

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter XXVI

Growing up in the countryside, you never were one to like the busy streets, or how Seoul made you feel claustrophobic in such ways. You have never appreciated how fast-paced life in the city is, so much so that you much prefer the laid-back, quiet, and simple life, a life with less troubles and worries. That's why being with Sehun, you can't help but wonder if everything is unfolding too fast. You've only been together for no more than four months, yet you're already exploring things with him, things only married couples or people who have been with each other for a very long time should do. You're not exactly ignorant, you know that things aren't what it used to be, that this generation is more open to things such as this, but you're an old fashioned young lady.

Old fashioned, yes, yet you wouldn't want to have things with him any other way. If you could go back in time, you will change nothing, and you'll indulge yourself with the feeling of making love with him for the very first time all over again. It was perfect, he was perfect.

But you're a conflicted contradiction, even you can't figure yourself out. You have no idea if it's too early for the both of you to tell each other those three little words, after all you're both young, what do kids like you know about love? But then again, who knows anything about it?

As you feel his lips moving against yours, you can feel the sincerity, you can feel the longing, the tenderness, the affection, the love. It warms you up inside, but at the same time, it feels like you're being attacked with so much emotion all at once, and it terrifies you.

You feel scared.

How can you feel such strong emotions towards one person? How can one stop feeling this way? You have always been careful, yet Sehun did so little to make you fall for him. He's got your heart in his grasp, and you're afraid that any moment he will have a change of heart and let go, and your poor heart will be left shattered and broken.

You feel overwhelmed.

You don't know what the future will bring, if you'll stay like this together, forever, or if this is just something to add to the experience.

All you know is his arms, and how wonderful it feels to be wrapped around them.

All you know are his lips, and how right it feels to kiss them.

All you know is your heart, and how it belongs to him, the same way his heart belongs to you.

You need to stop waiting for something bad to come along and corrupt you. You need to succumb to this feeling yourself, and experience both pain and pleasure, experience the good and the bad, after all, what good is life without taking risks? You have someone brave enough to love you, someone brave enough to show you his weakness and his vulnerability. You need to be brave too. To show this man how strong you can be, how willing you are to beat all the odds, he deserves that much.

Slowly, a tear fell on your cheek. You will give your all for this, for him, and you can only hope that everything will be alright in the end.

Yes, hope.

Hope gives you faith and strength, but it isn't a one-sided coin, having too much of it can make it the single most dangerous thing you'll face. Fortunately for you, hope runs eternal, and you will give everything you have in exchange for this thing to last. Because being with Sehun, being with this wonderful man, it's what you're meant to do all along. He's who you are meant to be with. He's the missing piece of the puzzle, and only he can make you whole.

"I love you."

You say in between the kiss. You can feel how your eyes are slowly watering, unable to stop yourself from shedding tears. When the male felt the liquid straining your face, he slowly pulled away from the kiss. You come face to face with him, showing you his cheeks that are still in a crimson color.

"Sweetheart." Sehun wipes away your tears, his handsome face filled with worry.

You sniff, then you look at his face with a dreamy look on your face.

"You're blushing." You bite your lower lip to suppress a smile.

Yet instead of hiding his embarrassment, he takes your hand and puts it against his chest.

"Must be because of how fast my heart is beating, and how much blood it's pumping inside my system." He says in a serious tone, his gaze fixated on you.

"Plus the view of this pretty face doesn't help at all, baby." He says in all his seriousness. "Not even a tiny bit."

You blush, then take in deep soothing breaths. He's the only person you know who can say such words while blushing. Only he can look so manly with a slight pink on his cheeks, but then again, he might not even be embarrassed.

You look away, only to stare at your hand that he's holding tightly, watching closely as he pushes it more on his chest. You can feel it, you can feel how it violently beats against his chest, and his heart, his heart beats in rhythm with yours.

"This is because of you sweetheart." He says as his other hand reaches to cup your cheeks. "Only you can make me feel this way."

You're left speechless. You have no idea what to say, so you just stare at the man with so much love in your eyes.

