
Chapter 153: The Third Taste of Wuwei Pavilion, Flame Taste (Part 1)

The four Shikes had enough to eat and drink, and continued to work. Subaru Misaku was in charge of handling the young roosters bought by the salted stone customer, and Mori Kogoro was in charge of the duck bought by the salted stone customer.

Shi Ke and Liang Cai brought two large buckets out of the kitchen, poured them into a large iron basin at the door, and began to use a shovel to deal with the wine jar sealing mud that Shi Ke had brought.

"Eh...you are quite familiar with this job." Shi Ke was a little surprised.

"Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running? I come from a family of chefs, okay? You are going to be a beggar's chicken, brother." Liang Cai responded with a look of contempt.

"Mm. Much better than your brother Shi Fu." Shi Ke didn't care.

"Hehehe...don't mention him, his talent tree is completely crooked."

"Yes. Agreed. After a while, you come to taste the first bite of Beggar Chicken. There is not much mud, why don't you stir it by yourself, just add more cheap wine and turn it over. I will go and take the processed chicken Take it out, and start making mud sooner." Shi Ke brought out two large bottles of Erguotou.

"Hmm... no problem. I'm still very good at making mud."

"And Xini...that's right. Take your time and I'll come whenever I go." Shi Ke was stunned for a moment, then ran back to the kitchen with a smile.

"I'm a painter, I can only mix mud, and the mud tastes delicious, and I can make beggar chicken... (Little Painter's Edition) Beggar chicken, beggar chicken, make the best beggar chicken, one by one Only two are not enough to eat, ah, not enough to eat, I want to get a third one... Their meat is delicious, nutritious and healthy, suitable for beggar chicken. After cooking, the children will cry!!! Ah! Cute little rooster! Ah! Delicious beggar chicken! They are fragrant and tender after cooking. Tens of miles! They can help me make money and make my heart happy!... (Song of the Smurfs version) I mixed mud at the door of the store, and brother Shi Ke went to the kitchen to get two chickens, wrapped them in lotus leaf skin, Then paste it with wine-flavored mud, bake it on the fire, and make it into a beggar chicken! Yay! (I picked up the penny version on the side of the road) ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~" After the stone guest left, Liang Only then did I compose a nursery rhyme, skewer it, stir it up and sing it.

"Click!" There was the sound of a camera shutter next to it.

Liang Cai turned his head to see that Satsuda Mitsuru was holding up the camera to take pictures.

"Uh...we haven't opened here yet. Big brother, do you have anything to do?" Liang Cai didn't know him either.

"The ditty just now is very interesting. What are you preparing for? I am a campus reporter and a good friend of Mr. Shi Ke."

"Oh. Business secrets, wait until my brother comes out. No filming is allowed now." Liang Cai changed his smart kid form, waving his small hand to block the big iron basin to prevent filming, pretending to be stupid.

"Hmm...Okay. I won't take pictures. Don't worry about it either." Hayatsuda Mitsuru raised his hands and stopped taking pictures.

"Yeah. Big brother, if you want to shoot, just shoot. You are not a bad person." Liang Cai curled his lips and stirred up the mud again.

"Huh? Why can I shoot again?"

"Shoot it, shoot it. If you're a bad guy, I can't stop you at all." Liang Cai shrugged and began to add Erguotou to the big pot.

"What are you? Special sauce?"

"Mud with wine. After a while, it will be used for cooking. In fact, there is nothing to see here. You can go directly to my brother, don't you know him?"

"Well, okay. I forgot to ask, who are you? I came here a few days ago, and I haven't seen you."

"I'm Shi Ke's younger brother, and my name is Liang Cai. Help my brother play the role of cashier. I just arrived today. Don't you need to introduce anything else?"

"No need. Then I went in to find your brother?"

"Go, go. I still have to cook." Liang Cai picked up the shovel again and started his own big business of making mud.

"Cooking... What magical dishes did Senior Shike come up with? Cooking with mud? The legendary Avalokitesvara soil?" Hayatsuda Mitsuru walked into the store with a big brain hole, and slowly touched it. Beside the kitchen door, I poked my head and looked in, "Senior Shi Ke? I'm here again. Can you~ come in?"

Then he saw Mori Kogoro who was tenderly making horses and killing chickens for ducks, Shike with a smirk rubbing the suckling pig's buttocks, and Subaru Misaku who massaged the little cock until his face flushed.

"No, it must be the wrong way for me to enter the door!!" Hayatsuda retracted his head, leaning against the wall, mad.

What kind of hot eye situation is this! !

After a while, he poked his head in again, and the three faces were facing him ten centimeters away, staring wide-eyed.

"Wow!!" Hayatsuda Mitsuru was so frightened that he rolled back!

"What are you doing? If you want to watch it, just come in and watch it. Anyway, you have the right to live broadcast. Why are you doing it like a thief?" Shi Ke helped him up.

"Huh... It's okay, it must have been an illusion just now." Satsuda Mitsuru patted the ashes on his buttocks.

Shike looked at his phone, it was nine o'clock, "Mizuo, Maori. We start work early today."

"Oh! Alright! I'll light the fire!" Mori Kogoro volunteered.

"Yeah. Misaku, let's move the ingredients." Ishike called Misaku Subaru to move out the marinated chicken, duck, fish, and suckling pig.

"Yeah." Subaru Misaku pushed the cart to carry the suckling pigs and ducks in the big basin.

"Bang!" Shi Ke brought the small rooster marinated in a large iron basin to a place where someone was playing with mud, took out a box of dry sealing mud and a bundle of lotus leaves, and began to make beggar chicken.

The production steps are not difficult. The little cock is marinated in advance, wrapped in lotus leaves, tied in a cross shape with straw ropes to prevent it from falling apart, then wrapped in a layer of potting mud added with wine, and then covered with a layer of dry Cylinder mud, a big mud ball with heaven and earth inside is ready. Don't do too much, thirty is enough.

