


Volume 1 - chapter CURSE III


It was the final blow of the demon axe. Shield was broken. Last hope of human survival was about to fade away. Countless GUILD members died, it's just futile to resist against demon King.

There's no hope for reinforcements

All the hard training results in horrible death. Death was standing in front of them.

Valtryek and Remaining GUILD members were about to die. But!!!

A hand from behind take rest in

Valtryek shoulder. It was heavily wounded. Blood was flowing out through it.

"Don't just sit do something" cough* cough*

It was. It was XANDER he's still alive. Valtryek started crying loudly. Guild members jump to face the demon king so they can buy time.

Valtryek hug XANDER and whispered- " I am sorry, i won't let you go again"

Valtryek's eyes were blurred because of tears.

Xander rubbed his eye and said " we already lost so many Members we can't let them die"

These lines motivated Valtryek extremely, he vanished in light of speed he blocked Demon axe and his brute strength. "You'll do more than enough rest now"- Valtryek.

Valtryek's speed matched the speed of the Demon king. The word FURIOUS is perfect to describe that moment. Valtryek focused his soul in his feet and discharged just like XANDER. With this speed he surpassed the speed of the demon king. He used MAJESTIC FLAMES OF HEAVEN to cut through the demon's neck but was blocked by Axe.

He uses its recoil to gain momentum. Agility was off chart in Valtryek's case. Demon King couldn't possibly see him. He sliced the hand of the demon with his sword.

It wasn't enough to defeat the King.

Valtryek noticed that the demon can regenerate his body. It's not much time.

It will be futile to attack simultaneously if he uses regeneration magic. Valtryek's face was covered by blood. calmness in his decent face turned to god of death. Others were unable to see their movements. Even valtryek was unable to control his speed he changes his trajectory for

Change in direction.

All others could see was clashes , sound waves and fast lanes behind them (caused by friction). Demon kings can't infuse souls with regeneration and attack at the same time.

This time Valtryek infused all his soul in his lower body.

And make himself invisible by Demon's eyes. He got an opening his speed was at extreme.

But unfortunately the stone he planned to use for change in trajectory broke. Stone can't keep up with force exerted by valtryek speed.

Valtryek was laid on a rock bed. Help less

"I never fought someone as powerful as you before, I respect your fighting style but now you have to die"

XANDER and GUILD can't admit that VALTRYEK would be defeated after coming this.

No!!!. XANDER screamed

"Look I am begging you"

" Too late kids"- demon king replied

Xander can't watch it, his heartbeat raised too high. His heart can't watch it. He lost his consciousness and ran towards Valtryek. But pulled back by GUILD.

Demon king raised his axes high above

And slashed Valtryek.
