
Flight of the Young Dragon

Aeonar Targaryen, prince, dragonrider, and heir to the Iron Throne, had it all growing up: family, friends, wealth, and a dragon. As he sought to prove himself, his network of spies uncovered secrets throughout the realm. Betrayed by those he trusted, Aeonar sets out alone to make his mark on the world, earning the title "the Young Dragon." Will he triumph, or fall victim to his family's curse? Welcome to my Patreon! I'm Maddy, and I'm thrilled to share advance chapters of my epic fanfiction series with you. Delve into the world of House Targaryen and experience the intrigue, ambition, and drama unfold in the realm of Westeros. By supporting me on Patreon, you'll gain exclusive access to early chapters and behind-the-scenes insights into my writing process. Join our community of fellow fans and embark on this exciting journey together. Unlock the next chapter at patreon.com/Maddy009! Thank you for being part of the adventure.

Maddy_Alee · Livros e literatura
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14 Chs

Chapter 14: Forging Alliances, Marriage Proposals

Red Keep - Gardens…

Aeonar leaned on the edge of the garden's ramparts overseeing preparations being made from afar. In his hand was a crumpled-up parchment from one of his chief agents, Farrier, informing the prince of the death of Korban, another one of his spies. Korban had been stationed along the Stepstones along with several dozen but had been captured and executed by Craghas Drahar. Now that one of his own had fallen, as Master of Whisperers, Aeonar - now risen to the position of Lord Confessor - now sought retaliation for the loss of one of his own.

"We've repositioned our brethren in Bloodstone, but we need more assistance from the crown," Farrier reported.

"Which my father will continue to downplay and continue to do nothing," Aeonar said with a hint of frustration. "Very well. If the crown will not act, then I guess we will have to take matters into our own hands. Did the Crabfeeder think we would not be on to him?" He handed over an encrypted message known within his network as classified. "You know what must be done. Move our agents to the following coordinates. And make it very painful for the Triarchy."

"It will be done, my prince."

Farrier left, leaving Aeonar with his thoughts. His blood boiled; his men wanted vengeance for one of their fallen brethren. On the surface, the prince looked composed - but his thoughts tilted towards making the Triarchy pay for their transgressions. Closing his eyes, Aeonar took a deep breath and slowly exhaled to steady himself. This was unpleasant news, but he had to remember his training with the Lykirī Mēre. Besides, he had plans for Alicent in the garden later this evening. Aeonar took painstaking details of what procurements he needed to make it successful; timing and location were essential as well. Right there, underneath their tree. He would be busy for a while, but Aeonar would take time off to spend time with his childhood sweetheart. The prince then faintly heard a dragon's roar in the distance.

Good. That means they are here already.

King's Landing - Port…

An hour had passed before a dozen ships arrived at the docks. Of all the ships in the Velaryon fleet, there was none finer than the Sea Snake - the personal flagship of Lord Corlys that he designed, built, and captained himself. It was on this ship that he made his famous Nine Voyages, and it was from this ship that he acquired his nickname. The Lord of the Tides arrived by sea, while his wife 'the Queen Who Never Was' came by air on dragonback.

Of all the dragons in the realm, there were very few who were faster than Meleys, the Red Queen. Only Vaelor, the Swiftrunner, slightly edged her out in terms of speed. Measuring 160 feet long and around her eighties, Meleys had scarlet scales and pink membranes on her wings, her crest, horns, and claws were bright as copper. Although old, the Red Queen was still fearsome when roused, cunning, and was no stranger to battle. The large crimson dragon circled the port several times while the Sea Snake docked. Vaelor, gnawing on whale bones, turned upwards and roared at the sky as Meleys flew overhead. Rhaenys landed her mount at the gates of the castle and waited patiently until her husband joined her, then hand in hand they passed through the gates together.

The garrison had been assembled to welcome the Lord and Lady of Driftmark, carrying banners with the sigil of the red three-headed dragon of House Targaryen and the silver seahorse of House Velaryon. In systematic unison, they pounded against the chest plate of their armor in rhythm as the two passed.

Red Keep - Gardens…

Aeonar leaned against the ramparts, arms crossed, and eyes closed in silent meditation. For what felt like an eternity, he did not move a muscle. The wind calmly blew past him, brushing back a few strands of his silver hair. Before long, the prince reopened his eyes and broke out of his trance. His guests had now arrived.

"Prince Aeonar," Corlys greeted.

"Welcome, Lord Corlys," Aeonar returned the gesture. "I take it you received my messages earlier these past few days?"