At this moment, Subaru Misaku started to shout, "Ishike, the roast duck shelf is full. It's time to light the fire! Do you have anything else to order?"

"Oh? The time is just right!" Shike passed by with a large iron basin of mud balls, put them all into a charcoal tank covered with a layer of palm tree branches and pine blocks, and opened them evenly. Then, Pine fire.

The raging fire burned within minutes.

"Heh heh... palm trees and pine trees are full of oil! The pure natural and pollution-free ignition agent is easy to use." Shi Ke touched his chin and said.

"Shike, what are these lychee shells for?" Misaku Subaru came over with a large basket of lychee shells.

"Fuel. Add it as firewood. Add it together with the apple wood pieces I got from someone to add flavor to the roast duck. Remember to cover half of the fire cover, so that the roast duck will taste more fragrant and the firepower will be more even." Shi The customer turned over the arch bridge-shaped fire cover with smoke outlet behind the grill.

"What a high cost!"

"Hehehe...the cost is not high, I will sell one for 10,000 yen?"

"Brother, let me do the math. Your cost is at least 8,000 yen, not counting the freight. Selling 10,000 yen is too cheap. I suggest 13,000 to 15,000." The toad mirror kid next to him took out The calculator clicks and clicks.

"Um... I just want to round up the number so that it's easier to calculate."

"A prodigal son... no wonder the cost was so high a few days ago, and I only made such a small profit." Liang Cai curled his lips, (?_?).

"A little bit..." Subaru Misaku and Kogoro Mori didn't know what to say.

"Come here if you have the ability!" In a fit of rage, Shi Ke gave Liang Cai the menu.

"I'll come. I'll come. You can just cook. I'll make money." Liang Cai took the menu calmly, looked at the unit price set by Shi Ke, and took out a marker to change it.

"Come on. Let me see how much money you can make~~You can take back the cashier? It won't bother you." Shi Ke was also speechless, and sent Liang to the cashier to write slowly.

"No~~ You still miss my first mouthful of beggar chicken~~Brother." Liang Cai wiped his saliva, (?﹃?).

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"Okay. When it's ripe, I'll cut one up for you."

"Then I'm leaving." Liang Cai immediately turned around and went to the shop without turning his head.

"It's finally clean. It's better to cook quietly in your own place." Shi Ke was deeply moved.

"Shi Ke, what are those mud balls you put in the firewood pile? Special charcoal?"

"Roast chicken. Put it in the fire for about 20 minutes, then you can take it out, put it on the ordinary grill and cook it slowly. Be careful, don't break the mud shell on the outside, it will not be easy to buy Huh? It's time to add some firewood." Shi Ke shook his finger and explained.

"Yeah." Subaru Misaku began to add firewood.

"Maori, how is the little suckling pig?"

"Help! I can't do it alone! The fire is already on, and the suckling pig can't get up!" Mao Li Kogoro wailed.

"You are such a fairy, why do you light the fire first? Do you want to roast yourself?" Shi Ke came over to put out the fire, pulled out all the half-burned firewood, put it in an iron bucket, and the open fire was naturally extinguished. Take out all the remaining carbon and pour some water to destroy it. After a while, put it on the fire to dry and continue to use it.

"Uh... I do smell a bit like barbecue."

"Don't be silly. This roast suckling pig is the main dish! Don't mess it up." Shi Ke put the little suckling pig on the grill, fixed the limbs with the adjustable steel ring on the grill, and turned the handle over After two laps and tugging, it was confirmed that it was firmly fixed. I put the half-burned firewood I took out just now back into the carbon tank, lit the fire, and added some palm tree branches from Mizusa Subaru and the broken carbon that I just took out. There is no need to manage the water that has been poured, just light the fire and dry it. Palm tree branches are very flammable.

"Shi Ke, the smoke is a bit heavy! Cough..." Kogoro Maoli slapped him with a fan and was choked.

"Pull up the fire shield! It will be much better that way, and all the smoke will escape from the smoke outlet. After a while, when the wet carbon dries, there will be no smoke."

"Oh, I should have said it earlier. This is my first time making a roast suckling pig." Mouri Kogoro then went to pull the fireproof cover in a daze. Once he pulled it on, the smoke was really reduced a lot.

"Phew... it's all done." Shi Ke watched for a while, and found that the two teammates had stabilized, and he was relieved, "I can also start to do my own work."

Shi Ke went back to the store and put a small charcoal grill on each table, "Well, that's enough. Customers can grill by themselves. Finally, here I come, mutton skewers and beef skewers!"

"Brother! The price has been adjusted." Liang Cai handed the price list to Shi Ke.

"Well, well done." Shi Ke patted his head and went out cheerfully carrying the marinated beef and mutton skewers.

"Hmm... I really don't understand. Can cooking really be so fun? Is it more interesting than making money? Uh... I don't understand." Liang Cai looked at Shi Ke's back and scratched his head.

After a while, Shi Ke was in front of the last long natural gas grill at the door, turned on the fire, and when the stereo was turned on, the explosive disco sounded. Shi Ke threw up his arms and immediately set up a battle with the aroma of barbecue . The passers-by counted one by one, and they all came together at once.

"Come, come, don't miss it when you pass by! Wuwei Pavilion opened early today! Authentic mutton skewers and dice beef skewers! You can eat two skewers if you want to eat two skewers, and four skewers if you eat two skewers. Boys eat energy and girls eat You won't get fat! Come, come, come, do you want to have a bunch? Handsome guys and beautiful women?!..." Shi Ke got excited with the music.

"Hmm... I'm really happy~" Liang Cai nodded, the music selection was very touching.