
Flowers Of Death

In a city shrouded in fear, Detective Kate Henshaw battles a sadistic serial killer. As the body count rises, she uncovers a terrifying truth: her husband, Michael, may be the monster she’s hunting. Determined to bring justice to the victims and salvation to her marriage, Kate delves deeper into the case, her world shattering as the brutal truth of her husband’s past emerges from the shadows. Can she find the courage to confront the darkness within her own home? Or will the killer take everything she holds dear?

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3 Chs

The History Of Jonathan

Kate dropped the hammer with a clatter, the metallic clang reverberating through the chamber like a gunshot in the stillness of the night.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere just yet," she hissed, her voice a cold, venomous caress. "I have questions, and you have answers."

The bound woman, her limbs trembling from fear, could do little more than whimper in response.

Kate smiled, the expression a sickening inversion of beauty. "And if you play nice, you might even survive."

When the human saw Kate face clearly.

" Elena" the woman call out instantly

"'Your memory is quite remarkable,'' I said, my voice tinged with a hint of surprise.

'You've managed to recall me, even after all these years.' my eyes locked onto the woman, her gaze intense and unyielding.

'I demand to know the truth,'I pressed, her voice low and urgent.

'What drove my father to commit such atrocities? What dark secrets lay behind his twisted actions? And what transpired on that fateful night when his reign of terror finally ended?' The woman's eyes fluttered, her expression wavering, as if the weight of the memories threatened to crush her.I

Is I know nothing,' the old woman protested, her voice trembling.

''But my husband...he told me your father was involved in the darkest of trades. He was a purveyor of human flesh, preying on the innocent and harvesting their body parts for profit. He would kill, mutilate, and sell the very essence of his victims to the highest bidder.'' T

The woman's words hung in the air like a macabre confession, painting a gruesome picture of my father's true nature.

"'I'm already aware of my father's despicable crimes,' kate voice was icy, her gaze cold and calculating.

''What I want to know is what transpired on that fateful night. And since you're unwilling to divulge the details, there's no reason for me to spare your life.'"'

Kate scanned the array of weapons before her - the glinting knife, the heavy hammer, and the sleek dagger - each one a potential instrument of death. She was searching for the perfect tool to exact her revenge, her fingers twitching with anticipation as she weighed her options.

"'Please, I implore you, Elena! I can lead you to the truth!'' the old woman exclaimed, her voice trembling with urgency.

''Brethren, your father's accomplice, survived the fire. He's alive, Kate, and he knows everything. He holds the secrets you've been seeking, the answers to the questions that have haunted you for so long.''

The woman's words struck Kate like a thunderbolt, freezing her in place. The hammer, poised mere inches from the old woman's skull, seemed to hover in mid-air as Kate's gaze locked onto the woman's, her mind racing with the implications. And in that moment, Kate's thirst for revenge was replaced by an insatiable hunger for truth."

"'I'll give you his address,''

the woman offered, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and desperation. But Kate knew she was running out of time. Her husband might already be searching for her, and she couldn't risk being caught. With a swift motion, Kate taped the woman's mouth shut once more and hastily exited the room, leaving the woman to her desperate silence. As she emerged into the darkness, Kate's heart raced with anticipation. She had a lead, and she was one step closer to uncovering the truth. 

Kate stepped back into the house, she was met with a sudden and unsettling surprise. Her husband was standing by the door, his presence as unexpected as it was ominous.

The air seemed to thicken with tension as their eyes locked in a silent standoff, Kate's heart racing with a mix of fear and guilt. The silence was palpable, heavy with the weight of secrets and lies. Kate's mind raced with excuses.

"'What were you doing at the shop?''

her husband mumbled, his voice laced with drowsiness as he stood in his night robe, his eyes half-closed. Kate's mind raced with a plausible excuse, and she swiftly concocted a lie. 

''I forgot to turn off the freezer, darling. I quickly ran down to switch it off."

She said, attempting to sound nonchalant. Michael, seemingly satisfied with her explanation, wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as they headed back to bed. Kate's heart raced with guilt and anxiety, her thoughts consumed by the secrets she was keeping from her husband, as she forced a smile and nestled into his embrace.

As they drifted off to sleep, Kate's mind raced with thoughts that refused to subside.

The revelation that Brethren had survived the fire consumed her every waking moment, and she found herself wide awake, her brain whirling with questions.

How had he managed to escape the inferno that had claimed so many lives? What secrets was he hiding, and what did he know about her father's sinister dealings? The darkness seemed to closing in around her, and Kate's thoughts swirled with a mix of fear, curiosity, and determination.

She knew she had to uncover the truth, no matter how dangerous the journey might be."

Micheal Pov

As I took my seat in the meeting room the following morning, I couldn't shake off the sense of unease that had been building up since the previous day's events.

The Inspector General's stern expression only added to my apprehension as he began to address us on the pressing matter of the kidnapping.

