
Flight of the Draykes

Welcome to the Flight of the Draykes. This novel is a System-based sword and magic Western Fantasy with elements of gamelit (Dungeons) and eastern cultivation (The system). Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Action, Adventure, and a sprinkle of Romance with Comedy. Pacing: Slow at first till chapter 30 before becoming a rollercoaster. Known Issues: Ages of the Protagonist and allies at the start. NOTE: THE AGES IN THIS NOVEL ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THEIR ACTUAL MATURITY. THEY ARE PROTEANS, NOT HUMANS. Also, if you're looking for smut, this novel isn't for you. Not in the slightest. On a fewer caps note: The age maturity thing is integral to the plot and it will be explained rationally as the books go along. You are free to guess why that is. Synopsis: Book 1 presents to you the world of Protos. Protos is the land of the blessed. Its inhabitants are of many races, but most of them have diminished in the long wars against the beasts that also inhabit Protos. This has led to humanity becoming the dominant species and eventually, all other races, including the beasts, have been banished to pockets of land where they survive on meager existences. However, Protos was destined not to be peaceful as the inhabitants could only fight off the beasts with the help of warforce. A bloodline system that allows them to activate their war potential and battle fiercely. Now, with the beasts defeated and the other races diminished, humanity - having no common foe to fight turned upon itself, for war was in their blood and they again shed their blood in rivers. As the years passed, kingdoms and empires rose and fell and eventually stabilized into an uneasy peace until - 300 years ago, the world went through yet another change. A change where the wielders of warforce now possessed additional powers that had been lost for millennia. These powers changed the face of war again and conflict, which was dying down, reignited madly. In this world was born Faustus Drayke, Scion of House Drayke - which, in turn, was the frontier protector of The Kingdom of Leon. Fate decreed him to be unimportant. His Destiny and the desperate prophecy of a powerless girl decreed that he will be an immortal. Set in the backdrop of betrayal, honor, and loyalty - Follow the tale of Faustus Drayke as he forges his destiny and becomes an immortal. For himself, he has to fulfill the prophecy. For the world, he better fulfill the prophecy. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The inspiration for this book came from Smoke is a Path's TotRL - which has unfortunately been discontinued. I have no interest in finishing others' stories, but I love creating my own. So I took inspiration from TotRL and I created this vast original overreaching world of over 20 books, with each book being around 200 chapters. Expect the full story to be close to 4000 chapters. Release Schedule: 3 chapters a day. 11:30 am - Eastern Standard Time - 1st Chapter 01:00 pm - Eastern Standard Time - 2nd Chapter 02:30 pm - Eastern Standard Time - 3rd Chapter All timings are subject to + or - 30 minutes. If you like this series, please do support me by leaving reviews that help me improve my writing, comments that inspire me to keep writing harder, and ratings that allow this series to be seen by more people. Thank you very much and cheers all! Horizon out. Current Arc: Arc 3 of Book 1 DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/FQHKb63tyW

Kshitij_Dewan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
185 Chs


Waking up in the morning, I blinked blearily as my surroundings came into focus, and then I lovingly looked at the armor stand on which one set of armor hung, ready to be worn.

Only to freeze as I saw a girl regarding the same set of armor, thoughtfully.

Gulping guiltily, I ventured forth a greeting, "Good Morning?"

Tapping her fingers on her fist, the girl looked at me and smiled.

Feeling chills run down my back, I smiled back weakly.

"So…" she said.

"So… I wa-" my voice trailed off

"You were?" she asked dangerously

"I was going to tell you…." I said as my hands clutched the sheets.

"When?" she asked, as she began cracking her knuckles.

"Today! Today! I swear!" I cried out anxiously.

"After you came back?" she asked as she advanced toward the bed.

Shaking my head rapidly, I held up a hand, and said righteously, "Why would I ever do that to you!"

"Oh," she paused and looked at me. "Continue."

"I was going to tell you not to worry, and also to show off this armor that I got. Look at it," and forgetting about the danger, I jumped off the bed and began hopping around as I excitedly gestured at the armor and spittle flew from my mouth.

Dodging adroitly, the girl stared at me for a moment, before against her will; a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

Noticing it from the corner of my eyes, I decided to take the chance, and moved in for a hug.

Holding her contentedly for all of a second, I suddenly gasped out as a finger dug into my sides ruthlessly and twisted.

"Don't think I'll be distracted that easily," Sia spoke with a smile on her face.

"Di-distracted? What made you think I was trying to do that?" I said, as I squirmed in agony.

"Hmm," she said, as she stopped her actions.

Then, raising her head to face me, she asked in a small voice, "Why do you have to go to the forest again?"

Turning serious, I looked at her and placed my forehead against hers and said, "I need to break through to iron rank as fast as I can. Else this immortal boy isn't going to stay immortal for long."

"The forest can do that?" she asked, hope tinging her voice.

"The forest can't. But the monsters there can," and I explained the combat advancement trick to her.

