
Chapter one hundred and fiftieth, it's a bitch again

"Hey hey... Mr. Shi Ke, thank you for letting me have a full meal! If you still have a different trick tomorrow, then I will come again." Xiao Lin Gendan patted his belly and said after eating.

"Five Flavors Pavilion, one flavor per day, each one is different, some are fast, some are slow." Shi Ke pointed to the signboard.

"Hmm... Hehehe~~ Then I'll come, I don't want to miss your food for a day." Xiaolin Longdan left contentedly.

"Thank you for your love." Shi Ke was quite happy, stretched his waist and continued to work. There are still four courses in the medium banquet set upstairs.

Shi Ke returned to the kitchen, fished out the snapper from the water tank, and slapped his head with the back of the knife, knocking him unconscious. Remove the scales and gills with a sharp knife, stab through the neck with a knife, quickly cut open the belly of the fish, remove the internal organs, and save the liver for another use. Chop off the fish head, put it into the old soup pot that has been prepared long ago and soak it at a low temperature of 80 degrees. Remove the fin meat, fish neck meat, and fish tail tender meat and chill them in ice water, slice them into fan shapes, and complete the novelty sashimi. Take off the two thick pieces of meat on the back, cut them into thick fish strips, skewer them on bamboo sticks, grill them over charcoal fire, brush them with special sweet and spicy barbecue sauce, and grill them until the fish skin is crispy. Finish. The remaining meat is sliced ​​into millimeter-scale ultra-thin sashimi, and the platter is shaped like a peony flower, sprinkled with spices, sprinkled with vodka, lighted to enhance the aroma of the wine, the edge of the fish fillet is slightly rolled, served, and the grilled ultra-thin sea bream fillet is complete . Look at the time, about twenty-five minutes, take out the soaked sea bream head and split it with a knife from the top of the fish head. The skeleton of the fish head is well understood enough to remove the fish skull with bare hands. After the fish head is deboned, put it back into the large plate, cook the sweet and sour sauce in the pot, when the color is perfect, add the old soup, directly lift the pot and pour the sauce, and the sweet and sour style boneless snapper head is completed. The four dishes have different styles, ranging from cold cuts to main dishes, but they are all fragrant, tender, and extremely delicious, which perfectly reflects the characteristics of the sea bream.

Through the lifting platform in the kitchen, Shi Ke sent the four dishes upstairs. After a while, the ABC trio of spectators upstairs heard ghostly screams.

During the live broadcast on campus, the spectator ABC trio's devouring food was perfectly live broadcasted from the big screen in the college.

The guests who watched the live broadcast were all hungry. The eyes of the students who opened a shop nearby were full of envy.

ah! To make guests eat so deliciously, the technology must be very strong! ! Student Shi Ke is really amazing! If only I were as good as this!

Eizan Etsuya's office, Ezuya Eizan is in a bad mood! The materials fell all over the table, and the hair was scratched.

"Damn! This guy is in the limelight again! Live broadcast, there is no doubt that if this continues, those stores will lose money again! No way! My business consulting is perfect! I can't let him do whatever he wants anymore! Or use whatever means ! Come on!!"

"Boss, what's the matter?" A vicious bald boy came in.

"Is this really the price list of the dishes at Shike's restaurant?" Ruishan Zhijin also picked up the information on his desk.

"Well. That's true. Because he sold it so cheaply, some guests in the central area and the corridor area were also attracted to the high platform area."

"Really? It's cheap~~" Ruishan Zhijin also pushed his glasses, with a wicked smile showing an unscrupulous smile.

Two hours later, the number of customers in the Shike shop gradually decreased.

"Hey! Shi Ke, what's wrong? Why does it feel like no one is ordering? I've been busy with banquets, so I didn't pay much attention. However, the hotel level and home cooking level seem to have stopped." Misaku Subaru wiped the hair on his forehead. sweat.

"Look at the five people outside, each at a table, just ordered a piece of sashimi and ate for almost an hour!" Mori Kogoro returned to the kitchen.

"Yes. If someone is occupying a seat, order the cheapest dish and eat slowly. The five ordinary tables are all occupied, so of course the guests won't come in. Someone tripped us up." Shi Ke looked at the first floor The sleazy hooligans sitting at the five tables knew everything.

"Hmm... Damn it! I'll kick them out!" Mori Kogoro rolled up his sleeves.

"We are broadcasting live, directly beating people to drive away customers, so don't mess around in the next few days. Moreover, someone behind the scenes will definitely take advantage of this opportunity, saying that we beat people and ruin our store." Shi Ke stopped him .

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.com]

"You mean, Ezuya Eizan."

