
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs


Soul Weapons!

(Mekhala) Something precious and rare as that how could it end up in the right hands when it was supposed to be snatched by some wicked person to fulfil his evil deeds. Should I believe that Kalhar doesn't know of this!

(Saisha) It was somewhere prepared at the cost of life span of Ahiga but ended up in our hand.

(Orzala) Who was the sage who proposed to create soul weapons? How was he linked to My father? What else did my parents hide from me?

(Sakda) What was the great deed that convinced my father to create these weapons at the cost of his life span? Will I be able to perform his final rights?

(Yathin) Should I tell them or not? How will they act if they know? I better tell them.

(Neihar) Orzala! Will she be okay? Unknowingly I am drawn towards her. She is just like me kept under dark for so long that now barely able of recognising the true light. I was blessed to have my brother by my side. She doesn't have any one but I will be the one she can lean on.

(Zesiro) How many more families did you destroy Kalhar? I can never forget what you did to my mother and me. I promise to end your glory in wrath. Wait for me.

All these thoughts running through their minds they left the old play house marching towards the holy shrine to seize Solikha.

Contrary to this Avisa realising the threats of being around protector decided to return back to his world, once after the death flower is nullified.

The plain covered with dried paddy straw indicating a draught as the prosperity forfeits in the land of evil. Walking through this view for few miles lead them to the rock cave of the holy shrine.

Myriads of Ravens stretching the wings flying high above the sky partially rendering it black turned the atmosphere in to the brooding ground of evil.

Saisha was saddened by the view of the holy shrine where their great souls of ancestor's rest. An eternal lamp kept the space always illuminated, keeping away the signs of darkness but it seems like destructed.

A giant tree which once provided shade to the passing people is withered to the level leaving only the dried sticks waiting to get liberated by a fall. A well filled with clear water quenching the thirst of numerous visitor of the shrine is all dry and replaced by sand stones.

Everyone was immersed in grasping the situation when a lady adorned in red robe came by flying high in the air. Brushing breeze making her black long hair wave, complimenting her attire in a graceful way.

Though her pale skin, cat eyes, pink plum lips complemented her graceful look, her vengeful gaze said otherwise.

Her actions depicted that she was not at all pleased to welcome uninvited guests at her place.

In her stern voice she spoke, "I have no spare time to waste on all of you so I will let my guards deal with you"

Saying this she turned around in attitude left commanding her guards equipped with spears smeared with portions of death flower to deal with protectors.

A number of guards throwing their spear at protectors and Avisa moved swiftly like the water tides in the blue ocean from one spear to tip to other in a zig zag motion nullifying the power of death flower portion applied on it.

Half of the battle was taken care of and other half was managed by protectors.

As always Saisha's serpent rod smashed the heads, Mekhala's dagger pierced the hearts, Sakda's chains broke some necks, Yathins spears never failed to impress, Neihar's thorn sword peeling skin of his enemy like fruit, Zesiro's pointed arrows never missed a target.

Surprisingly, Orzala's sword also was lit on fire.

Not an actual fire, though it can.

She swings her sword in a skilful manner, not enough to kill but strong enough to leave a scar on her enemy.

Saisha and Mekhala smiled in pride like older sister's watching their little girl Orzala utilize her sword in a correct way.

"Nice. She is picking up some good moves", Saisha

"Yes. Indeed.", Mekhala

Neihar was also quite impressed with his girl and was always ready to act as a backup for Orzala in completing her unfinished business.

Just for example sending the enemy guards to hell!

"That's my gonna be lady", Neihar shouted in excitement which made everyone stare at him in doubt.

Orzala rolled her eyes in disbelief but blushed internally.

Zesiro thought to himself and chuckled, "Oh poor brother! Welcome to hell".

Yathin guesting a guard to stop, "Oh wait! Did you hear that? Our boy is in love"


"Sorry to keep you waiting. Accept my sincere apology"

Spear slash! Guard dead.

At the end of this sweet little moment all the guards were dispatched to hell brutally.

All the protectors and their weapons were bathed blood. Without bothering to clean themselves they entered cave.

Hope you enjoy the story. Thak you for reading.

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