

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

ALL402 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 22. The Antitode

Ronnie, Parat, Arun and Sameer are done fighting with those white gorillas. All of them are wounded pretty bad taking huge breath and are tired using there aura too much. But finally they defeated all of them and now they all look towards eachother. It's already night Advait is still running although he is tired using his aura too much and also carrying the weight of gorilla on his back.

Arjun Shivaya and gorilla are still waiting for all of them. Arjun asks Shivaya "hey Shivaya uncle is what you said and what's written here is true?!" Shivaya replies "hey don't call me uncle I still am young you know compared to humans we Shirankars stay in our prime for a long time. As for that yes it's true you were training here and meanwhile in normal world humans are suffering from a black magic virus and it's unstoppable because of which humans are growing up way fast and are getting older too."

Arjun thinks a little and tells something to Shivaya and he replies "are you sure? You don't wanna wait? " Arjun replies "I want a face mask if possible "

Pratik is walking calmly in mountain he is searching for his friends he thinks in his mind "all of a sudden a strong wind bypassed me is this common things here in mountain? Or did someone set a trap for me?" Pratik looks behind and sees someone running towards him Pratik gets scared and screams "haaaaaah!!" Pratik starts to run Ronnie tells everyone "hey who is running there?" All of them also follow him.

Pratik looks behind "huh they are now following me! Looks like i now have to" Pratik stops running and tiets his both fists releases his aura and punch towards them Parat got hit on his face falls back and hit the tree.

Pratik realises that it's them and all of them got scared. Ronnie shouts at him "hey why did you do that Pratik?" Pratik replies "ohhh ss.. sorry I didn't clearly see you all because it's dark.

Suddenly a white gorilla lands behind them, way taller compared to other gorillas he was able to land on his legs just like human and Shirankars he kept his left hand on his back and said "I already found your friend he is unconscious" he was lifting Advait with his left hand everyone is shocked Arun says "hey put him down" Sameer says "yea he is ooo..our friend" Ronnie says "and how come you are talking?!"

The gorilla tells "my apology I should have mentioned that I am not like other white gorillas you see in this mountain my name is Haman your other friend who had lightning type aura already reached the temple. Your friend Advait was running fast carrying a dead body don't know why and he was exhausted and as a result he lost his balance and hit the huge tree I noticed him and picked him from there and now i found you"

Ronnie says "wait Arjun reached already!" Parat says "what do you mean by dead body!" Haman replies "he was carrying a gorilla who was already dead for a long time." Everyone screams of shock and were terrified"you mean hhh..he was ccccc... carrying a dead bodddd..body for 2 days!" Sameer says

Haman tells "another apology for interrupting your training but we have to stop it right now it's emergency "

Ronnie asks "what happened? Where you are taking us?" Haman replies "i will explain to you all that while on the way so everyone just sit on my both side of arms and i will tell you everything while we go to palace."

All of them sit on arms of Haman and Haman fly's fast taking them to golden palace. Haman explains them everything on their way Ronnie wakes Advait up by screaming in his ears "stop being a Kumbhkaran and wake up!" Advait instantly wakes up and surprised to see "hey! The gorilla seems to be fine I guess it's flying too and is gotten way bigger compared to before"

Haman replies "it seems there is a misunderstanding I am not that gorilla whom you were carrying on you back boy and you have other things to worry." Advait reacts in a surprising way "hey didn't know gorillas can talk?! So if you are not that gorilla then where is he? " Parat says "cut it out he is already dead you were just carrying a dead body the whole time" Advait is shocked "what! No wayyy! I.. killed someone whom I didn't want to!"

Arun says "listen there is another trouble "

Finally all of them reach the palace Arun tells Advait everything on the way, now all the angel owners enter the palace and see everyone there. All of them stares at Ronnie in mind says "so this is how the palace looks like" Pratik also says in his mind "so they are gonna give us antitode or something for this virus?" Parat says in his mind "so who are these people sitting on those chairs looks like important people of emperor." Advait notices Shivaya sitting on one of the chairs "hey Shivaya sir!" Shivaya smiles and waves to him.