"Hmph... Besides him, who else can be so shameless? Self-esteem is worthless to him." Shi Ke shrugged.

"Damn it! But, we can't go on like this! If we continue like this, our store must be in deficit today! Our cost today is very high!" Mori Kogoro was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

"Oh... how about I make a move? However, I'm afraid that those five people outside will be beaten to death!" Shi Ke frowned.

"Never mind him!! They asked for it! Let's do it, Mr. Shi Ke! Self-help is the most important thing!" Mori Kogoro was not afraid of big troubles at all.

"Well. Okay. Isn't it just making trouble? It's ok! I'll spend money. I originally planned to hide and eat slowly." Shi Ke walked to the low-temperature freezer in the kitchen, opened the door, and the inside Silver light seeped out.

Misaku Subaru and Mori Kogoro rolled their eyes, "Damn! You are really rich!"

"Don't be in a daze. Help me bring a cart, put the table at the door, and I'll just perform fish removal. I don't believe that no one wants to try this thing." Shi Ke patted the things in the refrigerator.

Mori Kogoro pushed the cart, and Misaku Subaru went to the door to put the table.

Shi Ke put the big fish on the cart, put the Seven Star Knife on his back, and pushed it out of the kitchen swaggeringly.

"This is!!! Such a big bluefin tuna! At least 150 kilograms?!" The five people in the hall on the first floor were so shocked that their eyes flew out.

"Five, eat slowly. I hope you can sit still after a while. In the end, I have already remembered you, and I will settle our accounts with you slowly." Shi Ke smiled at them, After saying a few words, he pushed the cart directly to the door of the store.

Shi Ke was grinning, but what he said was utterly sinister and cold.

"Gulu..." The five regretted coming here to find trouble.

Shike pushed the bluefin tuna to the gate and put it on the table.

Bang! The heavy sound attracted the attention of passers-by.

After they saw clearly that it was bluefin tuna, they were all attracted to it. In the whole street full of people, only Shi Ke's shop is surrounded by customers.

Shi Ke took out his big knife and patted the bluefin tuna, "Everyone is a food lover, so you should know this fish, right?"

"Bluefin tuna!!" Many passers-by shouted out.

"Yes. That's right. This fish is bluefin tuna with a net weight of 160 kilograms. I managed to get it. This is today's special food. I won't sell it very expensive, just because it is cheaper than the market The average price is slightly higher, because I hope that every customer can taste this delicacy. I don't brag, I keep my word." Shi Ke explained to the onlookers.

"Okay! If you do what you say, we will buy it!" Many passers-by were in high spirits. After all, bluefin tuna is the most attractive.

"Then, now let's cut the fish!" Shi Ke lifted the seven-star broadsword and lowered the knife from the fin of the fish. With no force, he pressed lightly, as if there was no bone, and cut directly to the spine of the tuna. Turning the tuna over with one hand, and pressing the big knife again, the huge head of the tuna was directly picked off by Shi Ke. Shike showed the fish head to the guests, took off two rare pieces of cheek meat and two pieces of brain meat that accounted for only 0.05% of the total volume of a tuna with a knife, and put them on a plate for Maori to bring back Kitchen collection, these two are really expensive, not because they have something to do with each other, and Shi Ke is reluctant to sell them casually. Then change the big knife to a long sharp knife, cut the fish skin from the dorsal fin of the fish, stab it hard to the spine, cut the thick fish meat on the back to the tail in one go, and then cut the fish body with the big knife along the spine to cut off the whole thick piece The back meat of the fish is divided into two from the middle, divided into the front body and the back body, and the other side is operated in the same way.

After the thick and bright red fish meat was removed, all the guests watching excitedly cheered, "His method of removing the meat is different from the chefs I have seen! However, the meat is really complete! It's great , What a superb technique! This is the first time I have seen Jieyu so fast, without hesitation at all!"

The rest is the second most precious part of bluefin tuna, the belly and the belly. Shi Ke cut the spine into two sections with the middle belly and big belly as the boundary, and directly separated the middle belly and big belly with a knife, and then separated the fish bones and fish belly meat with a sharp knife, and completely removed two pieces of bright red middle belly and two pieces of pink belly. big belly. Put the fish bone aside, let Misaku Subaru use a spoon to scrape off the remaining fish meat on the fish bone, and put it into a small plate. Shi Ke used a long sharp knife to cut off the blood nest on the back of the fish, trimmed the miscellaneous edges of the abdomen, and cut off the neck and fins to ensure the taste of the fish and also the beauty of the fish.

Shi Ke wiped the knife with a paper towel, put the knife back into its sheath, and showed the cut fish, "The fish is finished! Thank you for watching."

