

akira homura was an average fighter training to be the strongest,but when he realise that he is one of the 4 clan who saves the world 1000 years ago he had a mission to recruit allies for the upcoming war.

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12 Chs

chapter 3: The secret of the pink blossom


"did..he kill him?".

*hana and akira shock on what they saw*

"heyy....heyy mister hitodama you won you can let go of jabelin now".

*the announcer said with a scared expression*


*kanji drops jabelin to the ground*

*kanji slowly walks away from the stage*

"medic! medic!".

*the announcer yelled*

*kanji then walks pass kaze who glares at him from behind*

"those.....fighting style".

*kaze said to her self*

"sorry everyone for that minor incident will be right back for the 3rd match so please stay on your seat".

*the announcer said with a nervous smile*

"that man is scary".

*hana said*

"yeh...but when i bump him the other day...he looks...very kind".

*akira flashbacks to when he bump kanji*

"well anyways who do you think will be the next fighters?".

*akira ask hana*

"i don't know...i hope its me tho because i wanted to fight so badly now..but after watching that kanji guy fight im afraid to win now".

*hana said sadly*

"hey don't be afraid of him your strong remember".

*akira said to hana*

"uhm..yeh i think so".

*hana replied unconfidently*

"so hana if you win your match we will face each other to know who's stronger okay?".

"hmm yes...okay".

"you promise?".

"yes! i promise!".

*hana replied with a smile to her face*

*akira also smiled*

"okay now everybody are you ready for the 3rd match!?".

*the announcer said*

*crowd shouting*

"that sound like a yes to me, okay computer shuffle it".

*computer shuffling the names of the fighters*

"who will it be?".

*computer stop*

hana moriko vs. ultimate ninja master.

"oh my its me".

"nice okay hana you can beat this guy i believe in you".

*hana nodded*

"i will thank you akira".

*hana said happily*

"no problem".

(i can't believe she's battling the ninja dude damn she is so lucky)

*akira sadly thought*

"fighters come out!".

*the announcer shout*

*both fighters step in the ring*

"okay both of you the rules are simple okay if one of you raise your hand and say i give up or if you fall out of the stage you will lose,got it".

*the referee said*

"yes sir!".

*both hana and ninja replied*

"okay begin!".

*crowd starts cheering*

*hana breathing calmly*

"i can do this".

*hana said to himself*

"i didn't really wanna harm a little girl but i will do anything to win".

*ninja said*

"hey who are you calling "little girl" first of all im 19,second of all im the one who's gonna win this fight hmp".

*hana said angrily*

"whatever you say little one".

*ninja replied*

stealth art:smoke screen

*ninja throws a smoke bomb to the ground*

"*coughing* i can't see anything".

*hana said*

*ninja then dash towards hana punching her very fast but hana saw it in time to block it*

(he's fast).

*hana thought*

"hmm i see you are a very skilled lady".

*ninja then steps back*

*the smoke clears out*

*coughing* "his punch was quick but not enough power to force me down".

"i can do this!".

*hana shouts*

meanwhile at the medic room akira is watching hanas match from the tv.

"damn i got high hopes that this ninja dude is suppose to be strong but all he did is throw a gas bomb to the ground".

*akira said with a dissapointing expression*

"well i guess me and hana are gonna fight from the semi finals after all"

*akira saids it with a chuckle*

back from the fight.

"hmm well then how about this".

stealth art: invisiblity

*ninja begins to slowly fade away*

*crowd was shock*

"huh where did he go?".

"over here little girl".

*hana was suddenly hit by something making her go down to the ground*

"where did that come from".

*hana begins to stand up but was strike again from the face making her stumble to the ground*

*hana panting*

"what the hell what kind of a cheap trick is that".

*akira said*

"come on hana don't give up,you can do this!".

*akira yells*

*hana then suddenly stands up*

"i am strong *panting* i can't lose here right now".

*hana said*

"what a brave lady,too bad im gonna finish this right now".

stealth art:invisible shurikens

(focus hana you can do this)

*hana thought*

art of the pink blossom: petal dance

*hana then punches towards ninja making a huge shock wave with sharp pink petals*

"wha...what the!?".


*ninja was then hit by the shockwave flying him off the stage and slicing his skin off by the petals and hitting a wall*

*ninja unconcious body drop to the ground*

"ha..hana moriko wins the match!".