"We did. If that warning had come a tad later, then four ships carrying my banners would have been lost to the Crabfeeder. But this time we were better prepared. We've also known what it cost as well."

"Yes. Korban was one of my best agents. The others were forced to withdraw to avoid being compromised. Still… they knew their duty and knew the risks of being employed in my service." Aeonar glanced to observe Vaelor off in the distance, encircling a particular spot in the Narrow Sea's deepest areas. "Fascinating creatures, our dragons. He grows larger by the day. They were never meant to be confined for the rest of their lives."

Both Corlys and his wife gave the customary bow to Aeonar. When they rose, the daughter of Prince Aemon fixed her gaze upon her second cousin.

"I have been dealing with dragons since before you were born, Prince Aeonar. There is little to naught in their behavior that can surprise me." Rhaenys said stiffly though without offense.

Alwyn, who stood far to the side observing, studied the princess. She had been the Old King Jaehaerys's firstborn grandchild, and though she was getting on in years she was still a strikingly beautiful woman, due to the combination of Targaryen and Baratheon blood that flowed in her veins. Lord Boremond of Storm's End, her maternal uncle, had always been a strong friend and ally to the Queen Who Never Was.

"We were honored to receive your invitation," Corlys said. "As well as surprised, most of the entire realm had thought you vanished from the face of existence. Just where were you hiding?"

"Uh uh uh, Lord Corlys," Aeonar waved a finger, "a good spymaster never reveals his secrets, nor does he leave a trail for others to follow. But if it will make you feel better, I… had to get away from this place. I was not myself for a long time after my mother's funeral. I needed time and space to clear my head. Not like your Nine Voyages, to be sure, but there were other things to keep me occupied." Aeonar glanced at them both. "I was hoping to discuss some business with you which I hope would mend the rift between our two houses and renew our alliance."

"As would I. None of us desire war. Might I speak plainly?"

"That hasn't stopped you before. If you have something on your mind, best get it out in the open. We are away from unwanted eyes and ears, after all."

"Since your absence, I fear that the eyes of our enemies have been fixed on the Red Keep. The Queen has passed. Your… unexpected return has unsettled some, but your swift action in driving off Daemon from Dragonstone hasn't gone unnoticed as well." Corlys furrowed. "Even as we speak, a foreign power continues to maintain a presence in our most critical shipping lane. The Stepstones have grown into a conflagration, yet others on the council still dither about court business and do nothing."

"Yet why come to me with this and not father?"

"When the king told us he was naming you Master of Whisperers, I had my doubts. I thought of you as young and inexperienced. You were only fifteen. But, with the information you provided… I admit I was wrong. You've been the only ally Driftmark has had in a long time."

"Of course, my lord. Despite our past misgivings, I value Driftmark's importance in bringing stability to the realm and acknowledge House Velaryon's role in maintaining a strong fleet," Aeonar nodded. "Our houses have always maintained good relations before the Great Council created such an… unpleasant rift. Targaryen, Velaryon, Celtigar… we are the last of Old Valyria, yet only we are the masters of our elements: the skies and the seas."

"You speak as if you are a poet," Rhaenys observed.

"Poetry was never my forte, Princess Rhaenys," Aeonar shook his head. "But you know what I meant."

"And yet it is an honest one. Now, as much as I love my cousin - your lord father - the crown is perceived as being weak. Vulnerable."

"To elude a storm, you can either sail into it or around it. But you must never await its coming," Corlys advised.

"Indeed not," Aeonar acknowledged. You want something, Lord Corlys. "But you simply didn't come here to tell me that. If you have any suggestions, I'm listening."

Clever you. "I propose we join our families as one." Corlys knew that Aeonar was already taken, but King Viserys has been a widower for six months now. "Convince your father to wed our daughter, Laena. And together we will unite the most powerful surviving Valyrian houses as one. Together, we will forge an alliance not seen since Aegon's Conquest. With the Targaryen dragons and the Velaryon fleet bound in blood, we can show the realm that the crown's strongest days are ahead… not behind."

"The realm expects your father to take a new wife soon or late," Rhaenys pointed out, "to strengthen House Targaryen's bloodline and produce more heirs. You could not ask for a stronger match than Laena."

Aeonar listened closely to the proposal. Six months had passed since the death of his mother, Queen Aemma. He and Rhaenyra were the only offspring Viserys had, but many at court still expected the king to remarry and further the royal bloodline. The thought had crossed Aeonar's mind, but no one would ever replace his mother. And even so, he was still first-in-line to inherit the Iron Throne after Viserys - and with Daemon disinherited, that would also mean Rhaenyra was second-in-line until a son is born to him. But if Viserys were indeed to remarry, it would be a candidate whose background is checked thoroughly.