Rozark tells "I am sure you must already know what's happening in normal world the situation there has gotten a lot worse by now but we exactly don't know how did this happen" Juvraj says "but all we know for now that it's related to black magic and only ones who will be doing this are Rakshasas" all of them are surprised by hearing it.

Ronnie says "you mean to say those Rakshas did all this but why?" Shivaya replies to him by saying "the Rakshasas want to conquer the normal world. For that they have been attacking the normal world for several years thousands of humans have been victim of them and those humans who werent victim couldn't do anything because they weren't strong enough.

This is why humans never did anything about it and Rakshasas took the advantage and keep on hunting human souls in order to become more stronger and more smarter. But some people were trained and were capable enough to face Rakshasas only those humans fought against them in order to save their humanity.

All of them were able to defeat Rakshasas and save humanity but this didn't ended here. Several years later Rakshasas returned and became even stronger and smarter just like humans this is when they started indirectly attacking humans and taking control over them."

"Taking control? Parat asks. Jako replies "by taking advantage of the dark desires of humans and convincing them to sell there soul to the Rakshasas!"

All of the angel owners shocked and terrified after hearing it. "Ss..seling what!" Sameer screams, Jako further says"yes you heard it right this process is also called Illumination where the human or not only human anyone makes a deal with a Rakshasa in order to get what they want and in return the Rakshasa asks for the control of their soul."

Advait and his friends starts screaming "ohhhhh noooooooo!" Malika shouts "quiet! You are inside the palace right in front of emperor and Sorcery knights have some manners! Damn kids!" Parat whispers at Advait saying "hey is she the one who has migrane according to you?" Advait replies "i guess" Malika says "what you all are whispering about?" Shivaya and Jako are controlling there smile.

Ronnie asks "excuse me but I think one of our friend is missing here" Shivaya replies "ohh Arjun went to normal world to check up on something didn't you tell them Haman?" Haman replies "I forgot about it."

Ronnie looks at his friends and says "I know what he wanna check" Advait says "if you knew about all this then why didn't you all do so something? You knew Rakshas intentions and you can fight them so why didn't you all try to stop it?"

Juvraj tells him "unfortunately we can't do anything about it since we aren't supposed to interfere with the matters of normal world unless it's related to problems or a threat which not only humans but we Shirankars are also will be in danger. We aren't supposed to interfere with the matters of other worlds which also includes normal world, Patal lok, Jinnisthan. Same goes for you humans you can't interfere with Sokura Lok matters as it's rule set by Sorcery kings.

Juvraj further says "you just here to train your aura and achieve Shathriki so that you can save your own world from Rakshas." Arun says "so we have to find the cure of this by ourselves you won't help us!" Rozark says "you are in luck we might have found the cure of it since Porus was also affected by the virus we had to make antitode for it but we are..."

Jack screams and enters the palace running saying "it worked the cure worked it's safe." Jack sees Ronnie and tells at him "hah! So you were the one who stole my blue hoodie and left me naked!" Ronnie also yells "how come you are wearing same blue hoodie as this?!" Jack replies "it's my favorite brand and I have collection of this but that's not the point here that's mine you have to return it!"

All the Sorcery knights except Shivaya thinks "what the hell is happening here!"

Rozark says " then I guess it could be useful for them" Porus enters there and is back to his normal age "I must thank Koharians for curing me"

Advait asks "who are they?" Jack replies "they were the ones who got the antitode for this virus." Rozark lifts his hand and calls Koharian girls, 8 girls including Tamaya enters in emperor room Tamaya being the leader of them comes forward and hands over a jar to Advait saying "this is all we have so don't lose it" Advait takes it and senses some weird aura inside it "what the hell is this?" Tamaya replies "it's the cure for that virus which is performed using black magic. Kohara clan is known for its black magic and we Koharians are expert in performing it but this is all we could do with our level of black magic hope it will be helpful "

Arun says "I see so how we suppose to use it?"

In the normal world Arjun with a face mask runs to his house to see his family he knocks the door of his house someone opens it as the door opens Arjun is shocked to see...

To be continued....