
Chapter 179: The Arrogant Seven-Star Asura~men~

Early the next morning, Shi Ke and his group followed Aida Sho to the place agreed with Nakiri Jiji—an abandoned train platform in a corner of Hokkaido, Japan.

"Uh uh uh uh...it's so cold..." Saibashi Ichiro stood on the platform with his arms folded and shivering.

"This is the place where the rules are determined~~ unexpectedly let us come to such a remote place..." Xinghei turned his head and looked around.

"The train station here is usually not used much... To be more frank, this station has been abandoned. But, for this meeting, I specially let the Moon Shadow come here... because there is no other place more suitable than this place It is." Sho Aida explained while rubbing his chin.

"But what about the opponents?" Xingping asked a very important question. Let alone the top ten, there is not even a ghost in this place.

"Ah...they're coming down." Aida Xiang looked at the snow-covered mountains covered in white in the distance.

Everyone followed Aida Sho's eyes to see that three black spots were sliding down the snow mountain.

"..., this appearance is quite pretending~~" Shi Ke cocked his mouth.

After tens of seconds, three black dots arrived at the station, they were Nakiri Ji, Si Yingshi and Kobayashi Rindan.

"Oh...the nearby heliport is on the top of the mountain...it's faster than going around by car..." Nakiri Tsuji put away the skis and handed them to Sho Aida.

"The train carrying Saito-kun and Sissy Kubo-kun is about to arrive." Aida Sho said while tidying up his skis.

"Really? Let's make a quick decision, let's have an efficient meeting standing up!" Nakiri Jiji straightened the collar of the windbreaker that was wrinkled from skiing just now.

After a while, the roar of the Moon Shadow was heard in the distance, and it slowly docked beside the platform under everyone's gaze.

The veteran ten heroes came down one by one, and the one who walked at the end was yawning, looking like he hadn't had enough sleep at all. His short body was a head shorter than my senior Jiu's, and he had triangular red phoenix eyes and thick and short eight-character eyebrows. Hieizan Zhijin also owes a beating.

"Hmph...the six ten heroes who betrayed and overthrew the former regime are all here~~" Takmi was very disdainful.

"Hmm... I haven't seen that person in the end. Is it the new top ten? Why do you feel like you've never seen him in school? Mr. Shi Ke." Erina poked Shi Ke with her elbow.

"Then I'll try him." Shi Ke rubbed his chin, and uttered Erina's voice in a high-pitched voice, "Ouba~~"

Erina was stunned for a while, then tilted her head and glanced at Shi Ke, auditory hallucination? (?_?)?

"Huh?" The triangular eyes immediately regained energy, staring straight at Erina next to Shike, trimmed her hair, smiled at herself thoughtfully, flirted with a wink, and uttered crappy Korean Japanese , "Beauty~~ Is there something wrong?"

"No...it's okay!" Erina was disgusted.

"I have something to say~ There is nothing I can't do~~" Triangle Eyes made a gesture that he thought was very handsome.

"I'm sure. It's from Korea. It's probably your father's foreign aid." Shi Ke said to Erina expressionlessly.

"I can hear it!!" Erina blushed and glared at Shi Ke, why are you messing with someone else's voice to tease an idiot!

Shi Ke ignored it, and the veins on his forehead popped out. At this moment, his heart was hitting the wall until the gray wall fell off, and his head was bleeding, "Ahhhhhhh!! This is the fake Seven Star Shura?! I don't want this nickname anymore! Absolutely not!! If he used it, it would definitely ruin his image! I want to kill him! His reputation will be ruined once!"

"Suddenly I feel that Shike-jun and Nakiri have become crazy..." Xiaohui scratched her head beside her and muttered.

"Oh! Senior Ruishan is here too! Hello! Hello! You really took care of Shiji a while ago!" Xingping and Ruishan Zhijin also greeted.

"Idiot..." Ruishan Zhijin also pushed his glasses and ignored it.

"Eisan has changed~~According to his original personality, it should be because he said something cruel about killing you because he lost last time?" Kobayashi Ryodan elbowed Si Yingshi.