Even so, there were some reservations. The most critical factor was the subject of age! Laena Velaryon was a child, twelve years old. With that big of an age gap, it would be compared to a father marrying his daughter, which was visually appalling. No doubt there would be opposition to the arranged match, yet there was an opportunity as well. If accepted, it would not take place immediately; rather, the arrangement would be long-term until Laena came of age. Not only that, but it would mend the rift between Driftmark and the crown and unite the two families once again.

"I will speak to my father tonight," Aeonar consented. "Lean on him until he sees reason. I'll even throw in a dowry if it goes through." He handed over a map to Corlys, detailing flight patterns and certain locations. "What if I told you - as an early engagement present - that after extensive searching, I have discovered the whereabouts of the largest living dragon the world has ever seen." He turned to Rhaenys. "Sound familiar?"

"Vhagar," Rhaenys said without pause.

Vhagar was the last of the three dragons that had been part of the conquest of Westeros. The she-dragon had been ridden by Queen Visenya Targaryen, mother of King Maegor the Cruel, and was last claimed by Prince Baelon Targaryen, Aeonar's grandfather. But after the prince had died, the great beast had flown off to parts unknown. King Jaehaerys had offered gold and a lordship to whoever located the dragon, but none had managed to do so. If these reports were indeed accurate as Aeonar claims, then Vhagar at present would be well over 174 years old, measured 328 feet long with a 414-foot wingspan, and stood 232 feet in height - almost as large as Balerion had been during the Conquest.

Corlys smirked, clearly impressed by the prince's political acumen and skills. "Well… that was unexpected, but… generous as well. Consider us interested in a long-term alliance going forward," he consented.

"Very well, then it's a deal," Aeonar nodded. "I expect this will be a quite fruitful relationship."

Red Keep - Gardens (Lower level)…

Alicent arrived at the gardens. Her presence was requested by Aeonar himself, though her handmaidens declined to inform her why. It had been quite some time since they all returned to King's Landing from Dragonstone, and since then Alicent and Aeonar had reconciled. Though it took some time to rebuild the trust they once had, what mattered to them was that they were together again.

Aeonar? Why would he call me out here? Turning her head left and right, Alicent found no trace of Aeonar as she arrived. But once she turned the corner, what Alicent saw next was a surprise to her. "O-Oh my… !" she gasped.

Beneath their tree - a large, blooming cherry tree, where they had spent the early years of their relationship together, was a small table with bowls of fruit, vegetables, and lit candles. The ground itself was covered by scattered pink blossoms. For young maidens, the scene was quite romantic if the purpose is to be wooed. Nearby servants bowed their heads in acknowledgment.

"Welcome, Lady Alicent," they greeted.

"Prince Aeonar is expecting you. He spared no expense in setting this up for you."

Alicent felt her cheeks flush. "Oh, I-I see," she stammered slightly. "Is he here?"

"I'm here, Alicent," a voice called out.

Alicent looked up to see Aeonar calmly walking down a flight of stairs, all dressed up in his royal Targaryen regalia - a black overcoat tunic made of fine fabric material with crimson sleeves, wore black knee-high leather boots, and a belt wrapped around his waist; his silver hair was slightly growing again, but slicked to the side and behind his ears.

"Aeonar," Alicent eyed him up and down. "You… you're looking handsome lately."

"Well thank you. Sorry I am late. I got held up by Lord Corlys," Aeonar acknowledged. "Hope you don't mind the decor. I spent all day and night wracking my brain trying to plan this all out for you. Thought I'd sweep you off your feet some more." He eyed her up and down. "That's a lovely gown you have, Alicent." Blue velvet. Not something I would have chosen, but Seven hells, she looks good in anything.

"Oh. W-well, thank you. Rhaenyra chose this for me," Alicent nervously showed off. "But for some odd reason, she says it has… certain tastes." She again glanced at her feet. It was not an extravagant dress she was normally accustomed to; Alicent was used to a more conservative fashion, yet this one looked like it hugged her tightly along the waistline showing off her curves, along with the rest of her slender and gracious figure. It revealed Alicent's bare shoulders, her golden corset and belt wrapped around her midsection. "I don't know why, but this dress is so gaudy and hard to move in. Most of the men here won't stop staring at me."

"Can't say I blame them."

Alicent looked back up to catch Aeonar staring at her. Wait! Is he ogling me? "A-Aeonar!?" she exclaimed flustered.

