
Flee for Freedom

Nikolai gave up everything, his family, his future, his birthday. He fled his home to escape the 'Pheromone Surgery'. The year is 2038 and the government had just passed the law that all Omega's must submit to a surgery to limit their pheromones so the alphas don't go crazy. Arthur didn't want to be changed for the benefit of others. Born an omega he already had a disadvantage, he wasn't going to continue to be someone else's perfect omega. He wasn't going to go quietly. Alexander had only hunted one omega before, she had refused the surgery and ended up dead. Getting called into work early raised his guard but he wasn't ready to hunt down the small omega in this file. How will he ignore the pheromones? Does he even want to? Cover art by LoranDeSore. It is not my art!!

Abi_Buckmaster · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

A Happily Ever After

The couple walked into the log cabin Theo had built for them. It was small but perfect for them. "Now down here is living, dining and the kitchen. There's room for an extension if needed. Then upstairs is a master and a large room that has sliding divider walls to make three bedrooms. There's a fireplace and wood burning oven down here and upstairs there's a fireplace and heated flooring. Theo made sure you'd all be warm. The house is full of simple furniture to get you started. Now the rules of this village is simple, heck a baby could do it. 1. Don't kill, steal or be a nasty person. 2. Everyone helps each other out with everything. 3. Everything is self sufficient. Most things are made for a specific purpose here or sold online. Extra items can be bought in town. 4. All meals are eaten in the great hall and everyone helps with something. All meetings are also held there. I think you'll really like it here. It's safe and homey." Hades' mouth went flat out as he excited preached to them.

The twins were nestled in Nikolai's arms while Theo was in a sling across Alex's chest. The couple smiled at each other. "Hades, thankyou so much for all you've done for us. We'd love for you to visit anytime you're doing a border run. We'd be happy to help with The Society any way we can. We'll get settled in and see you at the hall in 20." Alex said as he gave his friend a gentle hug not wanting to crush the tiny bundle strapped to him. He didn't know how Nikolai convinced him to wear it but it's great. They waved their friend goodbye before they explored their new home. The loungeroom had soft grey couches you could melt in and a little play pen to the side. The dining room was equipped with a small round wooden table, a couple chairs and three high chairs. They didn't see the reason for a dining table if meals were done elsewhere but Alex could see it as a study where the triplets do their homework.

The kitchen was small but sleek. White granite countertops and grey cupboards encased a fridge and wood burning stove. A heart magnet held a scrap of paper to the fridge 'The kitchen and dining are for when there's a blizzard or you want a date night, love T&H' They laughed at each other as they moved back through the house opening cupboards and doors. They found a small bathroom with toilet, sink and shower tucked below the stairs. The climbed the wooden staircase onto the landing which showcased a small reading nook and another note, 'For the head strong Omega who is going to University.' They then turned right to find a family bathroom with separate toilet, double sink and bath. The next door opened into a corridor with three doors that all opened into a bath room. They then ventured in the opposite direction to find the master.

It wasn't a bedroom it was a freaking suite. It had a little book with three cribs and a rocking chair. A huge bed sat in the middle of the room with a door either side. To the left was a walk in robe and to the right was a large bathroom with a luxurious bath, a two person shower, double sinks and a toilet. They both looked at each other and laughed. "We owe Theo a freaking castle. Damn I can't believe he built and designed this. Maybe we could finally get the sweet woman he's pining after to go on a date with him." Alex suggested as Nikolai giggled. They placed the triplets in their cribs as the pair took a brisk shower before dressing for the winter snow outside. The bundled up their babies and both wore a sling(s). Nikolai took a break from the twins taking Theo instead. Beanies were put on and hands gloved as they locked their front door, putting the key in Alex's breast pocket (under three other layers and two babies).

