
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 2

(Shiho's POV)

"Hey, Miss!" I waved at the girl I just saved.

I'm not holding her anymore though. She blinked a few times before replying.

"uh, t-thank you for catching me." she said shyly.

I just smiled at her and bowed leaving her there. I have to go to the principal's office before I go to class. Before I went inside the school doors, I looked back at the girl and I noticed there are suddenly girls around her.

Maybe her friends?


(Jihyo's POV)

"NAJEONGMOSAMIDAHCHAETZU!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I have to do this every morning because these girls are so hard to wake up.

"If you girls are not here at the dining table at the count of 3, I will make sure you won't be eating for a week!" I shouted again and started counting.

By the time I was saying two, some of them came inside the dining room rushing and sleepiness was evident in their eyes. I counted my members checking if everyone was here and I noticed we are short of one member.

"Where's Sana?" I asked them.

Chaeyoung then stiffened and looked at me. "She's still sleeping Unnie." I rubbed my temple trying not to get mad.

Aside from everyone, Sana is the hardest one to wake up. I then went to SaChaeng's room and I saw Sana already in her uniform about to open the door also.

"You scared me Jihyo-ah!" she exclaimed as she held her chest. I laughed a little and dragged her towards the dining room.

By the time we were all done preparing I noticed Sana wasn't here at the dorm anymore. I walked towards Momo

"Did she already leave?" the latter just nodded at me.

Why would she go around the campus this early?


(Sana's POV)

I left the dorm while the girls were preparing. I was already done anyways and I was bored there. As I was strolling in the front yard, I could already notice the new students that are being mesmerized by the school scenery.

I mean who wouldn't? Even the girls and I were pretty much like them when we first started here. I then walked into a nearby tree and decided to wait for the girls here.

By the time I was about to sit down I heard a tiny squeak of squirrels. I immediately climbed the tree to take a look at them. I really love them, they're just so cute, especially their cheeks! As I attempted to get closer at them, I felt my foot slipping from the tree bark. "AH!" I feared for my dear life.

As I was waiting for the impact, I was instead greeted by strong arms catching me bridal style. I looked at her face and she's so beautiful.

Her hair is short just around her shoulders. She also has very mesmerising eyes, especially her left eye. I was cut short from my daydreaming when I noticed she was waving at my face.

I suddenly felt my face getting hot. "uh, t-thank you for catching me." Shit why do I need to stutter!?

She just smiled and bowed at me.


I was fanning my face because for sure I was blushing. Oh no! I didn't ask for her name.

"Sana-unnie!" I heard the girls calling me and went beside me. I will look for her later, just wait for me, my saviour.


(Unknown POV)

It's been 17 years. I hope I will see you soon, Shi-chan.