"Do you know how fucked up that is? To feel this much emotion towards one person?"

He hovers over you as he says the words that keep haunting you. The questions that are swimming inside your head, somehow he's got them too. The dread of not knowing the future, the fear of losing someone you love so much, you both have them. Somehow this soothes you, and right this very moment, you decided to forget about them, and take one day at a time, to heal his broken soul with your affection, to give him the love you feel for him, the love that he deserves.

"It's terrifying, sweetheart. I don't know why I feel for you this much." He takes a deep breath. "All I know is that I love you, so damn much, and I can only hope that you'll take care of my heart."

There's that word again, hope.

"I'm scared too." You admit. "But we're in this together." You give him a reassuring smile. "All I know, and all I can do is to show you how much I love you, with each passing day."

Slowly, you reach for his cheeks and caress them lovingly.

"I love you, Sehun."

As if on cue, you feel the water works pooling your eyes again. Everything is just too much for you to take, yet you don't feel burdened, in fact, everything is so beautiful, and the moment the tears fell, he wraps you in his strong and warm embrace, and it just feels so right.

"God, what did I do to deserve you?" He kisses the top of your head, and you let yourself drown in him, you let yourself succumb to the man that is Oh Sehun, the man that you so dearly love.


"I want to try something with you."

"Try…something?" You ask in a careful tone.

"Yes sweetheart." He says as he plays with your locks, your head leaning against his shoulder.

"If by something, do you mean more, uhmm…" You clear your throat, finding it hard to say the words. "How do I say this?"

Sehun smiles fondly while he stares at the window in front of him. You're just enjoying each other's company, sitting on the couch while you stare at the picturesque view outside. It's a lazy Saturday afternoon, yet somehow, doing absolutely nothing with him doesn't bore you out.

"We've already done a ton of shit together sweetheart, don't be so coy now."

"I'm not, I mean-" You let out a wheeze of air as you feel your cheeks getting a temperature higher. "Oh sweet baby Jesus!"

You can feel the vibrations from his body when he suddenly starts laughing, and unfortunately for you, he's laughing at your face. You move away from him and fold your arms together, feeling embarrassed and a little shy. But Sehun wants no distance between you, so he lungs towards you, making you lay down on the couch, his strong arms imprisoning you.

"So fucking adorable babe." He gives you a playful smile, then he rubs his tall, pointed nose against the sensitive spot on your neck, tickling you.

"Stop it Sehun." You whimper helplessly, his actions making you weak.

"You smell so good, I can't." He mumbles, his voice a little hoarse.

"Stop being such a cheeky bastard, it doesn't suit you." You say playfully as you try pushing him away, getting up as you do, but Sehun grabs your hands and pins you down on the couch."

"Oh I don't now, do I?" He smirks and you shake your head in reply.

"Aww, here I thought you love this cheeky bastard."

He looks at you with his puppy dog eyes and his plump lips wearing a pout, and it makes you coo at how cute he looks. He then proceeds to slump further down on the couch, pressing your bodies on the soft mattress, crushing you with his body purposely.

"Has anybody ever told you that you weigh like a thousand pounds?" You try pushing him off, and he moves away a little, afraid to hurt you. "I swear I just heard my bones breaking, goodness."

"You wound me sweetheart." He pouts, and again, he puts all his weight on your body, then buries his nose on the crook of your neck.

"You're being a big baby." You smile, then you reach for his soft locks and play with it. "And you're crushing me."

Sehun mumbles and whines, then he scoots over a little more. "Five more minutes baby, please?"

"No. I feel numb already, get off me." You say, but you did so little to push him.

"If you really don't like this, then why are you hugging me?" He asks as he lifts his smiling face to look at you, his hair messily tousled, his fringe covering his eyes.

"Because you're acting like a baby." You try fixing his hair, removing the fringe from his forehead. "My baby."

Slowly his eyes turn into crescents, and it makes your heart pound wildly against your chest. There's just something about his smile that makes you fall harder and harder for him.

