
Chapter 97

She sat next to Nuriel. Listening to the Ikrea as he read from a really long scroll. He was kind enough to read in English since her Celith though improved, could not be completely trusted. Once he got to some parts, the beings would either repeat what he said or utter words back to him. And she just sat there, trying to remember how she had even gotten to that point in the first place, not too long ago, she had been hopeless, full of nothing but despair. Nuriel reached over and offered her his hand, as if he could sense her thoughts. She smiled and took it, enjoying the feel of his skin. 

" How long is this supposed to take?" She asked through their link. She felt the amusement in his words when he replied.

" Tired already, just a while ago you were ecstatic about this. "

" I didn't know it would take this long, the guy's been reading for over an hour now!" 

She turned to him and found him openly smiling. The beings must have been exhausted, there weren't even any seats around. Apart from the eleven members of the council who were seated on the opposite side of them, everyone else was standing. She was about to whine to Nuriel once more when the Ikrea stopped talking and started rolling the scroll closed. 

" Finally! Bloody gods, I can't feel my wings!" Kael loudly said, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. And one by one the beings started laughing. Flame joined them. Eleven of the angels were present and she was glad they were there. Although she still felt a bit sad about Rehan, he was being left out of everything. From there, everything happened smoothly, she read from a book handed from her, words of devotion to her mate and of duty and service as the queen. Nuriel did the same. And then afterwards, Kael brought forward a small pillow, and on it was a golden circlet with the prettiest orange stone. He offered it to Nuriel who held the ornament delicately in his hand. She knew that he had had it made exclusively for her. Idah had told her that they were both supposed to choose a piece of jewelry to put on there mate during the ceremony, one that they would both wear every day that followed. It was simple, yet elegant enough to steal her breath. 

" Joined.." he gently said as he raised the circlet to her head, "bonded, " he added as he placed it on her, fixing it so that it would look perfect. " Mated for life, " he finished off the short vow he was required to give her. 

But he didn't say it out of requirement,he said them because they were true and he would guarantee that she was always as satisfied and happy as she could be. She had tried to think out of the box, but in the end she had gone the traditional earth way and chosen a ring. She had given Kael the instructions of how she wanted it to be and he had assured her he'd take care of it. 

And as he once again brought forth the piece, she felt like shouting a loud thank you to him, it was exactly as she had wanted it to be. She picked it up, taking a second to admire the details on it. 

" m'eudail", the ring read on it's surface. Now each time he looked at it he'd think of her.

She reached for his hand which he freely offered. Then she repeated the same words he had just uttered. And the second she was done, the room turned completely lively once more. The beings clapped and cheered, and the musicians played a happy and entertaining tune that tempted one to dance. 

" You like it?" She asked Nuriel when she saw him staring at the ring. And instead of replying he lifted his hand to his lips and kissed the ring. Then he leaned down and kissed her. She laughed into their kiss, her arms loosely wrapped around his neck. 

" Mine," he whispered into her ears, then he leaned back so that he could look at the face that lived in his dreams. 

" No one elses!" She very firmly said, meaning the words. They were finally both mated and bonded. The beings who were brave enough to approach them did so, congratulating them and stretching their arms for both of them to clasp. It was something that was done mostly by warriors, but Flame understood their infatuation. One girl almost fainted when Nuriel held her hand, her friend had to drag her away. 

" Were they not present when I took claim of you? " Flame joked, laughing when Nuriel wrapped his arms around her from behind.

The other angels all came to wish them the best, and they bared gifts as well. She almost fell over when she unwrapped Aziel's and found a bottle of moon berry wine.

" I had that made solely for you! " The angel proudly said. And for one night they put their banter aside and enjoyed the moment.

Kael was dancing with some girls in the middle of the room, they wouldn't leave his side. Aziel and Zarek joined them, and the crowd increased. Mostly filled with young females who were dying for the angels' attention. 

" Let's eat here before heading to town. Just the fourteen of us, " Flame suggested the idea to Nuriel. He agreed, knowing that Rehan was the reason behind the suggestion. The party went on for hours, there were some light snacks being passed around by the staff. And the beings were eating everything that was brought out, knowing that such a chance was rare to come by. He angel and her danced, he was surprisingly swift on his feet. She was a complete mess but he seemed to be in a great mood so she enjoyed the moment and tried her best not to step in his feet. 

Close to midnight, Kael announced that the party would continue outside, at the town square. So everyone started making their way there, ad those who were exhausted were escorted home. It was a command for the warriors to watch over everyone.

Flame looked around the room once more and was surprised to find Sheila dancing with Andres, but even as she looked on, she could see that the females thoughts were elsewhere. Probably with the one she actually wished to be dancing with. But Drexel was on the farthest side of the room, having a conversation with Bastian. She was shocked he was still around. He was dressed the same as always, the two seemed like polar opposites, but according to what Kael had told her, Drexel was the only one the angel seemed to talk to. 