"Pardon," Aeonar feigned innocence. "What I'm trying to say is… you look more beautiful every time I see you."

"Haah… Well, I suppose I should not be surprised if such compliments come from you. Flatterer," Alicent sighed with resignation.

From there, Aeonar and Alicent spent much of the evening having a small picnic underneath their favorite cherry tree enjoying themselves. The air was warm and heavy with the scent of flowers, and the gardens here had a gentle touch to them. The sweet, savory taste of such high-quality wine was poured into their glass, fresh-baked bread and roasted meat gave such a pleasant aroma, along with a mixture of vegetables and sweet fruit such as melon, peaches, and plums so ripe it left a juicy trail with each bite.

By the time the sun began to set, Aeonar and Alicent opted to spend a little more time together overseeing the deep waters of the Blackwater Rush. They listened to the waves crashing against the rocks, the skies' colors painting a yellowish-orange hue, the gulls cawing… There was no one to bother them. Alicent had one hand in Aeonar's and leaned her head against his shoulder, contemplating the life they had lived and the future ahead of them.

"Aeonar, what was Braavos like?"

"It sprawled across a hundred islands in a vast lagoon connected by multiple stone bridges. When you first arrive at the harbor, you will be greeted by Titan of Braavos - an enormous 400-foot-tall statue made of granite and bronze. And the diversity… one would never have seen so many people of different ethnic backgrounds in one place, as well as clergymen of different faiths. But of all the city-states, Braavos is the wealthiest and most influential, and home to the Iron Bank, the most powerful financial institution in the world. You would have loved it there."

"I wish I could have been there with you."

"You were…" Aeonar held her hand. "Wherever I went, I thought about you a lot." He turned to her. "I love you, Alicent."

Alicent turned to the prince. "I love you too, Aeonar." She replied. "And the… thought of never seeing you again hurt me. But I did miss you."

"A mistake I'll always carry with me to the grave. Never again."

Standing before each other, Aeonar traces his fingers up Alicent's arm before resting his palm on her right cheek. Alicent blushed slightly before standing on the tip of her toes to kiss him which Aeonar readily reciprocates; by the Gods, she missed the feeling of his lips on hers. It was a perfect kiss, an expression of purity, love, and affection with a lot of care and meaning behind it.

"Mmmm… ~" Alicent hummed.

For a while, they let their instincts take over and enjoy this tender moment. Alicent wrapped her arms around Aeonar's neck, while the prince had one hand placed on her cheek while the other was placed at her waist, holding her close to him. Aeonar slid his tongue past Alicent's lips and into her mouth, licking and tasting her hungrily. It was all wet and slimy, like an eel. Alicent gave a quick gasp as it took her utterly by surprise before melting into the kiss again, letting out a small moan before letting her tongue meet his, slowly at first but quickly beginning to tangle with one another. They deepened their kiss as they were absorbed at the moment. By the time they finally broke the kiss and pulled apart, Alicent was breathless, and her cheeks were bright red.

"Haaa… haaa… haaa… A-Aeonar…" Alicent panted. "Th-that was…"

"New? Yes. But a kiss is still a kiss, so long as I can claim one from you." Aeonar pressed his forehead against hers. "I won't let anyone tear me from the woman I've loved since childhood. The one bright spot in this hellish world. My one wish is to spend the rest of my life with you." He reached into his pocket and once again presented his late mother's ring. "Lady Alicent Hightower… will you be my wife?"

Alicent's eyes widened as she watched Aeonar, the Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, offering the ring of Queen Aemma to her. From her hiding place, Rhaenyra's eyes were wet with tears of joy and sadness. Alicent herself burst into tears as she choked up a single word before dropping down and hugging Aeonar. "Yes," her voice cracked. "Yes, Prince Aeonar Targaryen. I would be honored to become your wife."

Now that it was official, there would no doubt be another royal wedding. Aeonar and Alicent loved each other very much; now that they had agreed to get married, their lives would be forever intertwined. Nothing could ever tear them apart again.

Except perhaps…


Nearby, Vaelor swooped down to land on the beach with a freshly caught whale calf.

"Annnnd… romantic moment ruined." Aeonar rolled his eyes. "It amazes me how Vaelor continues to grow larger by the day." He then turned the corner. "And didn't mother tell you it's rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, Rhaenyra?" he called out loudly.

Rhaenyra almost jumped. Aeonar knew she was there the whole time! Alicent could not help but giggle as Rhaenyra came out into the open, trying to look as dignified as possible, though that did not last long as both she and Alicent embraced each other, both giddy with happiness, knowing that they would now be sisters in name and bound by blood.