"Shouldn't you be getting up?" You ask and he burrows his face between your chests. You can hardly make out the words he's saying when he shakes his head, mumbling an incoherent "no" against your chest.

Sehun can be really cute and sweet when he wants to, and you're a sucker, a big fat loser. You just can't say no to this man, so you let him be. He's not really crushing you, or else you wouldn't even be able to speak. Even though you can tell that he's carrying his weight, he's not exactly a small person, yet you're willing to stay like this for him. Somehow, being with him like this, you feel like you're home, that you found this happiness with him, and it feels so exhilarating. It leaves a smile on your face just experiencing this sweet side of him, but when you suddenly feel his hands roaming the sides of your thighs, your smile slowly disappears.

"Baby, we can't." You whisper. "I'm still a little sore."

But Sehun only hums in reply, moving his hands a little higher. He starts to move north, giving your neck soft little kisses, sending waves of sensations inside your body. You can feel his hands getting closer to your core, and when his hands reach the hem of your underwear, you tell him to stop once more. Yet the man only chuckles, and the vibrations he's making, makes your body tingle in bliss.

"I've already told you last night, sweetheart." He starts suckling your neck, eliciting soft whimpers from you. "Don't come crying to me." He bites and nibbles your neck and you gasp at his every action.

"I don't give a damn if you're sore."

He licks the same spot and you shudder in pleasure. Slowly, he starts kissing you upwards, his lips, leaving wet trails on your skin, and when his lips reach your ear, he slowly licks your lobes, sending waves and waves of sensations all throughout your body.

"I'm still going to fuck the daylights out of you." He whispers, then he wraps his hands around the waistband of your underwear.

Just like that he changed from cute, playful Sehun, to his sensual dominant self.

You moan and push him a little when you feel his grasp on the fabric a little tighter.

"Don't tell me you're planning on ripping this too?" You whine.

"What if I do? Will you stop me?" He gives you a challenging look.

"If you're really willing to tear off something as expensive as Bluebella, then be my guest." You frown. "But I hate it when people waste money just for the heck of it."

Earlier today, while you were eating lunch inside his very expensive condo, a middle-aged woman entered the place, with a bunch of shopping bags in her hands. She placed the bags on top of the coffee table in the living room, then gave Sehun his credit card back. You just sat there, watching as Sehun thanked the woman, then after that, she immediately left the place.

You were confused at first, but when he hands you the shopping bags, it was clear that it's for you. There were a bunch of jeans, and shirts your size, and a few small dresses. You didn't dare look at the price tag, just seeing the brand, you know that they're worth more than your month's allowance. The clothes are just too damn expensive. Yes, Sehun's a really resourceful guy for thinking about buying you some clothes, after he ruthlessly ripped the one you wore last night, but he didn't have to spend so much on you. A pair of jeans is enough and you can just wear one of his shirts. But after checking the last of the shopping bags, you felt really embarrassed. Sehun saw how your cheeks turned into a crimson color, and he teased you, giving you a playful wink.

It was embarrassing.

You don't even know the woman, yet Sehun ordered her to buy you a bunch of lingerie, an expensive one at that. It's preposterous. You told him he should return them, that you'll only take the cheapest one, but he heard none of it. You specifically remember him uttering lines somewhere between you being his girl, and that you deserve to be pampered by him, which you returned with a scoff, and your eyes rolling from the sorry excuse he told you. This is just way over the top kind of pampering, and you wonder where he gets his money from, especially when he just told you he's not taking any from his parents. Next time, you will make sure he's not going to spend so much on you again. Next time, you will make sure that there will be no next time.

"Fine." He removes his body from yours and sits down. "You win."

Giving him a smile, you sit down beside him, but Sehun suddenly stands up and offers his hand to you.

"Do you trust me?" He asks in a serious tone.

Immediately, you nod your head, not even thinking twice before you answer. In all honesty, you don't need to, because you do trust him, you trust him with all your heart.

Sehun gives you a soft smile and pulls you up from the couch, then he pulls you with him, inside his room. When you're both inside, he closes the door and walks over to his closet, his hands rummaging inside.