*crowd cheered loudly*

*hana then looks at his hand*

"oh no i used it again".

"woah that was awesome!".

*akira amaze from the attack hana did*

*ninja being carried away by the medic*

*hana running towards ninja*

"uhm mister ninja im very sorry i hurt you a lot".

*hana bows to ninja*.

"thats okay...you know your really strong little lady".

*ninja said*

*hana then was happy to hear that from his opponent*

*hana then goes to akiras medic room*


*hana slams the door open*

"what the hell don't you know how to knock".

*akira said that with a shock impression*

"oh im sorry hehe".

*hana said that while scratching her head*

"oh oh did you saw my match?".

*hana ask*

"yeh you were cool back there!"

(not gonna lie the ninja looks cooler)

*akira thought*

"hehe thank you".

"oh yeah your special move was great aswell that was so good, when you punch the wind or something and theres a huge shcokwave and flowers that was so good!".

*hana then lower her head*

"i didn't really want to use that move".

"huh what do you mean?".

"you see my art style is forbidden to be used because of its destructive power".


"you see 1000 years ago there was a god who was sent to earth to help the people defeat the evil forces,back then 4 clans was pick to inherit the art style that can damage the evil forces but some clans were not chosen and mine was one of them so the other clans felt jealous of the 4 because they will fight to protect while the others will just stand in the corner watching the war,so our clan leader goes to search the hidden sakura forest to train alone and create new techniques powerfull enough to harm the dark forces, and couple of years have pass 3 dark entities have come to earth ready to enslave it but the 4 clans have mastered there style of fighting and is ready for war, while that happens our clan leader has mastered the art of the pink blossom and joins the war alone without his fellow clan members and so the war began and the 4 clans have won the battle but no one notice the help of our leader,and because of that our leader was mad because the people of earth didn't notice his help, so he pledge that he will never used the art of the pink blossom again,as time went pass some of the great leaders blood line have practiced the arts secretly over the years,until the technique was pass to me the last clan member of the moriko family".

"so in other words you don't want to hurt people or accidently kill them right?".


"i see but why don't you just give up fighting?".

*akira ask*

"because there is a rumor that the 3 dark entities will be back to earth....so i want to be strong to protect the people i care and the earth".

*hana said*

*akira smiles*

"you know hana i like you".

*akira said to hana*.

*hana blushes*

"wha...what!..what do you mean we just met its too early for that kind of relat-".

"your a cool friend to have hana haha".

*akira said while laughing*

"oh..oh yes a friend hehe".

*hana laughs nervously*

"by the way has the final match started?".

"oh well i don't know yet,why dont we see to the tv".

"yeah sure".

*akira grabs the remote and opens the tv*

"okay folks those last fights are intense so why dont we just go ahead and finish it of with the finals!".

*crowds cheer*

"okay let us see our final fighters!".

great devil man vs kaze yamazaki.

"woah that girl with the white hair looks cute".

*hana said*

(what the hell is a fighting style called fire of destiny?).

*akira thought*

:okay fighters i guess you should know the rules by now why dont we just start the match okay?".

*the referee said*

"yes sir".

*devilman said*

*kaze nodded*

"okay begin!".

*crowd cheering*

"hmm well lady i am impressed that you are not scared of a devil".

*devilman said with a grin*.

"i am fearless and you are not even a devil those are just fake dragon wings you bought from a store".

*kaze said calmly*

"shut the fuck up!"

"fire of destiny art: fireball!"

*kaze getting ready to dodge the unknown attack*

*devilman then drinks gas and pulls out a lighter and blow the gas that he drinks to the lighter creating a huge flame ball*

(what the hell).

*akira thought*

*kaze easily dodge the huge flame ball*

*kaze looks at devilman*

"damn you lady!".

"i'll get you!".

*devilman then dash towards kaze getting ready to punch her*.

"i have no time for you".

*kaze said*

*kaze then kicks devilman to the chest so hard that it drops him unconcious*

"you are not my target from this tournament".

*kaze said as she glares at kanji*

*kanji saw kaze glaring at him so he glares back*

"devilman is no longer unable to fight therefore kaze wins the final match and will be competing to the finals".

