
Chapter 024 Get Out!!!

"The girl sure is stubborn! Since that's the case, give me 150,000 yuan right now. Boss Huang said, the interest for the next few days will be doubled up!"

Looking at Bai Yuqing, the bald man with yellow teeth sneered. This amount of money was nothing for Boss Huang. Nowadays, the main issue was the person; the person was the key.

"You shameless people! It was agreed upon before!"

Bai Yuqing exclaimed angrily.

"Agreed upon! Who can be your witness, girl you're too young. The world changes, I advise you, sometimes you need to see through things. Then, you can go from a sparrow to a phoenix. If you don't make good use of that pretty face of yours, it would truly be a pity!"

With that, he reached out his hand towards Bai Yuqing, and in front of so many people, he still had the inclination to take advantage of the situation.