"Does this look familiar to you?" Sehun shows you two red fabrics made out of sheer lightweight cotton. He spreads them apart, showing you how long and thin the fabrics are.

You give him a bewildered look, you have no idea what he's talking about, but as you look at the fabric, memories start to flash inside your head.

"Wait a minute. Was that one of the fabrics used to design Baek oppa's photo exhibit last year?" You see him smirking at you, nodding his head as he goes. "But we didn't use that because the color was wrong. Why'd you have that?"

"You really don't remember, do you?" He sighs.

"Remember what?"

"I was there helping out. I took the boxes from you, since no one seems to really wanna help out." He smiles softly when he sees you knitting your brows together. "Was I really that unappealing to you back then?"

"That guy was…you?"

You blink your eyes. You remember when you helped out with the exhibit. It was partly because of the extra credit you'll get, and also because you're a fan of Baekhyun's works. You remember struggling with carrying the boxes, when a guy suddenly comes to your aid. He was nice enough to help you out, unlike the people inside who're screaming their lungs out, giving flirty looks to a certain somebody. You weren't able to see his face because the boxes you're carrying have blocked your view, and when he took them from you, you were already being called by your professor, so you left the scene, saying your thanks while you skip your way towards the old man.

"Yes. That was the second time I saw your pretty face."

You blush profusely at his words, while Sehun feels a little nostalgic, thinking back to the days when he first saw you, how you made his heart skip a beat whenever he took a glimpse of you.

"Why didn't you talk to me back then?" You ask.

"I tried sweetheart, but you were ignoring me. You have your earphones stuck in your ears."


He was right. You work better with music blasting in your ears, and it drowned away the annoying sounds your classmates made.

"But enough about that." He stands beside you, his right hand clutching the fabric. "You said you trust me, once we start, you can't back out, and I'm not going to stop."

He grabs the hem of your shirt and yanks it off of you, leaving you with just the expensive underwear below. The back of his index finger starts caressing your neck down your breasts, making sure to stroke your sensitive bud with it.

"I'm gonna make you cum so hard, this bed will be soaking wet after we finish." He says in a gruff voice, making you gulp in anticipation.

"Get on the bed baby." He says in a commanding voice.

Slowly, you sit on the bed and he instructs you to bend on all fours.

You have no idea what he's got in mind. You feel excited about this that you can actually feel yourself getting wet, and he hasn't even touched you down there.

Carefully, Sehun gets on his knees behind you, he bends over and whispers against your ears, "Close your eyes baby."

You follow in earnest. The moment you close your eyes, you can feel him putting a blindfold on you, and you are enveloped by the darkness.

"Sehun?" Your voice a little breathless from anticipation.

"Sshhh…it's alright sweetheart." He kisses the back of your ears, soothing you. "Just trust me."

He then stands up from the bed. You have no idea what he has in store for you. All you can see is the darkness, and all you can hear is the loud thudding of your heart. Suddenly you feel his large hands caressing your thighs, and you hitch a breath when you feel something soft enveloping you. There are sounds of fabrics rubbing against each other, and you gasp when he ruthlessly pulls the fabric, making you spread your legs apart. He does the same to your other leg, and even though you still have your panties on, you feel so exposed.

Meanwhile, Sehun is looking at his masterpiece, appreciating his little work. There you are on the bed, your body on all fours, your legs tied around the red sheer fabric. You look so damn sexy, so vulnerable and so fucking ready for him. He tied the fabric around your knees, then he tied the other end on the bed post, keeping you in place. He checks if the fabric is secured enough for his liking, and when he feels satisfied with his work, he starts undressing himself.

The bed creaks, letting you know he has joined you in there. You can feel the heat emanating from his body, and it makes you bite your lips in earnest. Sehun places his large hands on your back, and he caresses you down, until he reaches your ass, then he moves his hands up again. He does this a couple of times, until he stops and squeezes your ass.

"Baby." You say in a soft whimper. You can feel goose bumps all over your body and you jump in shock when he suddenly smacks your ass.