The family wandered through the snow to the great hall. The big long building sat central in the village with houses dotted in a circle around it. They went through the large doors into a little foyer where they dusted off snow and took off their big jackets. They entered the hall through another set of doors, taking note of the doors leading to other places. Hades sat at a table chatting with a young man. The young man blushed at something Hades said and giggled. "Hey Hades. Tell Theo we owe him a freaking castle. The house is great." Alex said as he sat next to his friend. His mate sat beside him introduce them to the young man. "Hi there. We're the newest members her. I'm Nikolai, this is my mate/fiance, our two girls , Winter and Anne and this is baby Theo." Nikolai cuddled into Alex's side smiling up at him. "H-Hi... I'm Jupiter K-Kane. You c-can call me JP.." The shy man smiled at the couple. He and Hades shared a look before Hades took over.

"O.K. folks we've arrived in time for lunch. I'll show you around this place and then we'll eat." Hades stood and motioned for them to follow him. "Okie Dokie. Through the doors at the back is the kitchen. As you can see it's all steel and has an industrial dishwasher, very handy. Over this way is the workshops. The eating hall only takes up about half of this old warehouse. We have timber and metal workshops over there. 3D printers and Lazer cutters are here. Through there is all fabric work. Now over this way is the store room. It's quite big but most of the stuff here is grown in this town or preserved in tins from the town. Upstairs is the school with two teachers for primary and secondary. Everything is powered through solar power or hydro power from the river nearby. There has been a couple times during blizzards the powers gone out but it's very rare as the excess power is stored. Any questions?" Hades stood with the couple in the foyer. They all smiled at Hades' attempt at being a salesman.

"Hades." A sing song voice came from the hall. Hades blushed as he turned to enter, "Coming Jupi." The couple giggled to themselves as the followed him. JP sat at a table with a book before him. "Help me with this please." He called without looking over. Nikolai snuck a glance at the book as they sat opposite. They young man was studying mechanics and robotics. Nikolai's eyebrows rose but quickly lowered as 20 people burst into the hall laughing and talking. "I dibs cooking with Aunt Jay!" A teen called out as she sprinted to follow a middle aged woman into the kitchen. The young family was then bombarded with hellos from everyone. By the time they'd met everyone who lived in the village and there were already plans of who would help with the wedding. Hades gave them a lopsided grin as he began eating. "Hades I'll get you back." Nikolai playfully growled.

A piercing cry echoed through the hall turning all eyes on them. The couple let out an 'Oh Shit' as they quickly rose to sneak into one of the workrooms. "They definitely get their lungs from you. Damn they're loud." Alex groaned at Nikolai as he fished a bottle from his hoodie pocket. He began feeding one of the girls in her sling while Nikolai unbuttoned his top and undid the front clasp of his bra. Once the other two were situated in his arms they quickly began feeding. "You guys might need some help with those when you start work/uni." Hades said from the doorway. It didn't matter that the door was open as his body took up the whole frame. "JP loves kids, he'll help you. I'm surprised he isn't pregnant with how much he wants kids." Hades said. Alex just rolled his eyes, "C'mon man. Are you actually that blind? The kids is infatuated with you like you are with him. Just take him on a date for Christ's sake. Obviously he wants you as his baby daddy."

Nikolai giggled at his mate's brazen words. Hades nodded as he sighed, "I'm too old for him. God I want him but he's so small and young. He deserves someone his age that'll understand him more." Hades let out a deep groan but spun around at a gentle fuck. There stood JP with a bright red face and an open mouth. But he didn't stand there for long, he was sprinting out the door within a second. Alex just laughed at the pair, sometimes people were just stupid. "Alex don't laugh at me. He's not even freaking legal yet... Not even been through his first heat...." Hades let out a deep groan as he wandered out into the snow to shout profanities. The couple just smiled at each other. "They'll get their Happily Ever After like we did."

----------------------------- THE END ---------------------------

AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys, this is the end of Flee for Freedom. I've made the possibility of sequels in the future. please let me know if you liked this and if you wanna see what happens next.