"Well. Today he...is very calm." Si Yingshi stared and nodded.

"Senior...we are on one side." Ezumi Etsu also turned his head and said with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry~~" Si Yingshi apologized.

"..., um." Ruishan Zhijin also pushed his glasses, folded his arms and stopped talking.

"Then, for the Kingdom of Ji, let's start with the date of the decisive battle?" Nakiri Ji waved at Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji.

"Yes." Ji Zhiguo Ningning took out a few documents from the file bag and read them calmly, "The sixth exam is also the last exam. It will be held in a month's time, and the location will be in Liwen At the southern end of the island, we set up a duel stage for the alliance to eat halberds. Considering that ordinary students are currently going north for the promotion exam, we specially arranged the duel location at a place convenient for them to watch the battle."

"Hmph... Killing the chicken to scare the monkey?" Xingping smiled.

"That's right... I want other students to watch us rebels lose." Takumi said coldly.

"Okay... I know everything. Then the side that wins in that venue... will take all the seats of the Ten Elites." Commander Senzaemon said with his hands in his hands.

"No objection." Nakiri Ji nodded confidently, then stretched out his fingers and shook, "Also, there is no limit to the number of people in the battle, after all, this is the characteristic of the alliance's halberd. There is a precedent of one against fifty. If there are people who agree with you, whether it is fifty or a hundred people can participate, but now that the rebels have all been expelled from school, it must be very difficult to find, right?"

"Ji... It seems that you are in a good mood. Have you forgotten that there is such a thing as gambling money in this game? If Shi Ke and the others win and win the top ten, you will have to start from the commander-in-chief." It is like you abdicated His Excellency Senzaemon. The agency will be disbanded, and all your so-called big changes must be abolished." Dojima Gin, who was dressed similarly to Xu Wenqiang, said.

"On the contrary, if we win, the rebels will all drop out of school. And senior Saiba will also join my army to help me pursue the path of real gourmet food. This is really a good thing." Cut thistle said with a smile.

"With all due respect, our minds are all about saving our comrades now! That's the purpose of this halberd eating!" Takomi said.

"That's right, that's right! If you forget this, we will be very troubled!" Xingping responded by shaking his arms beside him.

"It doesn't matter. We won the duel, we can handle it by ourselves." Shike pulled them aside.

"Yeah. That's right. It doesn't matter whether they remember or not, as long as we remember." Xinghei and Takumi thought about it and understood.

"The student handbooks of the traitors are no longer needed, so I took them back." Nakiri Ji took out a stack of student handbooks from the inner pocket of the windbreaker, "This is a symbol of belonging to Yuanyue Academy... It also means that This manual can represent the life of a dropout."

"..." Shi Ke scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and raised his hand, (?_?;)? "Uh... I lost this thing when I started school, and it's been a few months. Your college also I never checked it, so I never made it up. Will I drop out of school if this is gone? I don't know, and it's not written on it."

"..., I'm just making an analogy... as long as the student status is still there, this can be reapplied." Nakie Jiji said with a forced smile in embarrassment.

"Oh. I'll make up for it when I'm done eating the halberd."

"You can lose this thing too?" Takmi pouted beside him.

"I haven't lost a few student ID cards. How dare you say that you went to school?"

"Huh?" Takumi was stunned for a while.

"Hey, hey, hey... I say you guys should just give up. With me here, you can't win. As long as I want to, I can get rid of you all by myself." The Korean-style triangular eyes spoke with akimbo after being quiet for a long time. up.

"..., who are you?" Xingping scratched his head and asked.

"Me? Does Seven Star Shura know?"

"I don't know." Xing Ping said with certainty.

"..., I don't know. You really are ignorant." The Korean triangular eyes are a little embarrassing.

"..., it's natural that Tiantian overcomes narcissism and arrogance, and it really isn't just talking." Shi Ke complained silently.

"Seven Star Shura?~" Saibajo Ichiro stared blankly at Shi Ke.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself? After the introduction, we will know." Shi Ke glanced at Ichiro Pashiro, shook his head, and said with a smile.