He slaps your ass again and again, making you a whimpering mess.

"Fuck! Look how red your ass has gotten." Sehun grins, feeling satisfied with his work.

He smacks you again, then he hooks his fingers on your underwear and pulls it roughly.

"You're so wet for me baby." He chuckles when he sees the wet spot in the middle. Ruthlessly, he rips the garment apart.


You scream in shock. Oh, he did not just ruin that newly bought expensive underwear. He's just fucking unbelievable.

"I don't give a fuck how much this costs. I'll rip anything you wear, if it means I get to fuck your brains out." He says, then he immediately takes the remaining fabric off of you.

The male then hovers over you, his lips kissing your now red skin, licking and sucking your skin as he goes, while his left hand is squeezing the left cheek of your butt. Slowly, he kisses you up to your back, and moves further up. With his naked body now against your back, his lips start to give soft pecks on your nape.

"Ohh baby…" You moan.

You can feel his shaft poking your entrance, and when his lips reach your ears, he whispers sensually against it, making you moan and whimper from so much pleasure.

"Don't hold yourself back."

With that, he gets up and wraps one hand around your waist, while his other hand wraps around his hard member. He places the tip against your entrance, swirling it around your wet sex, wetting his shaft. When he feels that he's lubed enough, he enters you all the way, causing you to moan out loud.


Sehun never gets tired of the feeling of your tightness enveloping him, and how your walls are throbbing due to his roughness. He's in pure bliss, and when he hears you moaning his name, he starts moving his cock in and out in a slow-paced motion, making sure that you can feel his entire length.

"Oh god baby!"

You whimper when he starts to move faster with every thrust. A continuous slapping sound can be heard all over the four corners of the room, telling you how deep he's pounding his cock inside you.

You struggle to stay put when he starts pumping his member faster and faster, your back arching, your head jerking in pleasure, causing your long dark locks to cascade over your forehead. Sehun reaches for your hair and collects them with one hand. He bends over, his movement as fast as before.

"Cum. Cum for me."

He growls against your ears. He sounds so wild, so primitive, and when he pulls your hair, causing you to lurch your head up, you can feel the familiar sensations boiling deep inside you. You try to move against him, wanting so much to find your release, but the fabric is so tightly wrapped around your knee, that it's impossible for you to even move an inch.

"I said cum for me you little slut!"

Sehun plows his member deeper and rougher, increasing the depth of his penetration inside your tightness. Both of you can feel and hear the suction sounds your sex are making as your walls starts to throb violently against his big, fat member.


You can feel that you're almost there, and he keeps his fast pace, leaving you breathless and shaking.

"Yes, that's a good girl baby." He starts nibbling your ears. "Such a good girl."

His deep, gruff voice, his tongue, his movements, all of it just drives you over the edge, and with another thrust of his member, your pussy starts to convulse, lubricating him more and more as your cum comes in waves and waves of pleasure. This causes him to move better, faster, deeper. The slick sounds coming from your sex and the moans of pleasure escaping from your sensual mouth, pushes Sehun to the abyss. He keeps pounding you, plowing your convulsing sex, prolonging your orgasm.

"Stop! Please stop!"

You plead, you just can't take anymore. You feel so sensitive and sore down there. Your legs are shaking now and they automatically move to clamp against each other, but it was a hopeless case. Sehun has securely tied your legs, and no matter how much you try to put them together, the fabric is keeping you from doing so.

"I'm not fucking done with you yet sweetheart."

He smacks your ass, and the vibrations it makes, along with his member moving in and out of you makes you squirm loudly.

"I can feel you baby, I can feel you're about to cum again." He chuckles darkly. "Don't hold yourself back."

He thrusts his cock deep inside you to the hilt. Now skin to skin with him, he starts moving his shaft in a circular motion, teasing you, stretching you wider.

"You know sweetheart, we really need to stretch this tight little pussy of yours." His hands roams your body, and when he reaches your sex, he attacks your clit and pinches it not so softly.

"Ahhh! Stop it Sehun!"

