
Flaming Flower

Domingo and Laura from humble beginnings are two lovers who got married to strengthen their bond even in this new chapter of life as a couple. Hailing from different backgrounds, love still conquered. In no time they were blessed with a baby girl, Bethany who was the only survivor of their expected twin. In a bid to ascertain the cause of the second baby's death, Domingo met with confusion as the doctors could not clearly state it. It was a smooth sail hereafter and it seemed as though life is a bed of roses only for Domingo to uncover a dark secret of his boss, Hugo Salvador. Having realized that Domingo had uncovered his secret, Hugo ordered a hit on Domingo and his family as it dawned on him he could not risk the exposure of such a secret. As orchestrated, the hit brutally took Domingo's and Laura's life but the assassin only knocked out Bethany and took her to an orphanage for safe keeping, but concealed this part of execution. Traumatized and saddened, she imagined if life was so cruel to children and wondered why she had to experience such. As she was in the healing process, she made a friend, Glenda, who was about of the same age as herself, they got along and made great buddies. Not long after in the orphanage home, they were adopted by a duchess, Daphne Derwood whom had their lives upgraded even as they lived in ecstasy sequel to having a family of theirs or at least that is what it seemed. They even got their names changed as Bethany and Glenda became Lesley and Felicity respectively. Daphne loved them unconditionally. Bruce, her better half, struggled to be their father but could only manage unlike Daphne with unending love for them. In time, a cute boy, Rex, Bruce's nephew came in the picture. He was of the same age as the girls and particularly shares a birthday day and date with Bethany. With him in the picture, Felicity began to entertain hatred for her sister all because she found him attractive and wanted him for herself! Even if it was unhealthy, she cared less. Life proceeded until an incident occurred which in turn connected Lesley with Clark, a childhood comrade of hers before the horrible event that took her parents life. At that time, he was quite older and could still picture the man who ordered for the life of hver parents. On revealing this identity, it turned out that the people who adopted her and had been training and all the good that life could offer turned out to be the same family of the exact person that indirectly murdered her biological parents. To add to it she equally discovers that she possesses some mystical powers and is a queen in another world with several other facts that could overwhelm her. She ponders with this illumination if she would avenge her parents'death in expense of what she now shares with the family of perpetrators, or forgo both and embrace her new being? Would she be able to conceal this pressing illumination and if yes? And life is full of secrecy, how will she be able to cope!

Dollicute_liz15 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Unbelievable Illumination

"It's a woman who goes by the name Meg Glandes. That's all that happened," concluded Hugo," But don't worry son, we'll get through this and make the ones responsible for this pay,that too dearly."

" Okay dad. Go have some rest now. You need it."

" Okay son. Violet, see you later."

Hugo followed Mrs. Salvador upstairs leaving Rex and Violet at the living room.

" V, thanks for being by my side during rough times such as this. I really appreciate it. "

" Don't mention it. I'm here for you. "

"I love you V."

"Why don't we do something to cheer you up?" suggested Bethany and moved away to avoid kissing Rex again.

"Sure thing," answered Rex though a little bit disappointed.

"I guess the suggestions should come from you. What do you love doing? To keep your mind off from reality."

"Biking. Would you like to have a ride?"

"Sure,why not?"

"Let's rock this! Go to Lesley's chamber and get the right attires. I used to enjoy riding with her. How I miss her!"Rex mumbled.

" Don't be sad. I will be your Lesley from now henceforth till you find her."

" Thankyou V."

" Okay. I'll go change. Give me a minute."

Rex went to the parking lot,where he took his Honda CRF450R bike and put in his helmet, ready to go.

Not long after, Violet joined him properly dressed in a black fitting pair of jeans, black leather jacket and white Nike sneakers.

Rex couldn't take his eyes off her even for a second as she approached him, provocatively swaying her hips from side to side.

Violet snapped her fingers to bring him back from his reveir.

"Hey, you're staring at space," Bethany chuckled.

"No, I am staring at you. You look beautiful. You know,you really resemble Lesley that, for a sec I thought it was her."

" Mmmmmh. Shall we?"

" Of course. Hope on top and hold me tight."

" Copy that."

Bethany hoped onto the bike and wrapped Rex's waist tightly with her hands.

"Ready?" asked Rex.


At the balcony, was Felicity who sadly watched as they rode away,tears flowing down her cheeks like a river which has broken its bank.

"I must expose this girl's reality to everyone soon. I won't let her hurt my Rex. No way!" she yelled as she staggered around, being drunk.

"Is it fun?" asked Rex.

"Absolutely! Super fun!"

"Can I move faster now?"

"I'm scared. No need to."

"Come on,you gotta trust me. I will never let you get hurt!"

"Okay," Bethany muttered solemnly.

After an hour of bike riding,Rex and Violet went back home.

"I really enjoyed it Rex!"

"I'm glad you did. We'll be doing this frequently from now henceforth."

"You're so good at bikes. Wow!"

"Thanks. You will stay for lunch?"

" I guess not. I really have to go now but I will make it up to you. Promise."

" Okay. I understand."

" I'll dress up and leave."

" Sure."