*the referee said*

*crowd cheers*

"akira homura"

"kanji hitodama"

"hana moriko"

"kaze yamazaki"

"this is our semi finals contestants tomorrow

remember there could only be one winner,

goodbye everybody thankyou for watching!"

*the announcer said*

*people leaving*

*at the glass window on top of the tournament there is a man watching the whole event*

"sir everything is set up for the semi finals sir"

*a servant said*

"looks like the plan is going perfectly...".

*an unknown man in a black suit said*

*outside the arena akira and hana are walking together*

"how are you feeling akira?"

*hana ask*

"well i can walk without stumbling now but my back still hurts tho ehhh overall im okay now ...how about you hana?".

"im completely fine thanks for asking".

*akira and hana continues to walk passing houses*

"so hana about your ability".

"what about it?".

"how did you master your fighting art?".

"oh my mother taught me when i was just 10 but sadly she passed away due to cancer".

*hana said with a sad expression*

"oh im sorry to hear that".

"thats okay i know she's in a better place now".

*hana looks at the sky*

"how about you akira how did you learn your fire ability?".

"oh my old man taught me how to use it since my father passed away,after that izo took care of me and trained me how to defend myself...honestly i appreciate the old man more than i expected".

*hana then smiled at akira*

"your so dramatic brat"

*izo said while walking with akira and hana*

"what hell! where did you just come from?".

*akira ask*

"well im buying groceries for tonight and i just happened to pass both of you thats all".

"you should have atleast greeted me".

"eh it's to tiring".

"why you".

*hana laughing at both of them*

*the three of them starts walking together*

(damn this is awkward)

*akira thought*

"oh wait a minute you must be my pupils girlfriend".

*izo said to hana*

*hana blushes*

(old man you son of a-)

*akira thought*

"oh no no you are just friends thats all right akira".

"yeah old man respect opposite gender friendship jesus".

"oh my bad you two just looks perfect for each other".

*hana blushes again*

(old man one more word and i'll beat your ass)

*akira thought*

"oh akira this is my apartment i'll be going now see you tomorrow okay".

"oh yeah yeah sure goodbye take care".

"bye aswell great meeting you too mister izo".

*hana then opens the door from her apartment and goes inside and locked it*

"okay hana have self control you cant just have a crush to someone ypu just met today right hehehe".

*hana said to herself nervously*

*akira and izo walking home*

"i see you have good eyes to look for a girl akira".

*izo said with a smirk*

"oh shut up".

"she's just my friend that's all".

"thats what they all say akira".

*akira grumping at izo*

"well since its only the two of us now akira i will tell something".

"huh what is it?".

"kanji hitodama his surname sounds familiar to me and his fighting style".

"its similar to yours akira".

"huh are you saying that kanji guy can be my relative or something?".

"*sigh* lets go home first akira".

"ah okay".

*izo and akira entering at their home*

"okay lets seat down first akira".

*akira sat down*

"i will tell you a story about a war 1000 years ag-".

"its about the dark entities and 4 clans and shit right i already know that from hana".

"oh really well thats great but do you know that your clan is one of the clan that deafeted the 4 entities?".

"my clan? you mean our fighting art came from a god?!".

"yes your flames have been a gift from a god 1000 years ago to beat the dark entities back then".

"but why are you telling me now?".

"because i don't think you are ready yet".

"ready what?".

"the dark entities in 3 years from now".


*akira stands up*

"i thought you said they were defeated".

"yes but that was a long time ago their powers regenerate and they will be back stronger than before,that was the prophecy".

"the prophecy is a never ending war?!".

"that is why your father wanted you to be strong to defeat those entities once and for all".

"how can i beat mythical beings old man?".

"i barely won fighting torashi from the tournament".

"i will never beat them".

"you are not alone akira there is still time to recruit the 3 other clans that fought the dark entities".

"and i think that kanji hitodama is one of them".

"judging from his fighting style earlier his likely to be one of the 4 retainers who can damage the dark entities so it's best to ask him to participate to the war that is going to happen".

"your saying from this 3 years i must find warriors and recruit them for the war that is coming?".

*izo nodded*


"akira protect the once you loved"

*akiras father said to him*

"*sigh* guess i have no other choice then since im the one of the only people that can save the world i'll just get stronger then no big deal".