Pushing me away, she looked at me resolutely and said, "Let me come with you!"

Shaking my head decisively, I said, "No way!"

"Why?" she asked angrily.

Reaching out for her hand that she jerked away, I spoke gently, "I'll be in constant combat, and if you're in danger, then I'll fight with more than my life on the line. I'll do stupid things and get myself injured or worse."

Reaching out and grabbing my hand that was still outstretched, she searched my face for a long moment, before satisfied, she pulled me back into a hug.

Then, knocking her head with force on my head, she whispered, "Come back safe, you hear?"

Grinning despite my head ringing, I replied, "Of course, blockhead!"

Then I bent double as her finger again poked my side viciously.

Looking at me with a last look, Sia left the room with quick steps.

Staring after her, I inhaled deeply, and then I set off to get ready. To go to the forest of death once again.


Dodging, I rolled to the side…. And coming up, I dashed forward, and I slashed with my new sword, cutting off the tusks of the boar, who squealed in agony.

Grinning, I circled around before I stabbed it in the side, and then with a series of dodges; I calmly waited out the boar's eventual death as it bled out.

The only hairy part came right before the boar's death when it swelled up to double its size and its eyes turned red, before it flashed forward toward me… the stubs of its tusks still a hand long even shorn off as they were.

Charging forward toward it myself; right before the impact, I kicked off the ground and flew above the boar, front flipping as I went, and landed securely without looking back as the sound of the boar's heavy body falling to the ground sounded out.

Turning, I sucked the corpse into my finite ring, and then heaved a deep breath of relief.

The fight had been hard… the boar's gigantic body meaning that the time taken for it to bleed out was no small amount.

Also, if I had my previous sword, I doubted whether it would have even gone through the boar's thick bristle like fur.

Taking stock of the situation, and looking up at the sky, I made the decision that it was enough hunting for one day.

Trudging back out of the forest of death, and dealing with the occasional bold monsters whose territory I was passing through, I thought of my haul on this hunting trip and felt quite happy.

But I was also frustrated, since I didn't hit iron rank, even though I thought that I had briefly touched the boundaries a few times before.

But then, I comforted myself by thinking that this was only the first day.

I comforted myself even more by patting my finite ring gleefully.

A few hours later, once I reached the hoard, I quickly grabbed a large handcart, and piling all the monster corpses within… I left the finite ring with Sir Patrick, and wheeled the hand cart out into the city.

Heading to the adventurer's guild and turning curious heads who looked at the mound of corpses, and myself… I whistled a happy tune.

Soon, I was outside the guild, and puzzled; I wondered how I was going to get the handcart in.

Luckily, the door guard went to call Farrah, who came out and stood slack jawed.

"Two days?" he asked, gesturing.

"One day," I replied, grinning.

Speechless, he looked at me, and whispered under his breath, "Not-so-little monster."

Looking at myself, and my clothes, which were again becoming small, I laughed.

Then, holding out my hand with the fistful of contracts in it, I waited impatiently as Farrah ran his finger down the contracts and matched them with the corpses.

Leaving close to fifteen other corpses unaccounted for.

Jerking his head at them, he looked questioningly at me.

Nonchalantly, I said, "Monster corpses are popular, right? So, I got a few."

"A few…" Farrah repeated.

"A few," I nodded.

"Falka save the poor beasts in the forest," Farrah muttered under his breath as he examined the remaining corpses.

Then, he led me to a small shop on the side of the guild with an arch instead of a door, and he introduced me to the shopkeeper, a powerfully built man who was missing an arm.

Norton, the shopkeeper, looked at me with interest as he tallied the corpses and handed me a pouch of gold… 23 gold to be precise… and then he spoke, "I have a need for a few specific corpses and I heard you were the one who brought in the Tarantula Lord corpse?"

"One of the ones," I corrected him.

Nodding, Norton said, "If you have any more spider corpses, bring them all here. I'll give you a good price."

Curious, I asked, "What do you need them for?"

Grinning, Norton raised his good arm to his lips in the gesture of silence.

Nodding, I shrugged as I knew what my plan for the next day was.

What else but the forest of death again?

Seeing the smile spreading across my face, Farrah once again prayed for the monsters in the forest.

Little did he know that I was the one who needed Falka's blessing the most.

I love how fierce Sia is, and since this book is going to be very very long; I look forward to seeing how their relationship progresses :v.

The reason I say this because even as the author, I don't write Faust and Sia. They write themselves. They live and breathe while I'm just the guy whose hands move in a blur.

Are you also looking forward to where the Flight of The Draykes is going? Let me know in the comments below!

This volume is a slow volume for the most part... which is setting up for the grand explosion that happens in the next volume, which is also the climax of book 1.

It is going to be baling incredible!

Now, I'm going to shut up here.

Much love to you Horizonators,

Stay safe, stay happy, and enjoy the chapters!


Horizon out.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/FQHKb63tyW

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