Bethany's POV;

I hastily dressed up as I couldn't wait to go home and inform Clark about Meg.

I bid Rex goodbye and left for Enrolys then went back home in the afternoon,where I found Clark and Uncle Dean having a serious chat.

Uncle Dean gave me a weird stare as I made my way inside.

"Oh Bethany,is this you?" he queried looking baffled.

"Yes uncle. I now understand what that stare is for. I understand you've never seen me since I changed my looks but it's temporary."

" Oh, okay. How are you? Long time no seen."

" I'm doing good uncle. Thanks for your concern."

We shared a warm handshake and I went on and hugged Clark.

"Clark,go on and kiss her. I can see you're dying to."

"Oh, come on uncle," Clark chuckled.

" I'll get you two some coffee. A minute."

I ambled to the kitchen and prepared some coffee for us, which I served them with some muffins I had baked in the morning.

" Thankyou Bethany for the kind gesture," said Uncle Dean.

"Don't mention it. The pleasure is all mine."

I sat beside Clark.

" So Bethany, how did it go at the Salvadors?"asked Clark.

" Oh, that's what I was about to explain. Meg Glandes is really interested in helping us. Hugo said she claims to be the one who got that notebook but what I don't understand is why she is helping us."

" Same. I have been trying to figure out her objective but I can't think of anything."

" Clark, Bethany, I would advise you not to trust her so easily though. We never know what she wants,"said Uncle Dean as he took the last bite of the chocolate muffin.

" Okay uncle,"concurred Clark.

" Good. I think I should get going now. We received news of a warehouse where drugs are suspected to be stored and I should be there to lead the team."

" Is it connected to the Salvadors?"

" I don't know Bethany but I think so. Thanks for the delicious muffins. It was satisfying. Good bye. Looking forward to see you soon."

" You're most welcome. Good bye. Take care,"I replied as we waved at him good bye.

Third Person's POV;

Felicity who was shaking in her hideout,came out as soon as Dean had left the compound.

She took the black purse she had dropped while hiding and opened it.

She shook it vigorously and all its contents scattered on the ground.

She bent and took a golden locket she spotted.

She kept it in her pocket and swiftly left as she shuddered, due to the liquor she had taken a few hours ago, before anyone spotted her.

Scarcely had she walked out of the compound,when Bethany went outside in search of her purse, which she was amazed on finding its contents scattered all over.

"Clark,I found it but it looks tampered with. Come and take a look. Who could have possibly done this?"

"OMG!"exclaimed Clark his mouth agape.

" I wonder who did this."

" Let's not overthink; maybe you just dropped it while it was open and everything scattered."

" Let's put that to consideration. I don't think anything is missing. I'll collect the items."

" Let me help you."


" Come on! Let's get going!" ordered Felicity.

"Okay miss Felicity," stammered the driver.

Felicity stretched her body, laying on the car's back seat.

She fished out the locket she had taken from her pocket, glaring at it steadily.

"Maybe this is her lover's." She laughed annoyingly.

She carefully opened it, expecting Bethany and her lover's picture but no.

Contrary to her expectation, she pondered after seeing a picture with her beloved father.

"What!" she exclaimed now sitting upright, gazing at the photo and rubbing her eyes to confirm she wasn't dreaming.

"Daddy," she mumbled,tear involuntarily flowing down her cheeks from her sloe eyes, forming figure eleven.

What was more surprising was, seeing Lady Charm beside Domingo,they both holding a baby which she assumed to be her.

"So that lady was..." She broke into a sorrowful cry.

"Miss, what happened? Is everything okay?" I inquired the driver.

"Mind your own business!" gasped Felicity.

"So Bruce..." she stammered biting her lower lip countless times.

"Oh, I see." She boldly wiped her tears away as they entered the gate to home,"Seems this girl is not who she really seems to be."

They took a halt and Felicity swiftly got out of the car, hurrying her pace in the mansion to her chamber.

There,she pondered to the unbelievable illumination and drew her conclusions.


Bethany's POV;

I suddenly felt warm arms wrap my waist tightly, followed by endless pecks from my right cheek down to my neck,as I washed the dishes.

"Clark," I muttered.

"Yeah hun. Love you."

"Love you too," I said and turned around to face him.

"I can't help it but feel worried about Uncle Dean. Has he called you?"

"Not yet. No need to worry Bethany. He's a cop and has been one since so long."

"Even if."

"Stop worrying. He is fine,"Clark reassured me and gently gave me a peck on my lips.

" So, you're almost done?"he asked.

" Yeah. Go to bed. I'll be there in no time."

" No, I will help. Come on, have a seat and I will serve you a cup of coffee as I finish washing the dishes."


" No buts,"Clark grumbled,led me to a stool and served a cup of coffee for me.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I watched Clark wash the dishes.

It is such a heart melting joy, having such a person for a life partner.

I just wished all would end soon so that I could focus on my own personal life with Clark with no interference.

I could already picture our wedding, children and everything else one would wish for.

Imagining all that only jogged my memory to my life with my biological parents back then.

We were so happy together.

A family full of love, peace and harmony but then with the unbelievable illumination, I felt shuttered if betrayal would still exist in a family as such.