"Stop what baby?" He smirks. "This?" He starts pounding you again, this time, in an agonizingly slow manner, while his fingers are rubbing your clit.


You scream and moan uncontrollably when you start to feel yourself combust once again.

"That's it baby!" Sehun moves faster this time, feeling lost in the pleasure of your tightness. "That's it! Give in to me."

"Ohhh! You're so fucking big! AHHH!"

"YES! Take all of me you little cunt! FUCCKK!!!" He curses and thrusts harder, but when he hears you whimpering silently, he stops his movement and takes his member out of your sore and wet pussy.

Lifelessly, you slump half your body on the bed, your ass sticking up in the air. Sehun gets up and immediately unties both your legs, and you hum in relief. He fixes your body, your back now against the soft mattress.

"Are you hurt?" He asks in a worried tone, and you open one eye to peek at him.

"I-" You catch your breath. "I hate you."

"You don't." He smiles fondly at you, then removes the stray hair away from your face.

"You're a monster."

Sehun bends over and gives your lips a peck. "We're not done yet baby."

You whimper and whine and it makes him chuckle at your state.

"We're not gonna stop until I cum." He pecks your lips again.

"Sometimes I wish you'd be a little bit faster when it comes to cumming." You give him a pout.

"I thought you said you like this side of me?" He bites his lips while he caresses your naked back.

"I take it back."

"Come now sweetheart, don't be such a pussy." He lifts you up effortlessly and forcefully stands you up.

"You're gonna pay for this later, you asshole."

"Yes, yes, you can kill me later, but you gotta take care of my little buddy here first." He obliges as he stands up and pet your neck.

"I wish it was little!" You exclaim. "Your shit's too big for me, I hate you!"

Sehun laughs uncontrollably and twirls you around, your back now facing him. "Too bad for you sweetheart, you're gonna have to live with it. Now stop whining and let's start fucking."

He sits on the bed and he gestures you to sit on his lap, you follow eagerly, not really meaning the words you said to him earlier. Truth be told, you don't hate his size, in fact, you love it. The way he fills you up entirely, the way his member stretches you while he moves to the primitive dance, it was pure heaven.

Carefully, Sehun enters you, afraid he might hurt you this time. He puts both his hands at the back of your thighs, then he spreads your legs apart.

"Open your eyes baby." Sehun says.

You wonder how he can see you, when you're not really facing him, but when you open your eyes, you are welcomed by the view of two people sensually moving their naked bodies in rhythm.

"Look at the mirror baby." He commands. "Watch me make love to you."

Right in front of you is a huge mirror, and you can clearly see how he thrusts his meat inside you over and over again.

"See how connected we are?" He whispers sensually against your ears. "See how well we fit?" He starts pumping his shaft faster.

"We're perfect for each other baby." He whispers. "So perfect for each other."

"Sehun." You moan.

You can't seem to take your eyes off of your reflection. It was the first you ever saw yourselves doing the act, and it sends delicious shivers down your spine.

As you roam your eyes, you meet his, and it holds so much passion, so much desire, so much love in his eyes.

"Ride me." He groans, and you did. You start moving against his cock up and down. You can feel yourself getting tighter again, and you moan in pleasure when you feel his member getting bigger. He's close, you know it.

"Fuck! You feel so fucking good!" He grunts. "I'm so fucking close baby!"

Suddenly he pushes you away from him. You were shocked, but he twirls your body around and buries his cock deep inside you again. Now in front of him, he grabs both your cheeks and kisses you full on the mouth. He starts pumping inside you, and you moan in pleasure when you feel your walls throbbing, your orgasm consuming your entire body for the third time. But he didn't stop, he kept pumping inside you faster and faster, his member going deeper.

"I love you." He groans aloud when he starts having his release, his movements not faltering. "Oh god, I love you baby."

He buries his load deep inside you, and with one final thrust, he wraps you in his embrace, and kisses your lips one last time, before you drift away into unconsciousness.

Someone suggested I upload everyday, so here's a chapter for today. ^^

Lucidbunnycreators' thoughts