
Flying griffins

World of magic and supernatural. Find knights and swords masters ruling the world. world will change and the Griffin brothers will challenge everyone with there powers and teamwork.

pysc2000 · Ação
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14 Chs

GreenTree Festival

As the Griffin family knelt before the king, a tense silence filled the grand hall of the royal palace. The nobles and courtiers watched with keen interest, knowing that this moment was of great significance. The reunion of the long-separated family and the revelations to follow would shape the future of the kingdom.

King Edmund, the ruler of the realm, studied his son Roger and his daughter-in-law Linda with a measured expression. He had aged gracefully over the years, and his eyes held a depth of experience that came with decades of rule. The weight of his responsibilities and the complexities of royal politics were evident in his demeanor.

After a long pause, King Edmund finally spoke, his voice echoing through the hall, "Roger, Linda, rise."

The Griffin family obeyed the king's command and stood. Roger cleared his throat, feeling a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. "Father, it has been too long. We are grateful for this opportunity to reunite with you."

King Edmund nodded, acknowledging his son's words. "Indeed, it has been too long. Much has transpired during your absence, and the kingdom faces challenges both within and beyond our borders. Your return is timely, and it brings both hope and complexity."

Linda, who had been quiet up to this point, finally spoke, her voice steady despite her nervousness. "Your Majesty, we understand the weight of the responsibilities that await us. We are here to serve the kingdom and its people."

Jake and Luke, standing beside their parents, listened intently to the conversation. Their young faces displayed a mix of curiosity and respect. This was their first meeting with their grandfather, and they were eager to learn from his wisdom.

King Edmund regarded his grandsons with a hint of warmth in his eyes. "Jake and Luke, you have grown into fine young princes. The future of the kingdom rests upon your shoulders as well. You have much to learn, and I will be here to guide you."

With that, the tension in the room began to ease, and the atmosphere lightened. The nobles and courtiers, who had been observing the encounter with great interest, now understood that the king had welcomed his family back into the fold.

The king introduced his son and daughter-in-law to the nobles and dignitaries, and they were warmly received. Jake and Luke, too, made a favorable impression with their grace and charm, endearing themselves to the court.

the Griffin family began to settle into their roles within the royal court. Roger, as the crown prince, engaged in discussions and meetings with his father, gaining insight into the kingdom's affairs. Linda found herself navigating the intricacies of courtly life and forming connections with influential courtiers.

Griffin family  is settled in the new home in the palace and roger and king talked to each other privately after the meeting in the royal court. they talked how roger stayed in the remote village and how he bought up the children in village.

The Green Festival became a symbol of unity and renewal for the kingdom. As the next day is the festival the king would tell kingdom people about the return of his family and coronation of the roger as new king. 

The return of the Griffin family brought hope and stability, as well as fresh perspectives and ideas. The kingdom stood at a critical juncture, and it was clear that the collective efforts of the family would shape its future.

As the festival day arrived, the Griffin family realized that their journey was far from over. They faced challenges, intrigues, and decisions that would test their bonds and character. But united by their love for each other and their commitment to the kingdom, they were ready to face whatever lay ahead, together. 

The day of the Green Festival dawned with a sense of excitement and expectation. Citizens and nobles from every corner of the kingdom had gathered in front of the royal palace. The capital city had come alive with vibrant colors, cheerful chatter, and the anticipation of a significant announcement.

The royal palace's grand courtyard was now a sea of people, all eagerly awaiting the king's address. The sun cast a warm glow on the assembly, and a hushed reverence filled the air.

King Edmund, dignified and regal in his attire, appeared on the balcony overlooking the crowd. A hush fell over the multitude as they gazed up at their beloved monarch, their hearts filled with both respect and curiosity.

The king's speech commenced, his voice carrying through the courtyard like a soothing melody. "My dear subjects, noble lords and ladies, today we gather under the bountiful canopy of the Green Festival to celebrate the cycle of life, renewal, and unity."

The crowd listened intently, for they knew that this day held a momentous announcement.

"Many years have passed since my son, Prince Roger, left our kingdom," King Edmund continued, "and in his absence, he has grown into a wise and capable leader."

The mention of Prince Roger stirred a wave of interest among the nobles. They were not only curious about the return of the prince but also intrigued by the presence of his children, the royal heirs.

With an affectionate smile, King Edmund said, "I am pleased to share with you today that Prince Roger and his family have returned to our kingdom. Their arrival brings us hope, unity, and the promise of a bright future."

A murmur of excitement and wonder spread through the crowd as they exchanged glances and discussed the revelation. The return of the prince was significant news, and the prospect of meeting his family, including the young princes, added an air of anticipation to the festival.

King Edmund gestured toward Prince Roger, who stood beside him with poise and dignity. "My son, Roger, has demonstrated his unwavering commitment to our kingdom, and he has earned the trust from me and my approval. It is with great pride and joy that I announce that he will ascend to the throne as our new king."

The courtyard erupted into applause, and the cheers of the people echoed through the city. The nobles, in particular, were keenly interested in the succession, as it would influence the kingdom's future.

As the festival continued, the citizens and nobles reveled in the joyful atmosphere, eager to witness the coronation ceremony on the following day. Speculation and excitement swirled around the royal family and the young princes, as the kingdom prepared to welcome a new era under King Roger's rule.

The nobles, in particular, were intrigued by the potential impact of the young princes on the kingdom's future and how they compared to the children of the nobility. The festivities provided an opportunity for both the kingdom's citizens and its nobles to celebrate, anticipate, and reflect on the momentous changes that lay ahead.