so that the spring roll surface forms a crispy layer, so you'll find..."

"Everything you did has absolutely nothing to do with the dish glowing!"

At first, Erina listened attentively, fearing she might miss something crucial.

But at the end, she realized it was just Zane teasing her again, which made her stomp her foot and roll her eyes at him.

Perhaps, seeking advice from Zane was not the most sensible thing to do.

After all, every time she spoke to him for a few sentences, she ended up getting infuriated, and she had no way to counteract it.


"This glowing phenomenon."

"It's just adding some class to the dish. It doesn't actually enhance the taste or the flavor of the dish."

"And since you're seeing this for the first time, you'll surely find it extraordinary, but when you see more of it in the future, you'll get used to it."

With that, Zane pointed to the plate of Reincarnation Spring Rolls in front of him.

"These Reincarnation Spring Rolls are at their most delicious when they're freshly fried."

"So you better start using your chopsticks quickly. If you delay and miss the ideal time, the sea bream inside the spring rolls will quickly lose its quality, and it will become unappetizing."

"By then, don't blame me for not making the perfect dish!"

"I... I understand!"

She knew that delicious dishes should be tasted as soon as they are prepared to fully experience their flavor.

Therefore, despite having many questions, Erina swiftly picked up her chopsticks and tasted a small piece of Reincarnation Spring Roll.

Golden-brown spring roll pastry.

Wrapped with pink sea bream meat and various vegetables!

Even though the spring roll pastry was crispy and golden, it still shimmered faintly under the light, making it tempting to look at.

Then, as she bit into it, the spring roll pastry quickly burst in her mouth, bringing out the delicious taste of the sea bream.


"How could it..."

Erina, with her extraordinary palate, was suddenly stunned!

She had high expectations for Zane's dishes, but also felt a sense of apprehension.

She was worried that his dish would once again surpass her knowledge and understanding, leaving her at a loss!

The Reincarnation Spring Roll she tasted had a really crispy pastry and a rich texture.

In addition to the delicious and tender sea bream, the contrasting textures made the entire Reincarnation Spring Roll feel exceptionally refreshing.

At the same time.

In terms of seasoning...

The savory and spicy flavor of the soy sauce and ginger perfectly complemented the deliciousness of the sea bream.

The acidity of the vinegar added a complexity to the dish, elevating the overall taste to another level.

In short, whether it was the crispy spring roll pastry, the tender sea bream, the crunchy vegetable filling, or the simple special condiments...

This remarkable change in taste instantly captivated Erina!

Finally, as she finished swallowing, Erina finally took her first bite of the Reincarnation Spring Roll.


"It's still alive."

"The sea bream in the spring roll, it's actually still alive!"

Opening her eyes, Erina, still deeply savoring the Reincarnation Spring Roll, couldn't help but show an expression of disbelief, as if she had found something terrifying in this dish!


At the beginning, she had been influenced by the outer layer of the spring roll pastry and hadn't tasted the flavor of the sea bream meat filling!

With the end of her swallowing action, she began to feel the strong, savory flavor of the sea bream seafood, gradually spreading throughout her mouth.

It's strange to say, even though it had reached her stomach, she still felt as if the fish was constantly melting in her mouth, and the delicious meat was continuously flowing in her mouth.

This extraordinary taste naturally gave Erina the illusion that the sea bream was still alive and still had the breath of life!

At the same time.

Erina could feel her own blood surging.

Because of the sea bream meat, it seems like it's about to awaken, surging and moving around.

Honestly, she has eaten fancy food all her life and has witnessed many excellent chefs' perfect dishes.

There has never been a dish that could make her so excited like Zane's Reincarnation Spring Rolls!

Extremely beautiful.

Extremely fresh.

Extremely aromatic.

Extremely crispy.

Honestly, words can't describe the taste experience of the Reincarnation Spring Rolls brought by Zane.

Erina couldn't help but look at Zane in amazement.

Every time this guy surprises her, it's just too much.

In him, other than his carefree nature and innate charm, she couldn't find any other similarities with people her age!

"Miss, are you okay?"

But at that moment, there was Hisako's anxious voice suddenly.

This caught Erina, who was lost in the taste of the Reincarnation Spring Rolls, off guard, but she quickly came back to herself: "I'm fine."

"I was just deeply pondering this Reincarnation Spring Roll dish, and got a bit too absorbed."

"Um, I couldn't taste much from the first bite, so I have to eat the second one!"

After saying that, Erina, under Zane's watchful eyes, took another bite.


Speaking of taste.

The flavor of the Reincarnation Spring Roll is absolutely wonderful, very delicious.

It's even more flavorful than sashimi that showcases the sea bream's natural taste!

Then, paired with various vegetables and thin pastry sheets, after delicate cooking control, the delicious flavor is brought to its peak!

Furthermore, the spring roll pastry is crispy, while the filling inside is soft and delicate, combining these two creates a taste sensation that feels like...

I'm flying!


Erina, who had been enduring, couldn't resist the charm of the Reincarnation Spring Rolls.

Her breathing gradually became rapid, her consciousness slowly fading, yet she had a uniquely contented expression on her face.

At the same time, her cheeks grew even redder, reflecting the light and making her look even more adorable.

Glancing at Erina a few times, Zane couldn't help but appear somewhat stunned.