*akira said with a smile*

"don't worry akira i'll be the first warrior that will join your army".

"thanks old man".

"now get to sleep or you'll get your ass beat tomorrow".

minutes later.

*akira sleeping*

*izo looking out the window*

"god please lend akira your strenght".

the next day

it's the semi finals of the tournament the 4 fighters have gather inside a giant arena built near mt.fuji.

"woah this place is huge".

*akira said*

"yeah it's so nice and colorful".

*hana said*

kanji is leaning outside to a pillar looking at the sky while kaze is in her preperation room tightening up her gloves.

*someone slowly clapping from the top*

*akira,hana and kanji looks at the person clapping*

"congratulation all of you for making it this far".

*the man in a black suit said*

"uhm who are you?".

"my name is atlas whitlock,i am the man behind this tournament".

"oh so your like the grandmaster".

*akira said*

"well something like that".

*atlas said*.

"oh nice to meet you then mister atlas".

"yes nice to meet you sir".

*akira and hana said as they bow their head*

"thankyou for your gratitude,i am here just to see the fighters for this year and well im excited to see how powerful you all are".

"yeah we'll give you a hell of a show".

*hana nodded*

*well i hope so i have high expectations from the 4 of you especially you hana...moriko*

"uhmm thankyou?".

*hana said nervously*

"well i have to go now goodluck".

*atlas walks away*

"is it just me or the headmaster for this tournament is creepy".

*akira said*

"yeah well i have to prepare now akira see later".

"sure bye".

*hana goes to her preperation room*

"well now im hungry,there is still 5 minutes before the fight so why don't i just buy a donut hehe".

*akira said while walking out of the arena*

*while walking out akira pass by kanji*

"oh hey kanji goodluck later".

*akira stops and greets kanji then continues walking*

*kanji getting frustrated*

5 minutes later.

"okay fighters gather up this is the semi finals so only 2 of you can enter the finals and the other 2 will walk back home,keep in mind that this is brodcast to telivision so almost all the people in the world are watching now..i think"

*the announcer said*

"cool im like an actor".

*kanji said*

"the rules are still the same whoever falls or give up loses".

"but this time the 4 of you will be fighting at the same time".

"there will be 2 stages, stage 1 and stage 2 the 4 names will be shuffle again by the computer,so let us begin".

*computer shuffling*

stage 1 akira homura vs. kaze yamazaki.

stage 2 hana moriko vs kanji hitodama.

"damn i didn't get to fight hana".

*akira said*

*hana frightened*

"im... going to fight that kanji guy.."

(oh yeah i completely forgot kanji hitodama the old man said he must be one of the 3 clans i have to talk to him).

*akira thought*

"okay fighters go to your stages!".

*the announcer said*

"hey hana goodluck we will see each other at the finals okay".

*akira said to hana*

"*hana nodded* yeah i'll meet you there goodluck akira".

"you too hana".

*akira breathing in and out*

"okay lets do this".

"fighters step forward to the stage".


*akira starts his fighting pose*

"akira homura".

*kaze said*


"can you let me win this round?".


at the other stage

"listen i don't wanna hurt a girl".

*kanji said to hana*

"what do you mean?"

*hana replied*

"i have my own motives,so please just give up and let me win".

"no way!"

*both akira and hana said to there opponent*

"very well then guess i have to destroy you then".

*kaze said to akira*

"oh yeah let's see you try".

*akira replied*

*kaze then leaps to the air*

art of the fiery hurricane:tornado of terror.

*kaze then side kicks to the air creating a tornado that heads towards akira*


flame arts:incinerate

*akira then blast a wall of flame towards the tornado*

"what the".

*the tornado created by kaze is absorbing the flames that akira blast merging into a fire tornado that will head towards akira*

"oh shit".

*akira then blocks the tornado with his arms but the tornado was too strong that blasted akira away and makes him drop to the ground*

*coughing* "what was that".

*akira said*

*akiras hoodie got burns and holes*

"you see akira".

*kaze said*

back from the stage 2.

*kanji dash torwards hana then kicking her so hard that it drops her to the ground*

"i never wanted to do this".

*kanji said*

"what do you mean?"

*hana ask*

"you see hana moriko.."

*both kanji and kaze said at the same time*

"you are not my TARGET".