
Flash: Whispers In The Speedforce

"So, I'm in a coma?" "Yep!" "And you're here with me?" "Yep!" "So what exactly are you?" "It's a bit of an insult but I'm the personified child who can't live his life because angry yellow lighting killed his mom" "So is this like split personalities?" "No, because we're the same, but I'm just equipped with sarcasm and common sense, you see" "How long will I be then?" "...9 months" "WHAT!" ============================================================ Warning: Serious Topic, Gore, Violence and Rating = Mature June 20, 2024

Auther_Uchiha · TV
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 9: Fastest Man Alive

As Barry goes back to his normal routine, he reflects on the recent incident and thinks to himself, "I really should stop skipping meals. Otherwise, I might have another episode like that." He brushes off the memory and tries to focus on the task at hand.

However, his encounter with Danton Black and the overwhelming number of clones left a lasting impact. As he sees a red blur executing over 200 men in exact suits, Barry can't help but marvel at his own speed.

"Man, I'm faster than a bullet and still cool!" he quips, attempting to make a lighthearted comment. But the silence that follows, along with the unconscious bodies around him, dampens his spirit. He quickly changes into his alternate suit and begins the process of identifying the original among the clones.

Joe and Eddie, who have arrived with the police, are surprised to see Barry there. They question how he managed to get there so quickly, and Barry uses the convenient excuse from the mysterious figure, saying, "I went to the most probable place. I wanted to see if this place was going to be attacked." Eddie readily accepts the explanation, while Joe gives Barry a skeptical look that silently says, "Nice job, Barry."

Barry notices the voice in his head growing stronger, criticizing him for his lies. "Why do you keep lying to them, Barry? They deserve to know the truth," the voice whispers. Ignoring it, Barry continues with his explanation, stating, "I was fighting a bunch of non-real clones. I'm just doing my job, and I was here to prevent the robbery." The voice tsks in disapproval, but Barry chooses to push it aside.

Meanwhile, as Danton Black attempts to make a desperate escape, Joe manages to taser him, preventing his getaway. Barry quickly apprehends him, ensuring that he won't have another chance to create more clones.

However, the real Danton Black, taking a last-ditch effort, chews a pill to prevent being captured, leaving Barry and the others frustrated.

As the situation calms down, Joe looks at Barry with a mix of concern and confusion. "You never cease to surprise me, Barry," he says. "How did you manage to take down all those guys so quickly?" Eddie chimes in, "Yeah, it was like you were everywhere at once. Impressive."

Barry smiles, trying to downplay his abilities. "Well, you know, I guess being a forensic expert gives me an edge. I can analyze situations quickly and anticipate the moves." He hopes his answer will satisfy their curiosity and prevent further probing.

With the situation under control, Barry returns to his role as a forensic investigator, focusing on gathering evidence and analyzing the scene.


As the day nears its end, Iris West sits in her room, contemplating the recent changes in her relationship with her foster brother, Barry Allen. She can't help but notice his distant behaviour, his frequent absences, and the unspoken tension between them.

Gazing at a photo of her and Barry from their childhood, she wonders why things have become so complicated. Iris longs for the closeness they once shared, the easy conversations and shared laughter. She musters the courage to express her thoughts, even if it means talking to a photographer.

"Barry, I don't understand why you've been so distant lately. We used to be inseparable, like two halves of the same whole. I miss that connection, that bond we had," Iris says, her voice filled with a mix of longing and concern.

She ponders the idea that maybe Eddie, her current boyfriend, was onto something. Perhaps there's a deeper reason for Barry's recent behaviour, something he's hesitant to reveal.

Iris contemplates the possibility of exploring a romantic relationship with Eddie, seeking the comfort and stability that seems elusive with Barry.

"But, Barry, you have to tell me. Was Eddie right? Should I consider starting something with him?" she asks, her voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Despite her desire to talk to Barry and seek answers, it seems that there's always something that gets in the way. Timing, circumstances, and the ever-elusive presence of her favourite subject—the mysterious red blur that saves lives in Central City.

Iris's fascination with this enigmatic figure has grown, and she contemplates the idea of starting a blog dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the red blur's identity.

"I can't help but wonder about that red blur, the one who swoops in and saves the day. It's captivating and mysterious. Maybe I should start a blog, document every sighting, and try to unravel the truth behind it all," she muses, her voice filled with excitement and curiosity.

As the day comes to a close, Iris is left with her thoughts, her questions, and the longing to bridge the gap between her and Barry.


In a dark and mysterious setting, a dim light flickers in the center, barely illuminating the surroundings. A figure, shrouded in shadow, speaks into the empty expanse, their voice filled with a sense of uncertainty.

"To live, creatures would do anything, however, for me, life isn't even a question, yet for this moment... I feel fear..."

As the figure speaks, a swirling storm of darkness, known as the Death Force, materializes around them, casting an eerie atmosphere. Suddenly, a single drop, resembling a clock symbol, falls from the fading light, descending into another area characterized by a turbulent lightning storm.

Within this electrifying tempest, a person appears, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the late Nora Allen, Barry's mother. The figure speaks, her voice laced with intrigue and curiosity.

"So, you've given me a child to foster, essentially?"

The scene fades to black, leaving the reader with an air of mystery and intrigue.

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