" They're linked by both blood and shadows those two, " he had said. A faraway look on his beautiful face. She hadn't asked anything else. 


Nuriel had linked his brothers and asked all of them to meet at the formal dining room for a meal. Having ordered for the table to be set. After the other beings started making their leave, they had headed there. And he had held onto Flame when she wanted to head over to her own seat. 

" You're not leaving my sight tonight, " he said as he sat down and lowered her into his laps. And not long after, the other angels began occupying their seats. One by one until they were all there. 

Rehan had been the last one to arrive,he hadn't been in The Triecan and had had to fly over once Nuriel linked him. Be could have stayed in his room but he didn't want to take the risk, so he flew off before the ceremony commenced. Once he got there, he smiled at everyone.

A tired smile. The angel seemed worn out for some reason. 

" How was the ceremony?" He asked as he ran a hand through his blonde hair. His eyes a deep shade of green, his feathers the same rare color.

" It was okay, nothing too interesting though. Don't worry, you didn't miss out on anything entertaining. "

Kael offered the words in a serious time that was nothing like him. And the others all knew he was trying to make the angel feel better about not being there. 

Sweet Kael. 

Rehan shook his head, but in his face was a pleased smile. He went to work, filling his plate with food since it had been a while since he ate. 

" A female confessed her undying love for Barin tonight!" Quillon started the conversation. Everyone grew interested and asked for the details that Barin did not want to share, he said he wanted to forget all about that. But Quillon and Rylan were more than happy to explain on his behalf. 

" She's engaged, but she swore that she would leave behind everything for his sake!" A laughing Quillon said as he recalled the scene he had very amusedly watched earlier on. Barin begged them to stop. 

" Is she blind?! " Kael asked as he used his silver cutlery to check his reflection, running a hand though his hair, wondering how that girl could be obsessed with an angel that wasn't him. 

" No Nikaelon, she's sane, " Kalen joked, something he hardly ever did. 

" Holy Aurelia, sometimes I forget what your actual name is," Viktor said. They were so used to the name Kael that the golden angel's actual name was almost a faint memory. The conversation and the laughter was non-stop from that point. Flame was glad that Rehan seemed to cheer up, some of the angels,. led by Aziel, ate fast since they wanted to get to the feast before it became dull. 

" Zarek, I think I saw Ziek wandering outside while flying here, " Rehan said, then he reached for his water and took a sip. 

Zarek was about to ask where exactly when all of a sudden, the angel with the wings of compulsion choked on his drink, he loosened his hold on the glass and it fell down in splashes of glass. 

" Whoa, easy there rainbow, " Kael joked. Rehan was coughing nonstop and Viktor, seated next to him, tried to help him out. Knowing that there was probably more to it than it appeared. A theory that was confirmed when the angel wrapped his hand around his neck and started struggling to breathe. Everyone grew concerned. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, and after a failed attempt at taking in air, his entire body began to shake. 

" Rehan?!" Kalen asked as he stood from his own seat and proceeded to check on the angel. Everyone became worried, they stood and looked on, wondering what to do. 

" What's wrong with him? Should we get a healer?" Flame asked, but Kael shook his head and said they couldn't do that, they'd end up hurting him more. He was shaking uncontrollably, and when Kalen reached out and touched him, he hissed.

" He's freezing!" the courteous angel said. Looking at his brothers for direction. Rehan almost fell over to the floor but Kalen held him and Zarek helped lower him to the floor. And afterwards they all looked at each other. 

" Just step away from him, let's give him some space, " Nuriel said. He looked worried, but not as much as the rest. He understood what was going on, had gone through something similar, only in his case, he had been burning up. It was long ago, before he went to get Flame, he'd close his eyes and his skin would feel as if it were being eaten alive. 

Though hesitantly, the others did as asked,they stepped away from Rehan and watched him convulsing on the ground, his body shaking and his eyelids fluttering as he struggled to breathe. He'd raise his hands to his neck evey so often. 

" Angel?" A very concerned Flame turned to Nuriel, eyes wielding fear.

Then she turned back to Rehan, and they all watched as the shaking began to subside. And a while later, he went completely limp, unconscious on the floor. 

Kalen went down on one knee next to him with the intention of feeling his forehead to check his temperature. But then suddenly, Rehan sat up and sucked in a long breath, his hand on his chest and a pained look on his face. Everyone grew silent, looking at him. And in the seconds that followed, he uttered words that had them all turning to each other with blank expressions.

" I saw her!.." his lower lip trembled and his eyes remained unblinking, " I saw her, " he repeated. Then his eyes closed as he fell unconscious once more.



From author; 🌺❤️Thanks for reading till the end, I'm going to publish the next book, Aquaryn, in two days.🌺❤️