Only Pajo Ichiro understood.

"Okay. You heard it clearly and remembered it. I, Park Wife Shin, the sole legal heir of Daehan Fisheries Co., Ltd., the second largest aquatic logistics company in Asia. I was highly evaluated by the WGO special inspector last year. The culinary world is called the Seven Star Shura. Since my debut, I have participated in a total of 584 times in various large-scale cooking competitions, without a single defeat! I am the strongest chef in Korea and even the strongest chef in Asia!" Park Wife Shin finished Just hold your head up and wait for the mask to worship.

"The strongest in Asia?" The other ten heroes frowned and squinted at him. Where did you get your confidence?

"Hmm... He is very familiar with my record on the surface. However, if you imitate me, you must at least look at your height." The real stone guest complained in his heart.

"This guy seems to be very powerful..." Xiaohui lettered.

"..., just look at his height due to lack of food and malnutrition, do you think he can be amazing?" Shi Ke complained by comparing his height with his hands.

"Oh. It's a little weird, but it makes sense." Xiaohui believed it again.

Jiu Wo Zhaoji, who was instructing the younger brother in the academy, turned his head fiercely, and roared at the stunned younger brother, "I don't know why I want to complain that cooking skills have nothing to do with height!?"

"Culinary skill has nothing to do with height!!" Pu wife yelled angrily when she heard what Shi Ke said.

"Oh oh oh. Got it. Don't be arrogant. If you want to be arrogant, go to another place. This place is not suitable for you, really." Shi Ke waved his hand disapprovingly.

"You seem to be more arrogant than me?!"

"Hmm. Believe it or not, Commander Nakie Ji is afraid of me?" Shi Ke said with a smile, not giving Nakie Ji any face.

"Do not believe."

"Oh. If you don't believe me, I'll be fooled. At that time, Yuanyue Academy will collapse directly, but it's your fault."

"Eh? Who do you think you are?"

"I can guarantee the supply of ingredients for Yuanyue College. You still want to be arrogant with me? Aren't you afraid to come here and mess things up?"

"Ingredients supply? Huh! What's the matter? My father has a good relationship with the president of Jiuding Group, the number one supplier in Asia. I just need to go back and tell him that Jiuding Group will definitely sell my father some thin noodles! The one in your house Can the supply be compared to Jiuding Group?"

"Ahem... Jiuding Group, his family opened it." Ji Zhiguo Ningning pushed his glasses and said.

Snapped! A slap from a teammate!

"Uh?! Okay! I was wrong. There is too little information... and Jiuding Group is nothing more than that! My mother has a very friendly relationship with the vice president of Caishi Group, the second food supplier in Asia. I will go back and talk about it." Said, even the Jiuding Group is not afraid! There is no problem with the supply of ingredients."

"Ahem... the president of Caishi Group is his brother." Ruishan Zhijin also pushed his glasses.

Snapped! Another slap from a teammate!

"Eh?! What I said above doesn't count! We Daehan Fishery can also guarantee enough aquatic ingredients! Other ingredients can be done in time!" Pu's wife blushed.

"Japan's fishery is very developed, and there is no shortage of aquatic products. Huh?" Nakiri Jiji didn't know what was wrong, so he also interjected, and he was stunned. The ten heroes were all dumbfounded.

Snapped! The slap from the boss hurts the most.

"..., ahhhh! I'm not playing anymore! When I eat the halberd, I will personally kill you! Let you experience the power of my ancestral seven-star knife!!" Pu wife's new mentality exploded.

"It's the first time I've seen someone who was slapped so hard by my own people. Eh? Okay. Don't talk nonsense, let's just make an appointment now. No matter what the competition system is, the two of us will play in the first round. One-on-one duel. Just don't deliberately stagger when the time comes." Shi Ke calmly complained with his arms folded, and nodded.

"Okay!! You just wait to die!!"

"Oh... I'm so scared. Cut, what is it~~" Shi Ke dismissed it.

"You wash my neck and wait!! I'll take my leave first! Hmph!" Pu's wife couldn't stay any longer, she let out a cold snort and went back to the train on her own.