"The performance is really beautiful! When will it be sold?" The guests applauded, impatiently.

"Wait for me for two minutes." Shi Ke returned to the store, and two minutes later, he took out another scroll.

Wow, as soon as the scroll was unfolded and hung on the wall, Shi Ke went back to the shop.

According to the content of the scroll, all bluefin tuna is cooked and sold by our shop. All food cannot be taken away, and is cooked and eaten to ensure the maximum value of the ingredients. There are two kinds of dishes offered in this restaurant, sushi and sashimi. According to the market price of the fish meat, the price will be increased appropriately, and it will be sold out on a first-come-first-served basis.

"Oh, oh, oh! Come in! Even if there is more than 150 kilograms of fish, there is not much for so many people! You can buy more if you order first!" The guests rushed in after reading the scroll. When I entered the store, I saw a seat and immediately took a seat.

Those five people were all forced to join the table with a confused look.

There was a person who wanted to resist and announced that he wanted to sit alone, and was directly slapped by the guests at the same table.

"You order such a cheap dish by yourself to occupy a place here, can you leave? You have lowered our appetite! Poor ghost! If you have no skills, ability, or money, don't come here to embarrass yourself, okay? Go to other places area, okay? This is not the place for a person of your level to come!" It seems that he met a nouveau riche with a bad temper.

I was wronged by the little hooligan who was reprimanded for no reason. I didn't say that there was such a thing before I came here.

After the little hooligan was counted loudly, the guests at each table found that there was a strange person at their table, and one of them didn't even leave after finishing the dishes.

"Hey, hey! Everyone is queuing up to taste bluefin tuna! What do you five mean by taking up a seat here and not ordering food? You can't afford it yourself, and you don't let others eat it, right?" a guest What a big brain.

"No...no." The little boss of the five hooligans said daringly, poking his neck.

"Boss, don't you care? Someone is occupying the seat and not doing business!" The guests were dissatisfied and asked Shi Ke to solve it.

Shi Ke walked out of the kitchen, leaned against the wall with his arms folded, shrugged and said, "Theoretically speaking, both of you are guests, and as a chef, I can't drive people away regardless of the value of the food. It is against professional ethics. However, I have no control over some conflicts between guests over the competition for seats. As long as it does not violate the law or violate the code of ethics, I cannot offend another guest because of it. Guests. You'd better figure it out yourself, as for what will happen, I haven't seen anything. Food belongs to capable people in most cases."

"..." The guests who were still waiting for the meal were stunned for a while, looked at each other, walked to the side of the five people, and discussed with them.

After chatting for a while, they didn't know what they were talking about. The three hooligans couldn't take it anymore, got up and gave up their seats, paid the money honestly and left Wuwei Pavilion.

The remaining two people resolutely remained unmoved, just like a weight, they just occupied their positions and did not leave.

"Oh...you are really loyal. But, you are outraged. You are going to be unlucky!" Shi Ke didn't want to look at it, and went back to the kitchen.

As soon as he returned to the kitchen, he heard two thuds. Shi Ke turned his head and saw that the two hooligans were set up by angry customers, and they were thrown out of the shop with curses and shouts. They were instantly disgraced. They are as defenseless as chicken cubs, and they are powerful in numbers, which is not just for fun.

Who told you to block so many foodies from eating? It deserves it! What is the difference between eating in the way of foodies and directly cutting off people's wealth? Have you been beaten? Who made you cheap?

In any case, the biggest crisis on the second day of the Totsuki Academy Festival was easily overcome. The store's business boomed in the afternoon, and successfully recovered the loss in the morning. Shi Ke's superb seafood sashimi skills and super traditional sushi skills have successfully made a name for themselves in Gaotai District.

Before five o'clock in the evening, the icing on the cake, the highest-level banquet package was also sold out, and four old friends, Shuji Kita, Shingo Ando, ​​and two sisters, Orie Sengawa, came to join us. In order to express his welcome, Shi Ke made a small red jade sushi ten guan with the cheek meat and naotian taken from the bluefin tuna and presented it to four old friends.

As for Eizan Etsuya, he was absolutely distraught. The bluefin tuna of Shike's bluefin tuna directly robbed the several stores that had business, and three of them were planning to move their positions and open stores in other areas.

However, Shi Ke also inadvertently fought against Saito Zongming, and the business of Saito Zongming's sushi restaurant in the afternoon was affected. However, Saito Zongming just smiled, instead, he went to Shike's store to taste the most expensive bluefin tuna sushi ten guan, and chatted with Shike about the preparation method of sushi vinegar rice .

When he left, Shi Ke felt a little sympathetic.

He's a wonderful guy, worth paying for.