I'm shining in cooking, I did not spike it with drugs!

Hisako, seeing Erina continuously taste two bites of the Reincarnation Spring Roll, fell into a brief trance!

Naturally, she felt curious and surprised, constantly thinking to herself, could this Reincarnation Spring Roll dish in front of her be really that delicious?

"Hisako, stop staring dumbly, come over and taste it."

Then, Erina, opening her eyes, noticed Hisako, who was also looking forward to it, so she pushed the plate of Reincarnation Spring Rolls in front of her.

"Is it really okay?"

Hisako was momentarily stunned, then asked in a pleasantly surprised manner.

"It is."

"You can eat with confidence!"

Erina just nodded lightly.

With Erina's consent, Hisako quickly picked up a pair of chopsticks and started to taste it as well.

When she bit into the spring roll pastry, she could feel the crispy sensation, and then tasted the fish and vegetables inside through the pastry.

During this process, she could truly feel the complex flavors of the delicious sea bream, the crisp vegetables, and the sweet fragrance of the sauce.

Although the flavors of these ingredients were complex, they intertwined and created an unforgettable dish!


Just a few chews in.

Hisako was immediately conquered by the Reincarnation Spring Roll!

Perhaps because she didn't have Erina's God Tongue ability, she couldn't perceive the deeper aspects of Zane's cooking.

Yet, she felt warm inside and then, unable to contain the excitement in her heart, she nodded a few times!

Some dishes.

They may seem ordinary, but they contain all kinds of stories and emotions.

And these feelings and stories can resonate with people emotionally, making it easier for them to be attracted and moved!

Like the Reincarnation Spring Rolls made by Zane, for Erina, who encountered childhood misfortunes, it was a healing balm for her soul.

But for Hisako, who has always regarded Erina as her lifelong supporting target, it was something to admire about Zane's ingenuity!

In the end, the whole plate of Reincarnation Spring Rolls.

Both Erina and Hisako devoured it eagerly!

"Miss, I have never eaten such delicious food in my life."

"Although this may hurt your feelings, I have to admit, the owner's cooking is truly superior to yours."

Wiping her mouth and savoring the lingering taste of the Reincarnation Spring Roll.

Hisako couldn't help feeling particularly satisfied, then truthfully expressed it to Erina.

"It's really good!"

"At every step, the flavor and texture are perfect."

"Especially the sensation when you bite into it, it almost makes you lose consciousness. I have to admit, his cooking... is strong and very delicious!"

Erina closed her eyes.

She began to use her heart and the God Tongue to feel the various shocks that came with this dish.


Is this Zane's cooking?

Truly... enviable, and unsettling!

If the three Western-style fast food items last night left Erina shaken.

Then, this time, the Reincarnation Spring Roll dish undoubtedly conquered her completely, and made her completely admire Zane.


"So that's how it is."

"When it comes to cooking."

"I have always believed that there's no need to mythologize or overanalyze."

"After all, no matter how miraculous a dish is, it will ultimately be defeated by the power of my God Tongue."

"And every time, the God Tongue allows me to make the right choices, to find the right answers. After all, no mistakes in anyone's cooking will occur again!"

"So under this influence, I have always believed that everything I do is correct, is right, and no one can surpass me, Erina."

"But, Zane, you're cooking."

"Whether it's the three Western-style fast food items last night or the Reincarnation Spring Roll tonight."

"It has gone beyond my imagination and understanding, giving an answer I never thought of."

At this point, Erina couldn't help but raise her head and look deeply at Zane again.

For some reason, she remembered her childhood, recalling the harm done to her by Azami Nakiri, and also remembered her mother Mana Nakiri leaving home, and all of this was inseparable from the God Tongue.

Many people often envy the power of the God Tongue.

Desperately wishing to possess it, so as to reach the pinnacle of life like Erina Nakiri.

However, only Erina herself knows just how scary the curse of the God Tongue really is.

If she could choose, she would rather live her life as an ordinary human being on this earth, rather than being born with this ability!


In fact.

After experiencing Azami Nakiri's "extreme" education.

Erina, like a bird imprisoned in a cage, completely lost herself and her freedom!

Throughout her entire childhood, she lived very lonely, almost without any friends around, with Fisalia being the only one who could somewhat understand her pain.

Even now, she couldn't escape the shadows of her childhood, and Azami's image continued to haunt her mind.

Sometimes, even at night, she would wake up from nightmares.

She has been trying, in truth, to overcome Azami's influence, to break through the psychological confinement.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't erase this trauma.

Until today, this trauma has finally been healed by a tavern owner named Zane, and the Reincarnation Spring Rolls he made!



That jerk.

With his skills, he can definitely make the rarest and most noble dishes in the world.

Yet he deliberately used cheap ingredients to make some Western-style fast food for me to taste the first time we met, just to disgust and distress me.

The more I think about it, the more it infuriates me!

And despite his abilities, he's been living in this tiny tavern.

Even making common dishes like grilled skewers, cucumber salad, layered pancakes, tempura, and other simple dishes.

In the end, Erina Nakiri came to her senses, feeling extremely unhappy! 


This was a 2-in-1 chapter, meaning there is 2 different chapters in this 1 chapter. Make sure to give more power stones!