"Commander Nakirji, do you have any objections? I have an appointment with Seven Star Shura." Shi Ke looked at Nakirji.

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"Well. No objection. However, what I want to say is that you have found the wrong opponent. If you want to back down now, I will not object." Nakiri Ji spread his hands generously.

"He was specially found to deal with me, what are you pretending to be?"

"Hehe... maybe."

"Boring low-level fun." Shi Ke turned and stepped aside.

"Hmm... alright. That's about it. Oh, yes! Erina, let me confirm first, you should be a member of our team for this alliance meal?" Nakiri Jimo I rubbed my chin to make a mess.

"No! Father." Erina replied with extraordinary decisiveness.

"Erina..." Nakiri Ji was completely stunned, this attitude is not normal.

"The tenth seat of the top ten, I will return it to you first. I am just an ordinary student now—Nakiri Erina!" Erina said calmly with a flick of her hair, Super A.

"How did this happen?! What did you do to Erina?!" Nakiri Jiji was furious.

"I didn't do anything, I just chatted with Erina last night with Commander Senzaemon and Boss Saibajo Ichiro." Ishike said with a smile.

"What did you say?!"

"Please...we are rivals. May I tell you?" Shi Ke pouted and spread his hands.

"Hehe...I didn't expect you, Erina, to dare to refute me openly on your own initiative...It's fine! But once you lose, and everyone else drops out, only Erina will have to pay a different price! Dropping out is too childish! I I want you to dedicate your life to the Central Gourmet Organization, remember and implement every word of your father, without any rebuttal, understand?"

"No need. If you lose...I won't be a chef anymore! Father!" Erina closed her eyes and said coldly.

"What?!" Nakiri Ji was furious, "Aren't you willing to help me even if you are no longer a chef?!"

"I'm helping you now!!! Father! I can't watch you destroy yourself!" Erina roared.

"What a mess! I really don't know what kind of thoughts you are bewitched by! Damn it! Let's go!!" Nakiri Ji bit his gloves angrily, threw his hands and got on the train.

The ten heroes followed him to the Moon Shadow, and the Moon Shadow left.

"..., huh~~huh~~~" Erina looked at the train going away so excitedly that her head was smoking.

"There's too much adrenaline." Shi Ke smiled.

"You didn't lie to me, did you? The Japanese government will stop my father's plan." Erina said.

"Well. Your father's plan to clean up small shops will destroy Japan's tourism industry and economic system. Small shops also have their own meaning, and it can't be destroyed by your father's pursuit of high-end dishes and real food. Because high-end dishes are not for anyone Affordable food is not something that a chef can cook. Don't ordinary citizens eat? The pace of life in Japan is so fast, without those small shops, will ordinary people go home to cook? Who will do those overtime jobs? Small shops cook according to the high requirements of the central gourmet agency, so what to do with the extra cost of ingredients? What if regular customers are not used to eating? After all, it is impossible for everyone to be a gourmet! Close all small shops and let the ordinary People also go to eat high-end dishes?! Unless your father plans to sell those high-end dishes at a loss at the price of ordinary people in small shops in the future, then the business will definitely be good. But do you think it is possible? A business that cannot make back the cost of ingredients will be accompanied by fools He did it? So I said let them win. Your father will not be arrested by the Japanese government for disrupting the social economy and imprisoned. I can't stop."

"Indeed. You helped me figure it out. I will do my best to save my father and save Yuanyue!"

"Right! You did the right thing, why are you afraid of your father?"

"Oh my...Little brother Shike, you are quite thorough in your analysis!" Saibajo Ichiro put his arms around Shike's neck in a carefree manner.

"Don't be dazed, let's prepare for the training camp. The strength of those stubborn people is real. I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about them." Shike pointed to Xingping, Takmi and Xiaohui.

"Oh! That's right! They are indeed still not ready enough. Special training!! Get ready to face hell!" Saibajo Ichiro nodded seriously.

Every day for the next month, Shi Ke and others devoted themselves to the special training that challenged the limit, and the alliance food halberd arrived without knowing it!