
Flame User X Date A Live (Remake)

A young teen have been died due to God mistake. He got a second chance to live in another world. Of course the teen accept it and live his new life there. What kind of life will he have in the world that has a Spacequake cause by a Spirit? ========================================= • English is not my first language. So there will be a lot of mistake. • I'll make this story to be a slow one without any kind of rush like the story I made before. • I'm bad at harem type of story so for the beginning the MC won't have any love interest. • No crossover world but "maybe" I'll add some character out from Date A Live world to live with the MC and a short journey to another world. • Date A Live belongs to Koushi Tachibana

Suci_Disastra · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

My Wishes

(3rd POV)

Touya has left Tsuna and the God there to go another world. With this, only he will need to make a wish on the gods and go to the other world. But It's just too early for tsuna. He needs time to decide what he's asking.

"Kami-sama, I'll ask the same question like Touya. What kind of world I'll be going to?" an important question for him before made some decision.

The God pour a tea on Tsuna's cup and sign him to drink first. Tsuna did it and he felt a little calm. Even in this position he could show people a calm expression, it's only work on the outside. While the inside he felt a slight panic.

Tsuna also pick a rice cracker on the plate to eat. As he eat, God explain what kind of world he'll be reincarnated to.

"Tsuna-kun, are you familiar with word <Spirit>?"

He stopped chewing his food and swallow it. It's a lie if he said he doesn't know what the God's mean.

"Date A Live." The only answer that crossed his mind.

The God nodded. Looking at the answers he said was true, Tsuna felt a little uncomfortable. He doesn't object to the choices he's given. But there's a personal reason for that. Tsuna really don't want to talk about it but he need to.

"Is something the matter?"

"Actually... Yes. Why?" The look on his face was like a guy who lost all spark in his life.

"That's because the world is the only place for you right now. Do you mind?"

Hearing that the world was all that was left for him, Tsuna sighed a sign of defeat. He then shook his head. "No, no problem. 'Maybe I can wish to lift that up.' It's just a little problem for a kid like me."

The God know that face Tsuna has been making earlier. "You don't need to rush. I have plenty of time to wait for your decision to make some wishes. And while waiting, I will make a call to Touya-kun. It seems he have arrived at his new world." God went to the old phone near him and call Touya to check up on his condition.


This is not a small problem for me. In reality, this is too big to handle alone. I can't just ask him for something, even if he says I can ask anything.


Just because I was given a second chance at life doesn't mean I can do what I want. The reason is simple. It's because my family's curse.

The curse in my family has been most proven in its efficacy. If it's a child, even an old man will be cursed. I won't say what curse our family have but I'll tell you what happens if I get this curse.

If I get this curse then in less than twenty-four hours I'll be dead. Death knows no place. Our family tree has made it clear that although we pray to the gods, this curse cannot be lifted. That makes me hesitate a little to ask if I can lift my curse or not.

Kami-sama still call on touya who just arrived in a world full of sword and magic. I'm actually a little envious, but it's not my genre. So I'll pass.

I kept thinking about what I would ask other than to lift the curse I had. The world is rocked by spatial distortions and there are spirits as well. For some, this is your way of owning a lot of harems, isn't it?

But for me, I don't really care as long as I live in peace without any distractions. I don't mean literally. I don't really want to live alone, but having some friends and maybe a pet is not a bad choice.

I don't want to get involved in the main story of this world. As much as possible, of course. If I was involved, I'd just walk away and pretend nothing happened.

Do I need superpower or something? Nah, better not to avoid unwanted trouble in the future. Too troublesome. Then, what wishes should I ask to him?

What do you normally need when you move to the other we world?

I thought for a moment while I waited for Kami-sama to finish calling my friend. Hmm.... Oh that's right! I need that of course. But first thing first, my curse.

I've decided what I'm about to ask and the gods have just finished with their calls on the phone. "Touya-kun got there safely. He almost forgot to use his phone on when he's going to a town. You don't need to worry about him. I make him stronger than before and give him an ability to master any type of magic in an instant."

I raise my left brow and just shrugg it. It's not like he's going to be a demi-god right? Or maybe having his own kingdom with three loli and other six girl as his wives. Yeah no way that's going to happen. Absolutely not.

Kami-sama look at me and smile. He seems to know things that I've decided to ask him for some wishes. "So Tsuna-kun, have you decided yet?" I only closed my eyes and nod.

"Yes. I only have three wishes. Nothing more nothing less."

He seems waiting for me to talk about my first wish. Without waiting any longer, I tell him what I want. "For my first wish, I want my curse to be lifted up along with all of my descendant." The important thing that I need to do is this.

Kami-sama looked at me and just brushed his beard. "Are you referring to the curse your family has?" He seems to want to make sure of this first.

"Yes, that one. Could you lift it up?" If he can lift up my curse then I don't need to worry about my future in that world.

