
Chapter 013 Mixing Men and Women Makes Work Less Tiring

Fate Restaurant!

Inside Proprietress Ye Mengyan's office, her dress was revealing, and her makeup was rather flamboyant—an excess usually difficult for women to pull off. But Proprietress Ye Mengyan was an exception; she suited this kind of seductive look perfectly.

The parts that should be shown were all exposed, as the proprietress would say, she wanted to showcase the advantages of her body.

Anyway, every time Yi Xiaofei came to Ye Mengyan's office, he would hear nothing but the proprietress's teasing words. In the Fate Restaurant, all the staff privately had a nickname for her called "Filth Demon King". She would spit out a dirty joke as soon as she opened her mouth, giving off the vibe of a driver among drivers.

However, this nickname was only spoken in private, and over time, Ye Mengyan would sometimes catch wind of it. But she didn't care about that at all.

"Xiaofei, I'll need to step out for a bit later. Someone will come by, a pretty girl who used to work part-time in my restaurant. She stopped coming because of some family issues for a while, but now that things are resolved, she's back! She'll be making deliveries with you. After all, work isn't tiring when men and women pair up. The proprietress treats you well, doesn't she?"

Ye Mengyan smiled seductively and blinked her attractive eyes at Yi Xiaofei.

"No problem!"

Yi Xiaofei nodded. One person could make deliveries, so could two. But with another person, there could be some idle chat on the road.

"That's great! The staff all know her, so when she arrives, let them introduce her to you! I won't wait for her to come, I'm leaving now!"

As Ye Mengyan stood up, Yi Xiaofei understood what it meant when they say "when one wave settles, another arises"—the visual impact was like tumultuous waves.

Yi Xiaofei then left the office to help out in the restaurant.

About an hour had passed and the restaurant was in a relatively quiet period. Yi Xiaofei was chatting in the break room with his Uncle Li Qian, talking about their hometown. Uncle Li hadn't been back for two years, and as the saying goes, a golden and silver nest are not as good as one's own dog nest. It was impossible not to miss home.

Amidst this casual chatter, someone soon came over.

"Xiaofei, your partner is here. Man, the proprietress really looks after you. The rest of us aren't that lucky!"

"Liu, what do you mean 'not that lucky'? It's as if you've never seen a woman before. But is she as beautiful as the proprietress?"

Yi Xiaofei looked at the approaching person. By now, he was quite familiar with most people at Fate Restaurant.

"They're not the same type; you can't compare them!"

"Xiao Liu, who's paired up with Xiaofei?"

Clearly, Li Qian was unaware of this arrangement and asked curiously.

"Uncle Li, who else but the return of another flower of our Fate Restaurant?"

"Your mother!"

With that straightforward remark, Li Qian instantly knew who it was. His nephew was really getting the special treatment from the proprietress. Wasn't this just giving the lad a chance?

"Uncle, who is it?"

Seeing his uncle's expression, Yi Xiaofei grew more interested.

"Who? She's already here; take a look!"

Li Qian pointed down the corridor, where a girl, laughing and talking with those around her, was being escorted over. Compared to the waitresses of the restaurant, she stood out significantly.

Yi Xiaofei looked over and was momentarily stunned. He hadn't expected such a coincidence; this was Bai Yuqing whom he had seen at the bank. The part-time girl the proprietress mentioned, and it seemed she had been working at Fate Restaurant from a very early time.

Similarly, Bai Yuqing was taken aback the moment she saw Yi Xiaofei, never having expected that the person she was going to work with was Yi Xiaofei.

"Yuqing, this is my nephew, Yi Xiaofei! If he bullies you at any time, you tell Uncle Li about it, and I will have your back!"

Li Qian introduced Yi Xiaofei quickly at this moment, unaware that Yi Xiaofei and Bai Yuqing had already met.

"You rascal! Yuqing is a pure girl, don't you dare get handsy with her?"

Li Qian also tugged at Yi Xiaofei a bit, reminding him since his nephew could sometimes be irresponsible and a bit of a rascal.

"Uncle! What kind of person do you take me for? She may be a pure girl, but I'm a pure boy too!"

Yi Xiaofei pouted, shamelessly claimed with a smile on his face, then extended his hand, "Hello, my name is Yi Xiaofei, very pleased to meet you!"

"I... My name is Bai Yuqing! Equally pleased to meet you!"

Bai Yuqing was still surprised for a moment and somewhat at a loss. Then, she reached out her hand and shook hands with Yi Xiaofei. When their hands touched, Yi Xiaofei felt a soft sensation, very comfortable.

"Alright! You two have a chat alone. You will work together in the future, so you should at least get to know each other well!"

Li Qian glanced at the time, and it was almost noon, the peak time for ordering meals, so they had to start getting busy.

Soon, everyone else left to do their own tasks, leaving Yi Xiaofei and Bai Yuqing alone in the break room.

"It's really fateful, having met yesterday and getting reacquainted today!"

"Is Uncle your big Uncle Li Qian? Are you related?"

Bai Yuqing looked at Yi Xiaofei, realizing that since Yi Xiaofei had just arrived, otherwise, she would have recognized a person from Fate Restaurant beforehand.

"Oh? Are you referring to the bald guy? Indeed, he is my big Uncle Li Qian, a relative!"

Yi Xiaofei laughed, but to Bai Yuqing, this comment made her laugh involuntarily; what did he mean "that bald guy"? He was discussing Uncle Li's shortcomings.

"Yuqing! Look how lovely you smile. Although we haven't interacted much, I have a good eye for people, and I can tell you don't smile often."

Yi Xiaofei saw Bai Yuqing's smile, that girl-next-door kind of purity, very unique. But it seemed like Bai Yuqing was perhaps not very happy.

"Could you call me by my full name? Calling me Yuqing feels a bit odd!"

"Okay! Yuqing."

"Alright! Yuqing."

Yi Xiaofei grinned, and Bai Yuqing knew she wouldn't be able to change that.

"By the way, is Sister Ye around?"

Bai Yuqing changed the subject, wanting to see the proprietress. If possible, she still preferred working alone; working with someone else felt unfamiliar, especially with a man.

"The proprietress has gone out! But she said to take good care of you. Don't worry, Yi Xiaofei will cover you from now on!"

Yi Xiaofei said, walking over and casually placing a hand on Bai Yuqing's shoulder, "Let's go! Time to deliver orders. Seeing you, I now have a lot of motivation to work!"