His words were laced with a sense of urgency and gravity, and I could feel the weight of responsibility settling upon me. The room was thick with tension, and I was acutely aware of the solemn faces around me, each one of us grappling with the enormity of the task ahead. The Inspector General's voice was firm, yet laced with a hint of concern, as he delved into the details of the case, and I found myself hanging on to every word, my mind racing with the possibilities and the unknowns.

"Regarding the serial kidnappings and murders, our investigation has led us to a crucial connection dating back to 1985. We've uncovered a chilling precedent involving a man named Jonathan George, notorious for trafficking human body parts. He had a twisted penchant for killing for pleasure and exploiting women. His reign of terror ended when the community he lived in took matters into their own hands and exacted a brutal justice, burning him alive. However, at the time of his death, he had two children, a daughter named Elena and a son named Gomez."

The Inspector General of Police revealed, his voice grave with the weight of the disturbing details.

"The identity of Jonathan George's children remains a mystery," the Inspector said.

"Elena's face is unknown, and Gomez's whereabouts are equally unclear, as they both vanished from the community in the aftermath of their father's brutal death."

The Inspector continued, 'We will make a public announcement, offering a reward to anyone who comes forward with information about the whereabouts and identities of Elena and Gomez, Jonathan George's children. We urge anyone with knowledge to step forward and assist us in our investigation.'"

Ast Inspector General departed, the puzzle of finding Jonathan's children weighed heavily on my mind. I returned to my seat, lost in thought, wondering how we would ever locate them. The additional challenge of finding the deceased man's wife, who was also killed, only added to the complexity of the case.

With a determined spirit, I left the office and headed to the community where Jonathan and his children once lived, hoping to uncover some clues that would lead us closer to solving the mystery.

Kate Pov

In the cramped, dank confines of the underground chamber, Kate stood before her captive, a glass of water clutched in her hand. The woman, her body racked with thirst, drank the liquid greedily, her lips stained with desperation.

"And now," Kate said, her voice an arctic blade slicing through the air, "you will tell me why you tried to push me into the flames. What reason could you possibly have for such malice?"

The woman, defiance etched into her features, spat on the floor. "Because you are your father's daughter, Kate.

"You are his spitting image, inside and out," the woman seethed, her words laced with venom. "You lack the warmth of humanity. You're cold, calculating, and merciless, just like your father. Even as a child, you stood at his side, complicit in his atrocities. You were his little helper, aiding him in his evil deeds. You are a monster, just like him."

Kate's eyes narrowed, her expression hardening. "You forget yourself, old woman. I am not my father."

The woman sneered, her contempt boiling over.

Kate's voice was a low, dangerous rumble. "Do you truly believe that I kill people, just like my father?"

The woman's eyes flicked to the instruments of torture scattered around the room, her breathing quickening with fear. "I know what you are capable of," she whispered, her voice trembling with terror. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Kate took a step forward, her body a coiled spring of tension. "You presume to know me, old woman? You know nothing."

Kate's words hung in the air like a curse, her gaze never leaving the cowering figure of the old woman.

"I am no longer Elena. I am Kate," she intoned, her voice heavy with the weight of her new identity. "The past is dead and buried."

The woman's eyes darted, her fear palpable in the stifling air of the chamber. "Your husband is a smart man, a skilled detective. How long until he discovers your true nature?

Kate's lips twisted into a grim smile, her fingers tightening around the hammer, its weight heavy with promise.

Her movements were swift and sure, each swing of the hammer a deadly symphony of steel and bone. The woman's screams, at first a keening wail, turned to gurgling moans as the blows rained down. Blood, red as a dying sunset, splashed across the chamber, the metallic tang of iron and death permeating the air.

And yet, Kate continued, her fury a raging inferno within her.

As the last vestiges of life slipped from the woman's shattered body, Kate stood back, the hammer slipping from her fingers to clang against the floor.

She stared at the lifeless form, her heart a hollow echo in her chest. "You were wrong about me," she whispered to the corpse. "I am not my father. I am something much, much worse."

With a cold precision, she cleaned the chamber, mopping away the stains of death.

In the shadows of the chamber, Kate stood motionless, her grip on the hammer white-knuckled, her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps.

Footsteps thudded from above, each one a drumbeat of dread, marching steadily closer to the basement.

"Kate?" Michael's voice echoed down the stairs. "Kate, are you here?"

In that dark, dank chamber, tension hung in the air, thick as smoke from a raging fire. Time seemed to slow, each passing second an eternity of uncertainty.

Michael's footsteps reached the top of the stairs, his presence a looming specter in the doorway. And there, in the shadows, Kate stood, a predator waiting to strike, the hammer a silent promise of violence in her hands.

Would Michael discover the truth? Or would Kate's web of deception hold?

The basement door creaked open, the hinges a shrill scream in the silence.