But what I see is Kami-sama sigh. "Regarding this, Tsuna-kun, I think it will take a few years for me to lift it up. But for your descendant you have nothing to worry about, because if you are released from your curse then they will not automatically be cursed." I sigh in relief after hearing that.

"It is fine. As long as the curse gone, I have nothing to worried about."

"All right then. I'll make it six years at the earliest and your curse will disappear. What about my next request?" Already to the next one huh? Fine then.

I drank my tea before I spoke. "For my second wish, I wanted a house."

Hearing my second wish, he asked. "Are there any specification you wanted? Like shape, size or function?"

I held onto my chin and thought that I needed some special detail for the house I was going to live in. "I want a house with a traditional Japanese theme. One bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, backyard, and exercise room. And if my family grows, then I want the room to grow by itself. Also, I want this house to be indestructible, unbreached, unburgled, or something I don't want. Both by what and by anyone. And lastly, I want every Spirit that enters my house directly unable to use the power of their <Angel> they possess and there's no exception even for Takamiya Mio."

I didn't realize I was talking about my dream home type. I've wanted this since I was a kid. I'd hate for someone to disturb me when I'm relaxed. I saw the god blink a few times and he just nodded. "What a simple request I could grant. Do you still want to add some details?"

I shook my head. "No. I won't add any detail more than that. That's all for my second wish."

"Your second wish has been granted. Now what is your last wish?"

Well that was quick. I've thought carefully about my last wish. This one might be considered a bit childish but I'm human. What can I do about it? "My last wish was to be able to go into the world where touya was at my leisure."

Kami-sama just raised his eyebrows a bit and asked about it. "Why do you want to go to that world Tsuna-kun?"

"Kami-sama, I am sure that you can't reincarnated two person in one world right?" he nodded at it. "That means there's no ban on me going out into that world, right?" Well, if we think about it carefully, that we can't move into the same house doesn't mean we can't visit their house, right?

He just laughed and adjusted the position of his glasses. You're right Tsuna, it's possible. Well, your wish has been granted. But are you sure that this is enough for you? Don't you want powers, magic or something like that?"

"It was the truth. Normally when such tempting offers are made most people will surely ask for extraordinary strength, but I..." I paused before I finished my sentence. "..I just want to live a peaceful life, like a normal human do. That's all I ever wanted."

There's a silence between me and Kami-sama. I know most people maybe want me to have an awesome power from certain anime or cartoon. But I don't want any of that. When someone has great power, it means they attract attention from people who have the same thing. I don't want anything like that to happen.

Same example comes my favorite villain. His name is Yoshikage Kira. He already had a peaceful life, but because of his power, his entire life was interrupted. That is why I do not desire any power that Kami-sama will offer.

"Tsuna-kun... You really are a good boy. I will respect your decision and give you no power."

Unknowingly, I was a little bit pleased. Most of the stories I've read about reincarnation, they're usually forced the MC to have power. But the first time I saw a god firsthand appreciate my desire not to have cheat powers.

I bow to him respectfully. "I thank you with all my heart. I'm very grateful for your decision against me. I, Sora Tsunakawa, the last heir of Sora Royal family promise to always pray to you every day until the end of my life."

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I raised my head. "You don't have to overdo it like that. It's only natural for me to do this to my creation. Now please sit down and enjoy your meal before you go."

I did as he asked and enjoyed a new meal that was already available on the table. Just when did this food start to appear? Is it because of his power?

Hmm... Well, He is indeed a God. I need to pay more attention next time.


Now it's time for me to go. I've spent so much time talking, eating, and making wishes to Kami-sama. I can't keep lingering in this place.

"Are you ready to go?" Kami-sama put a smile on his face. It makes me a little relaxed.

I'm still sitting and standing. I bowed before I left. "Thank you very much! Now I'm ready to go!"

"Hohoho.. hype aren't you? Make sure you live happily in that world."

I give him a thumbs up and smile widely. "Of course!"

A light appeared at my feet. It's time for me to go into that world. Slowly my body began to unravel into a trail of light and all I remember was the warm light that brought me to the world of `Date A Live`.


(3rd POV)

You can see a man hovering there in the void. Alone.

This man had long hair covering his bored face. He was wearing a white suit, long black pants, and a pacifier with eight colors. He was holding a transparent book and a pen made of clocks. He closed the book and let out a long sigh.

"Boring~ I already kill some drifter that try to crossed the world within they desire just to make a harem. And now there's none for now."

He looked around and found something that caught his eye. A human that reincarnated. A smirk can be seen behind his hair and he analyzed the reincarnated person.

"No power, no cheat item, no servant.. interesting. Maybe keeping eye on him will be a good thing to do now."

After saying that, he disappear from the void leaving no traces.

Thank you for reading!

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