

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

ALL402 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

chapter 2 What's a fight?

Advait is laying down on ground with injured face and  his glasses are broken too.  "it happens always" he said to Sameer "yes always" Sameer replies. Advait then asks him desperately "but why?"Sameer replies with full confidence "probably.. weak, low self confidence, and they are bigger than us"

Ronnie who has very low hair growth and is  fat  compared to his friends comes by and sees that these two are on the ground.

"are u two ok? He asked them. Advait replies "ofcource! Can't u see we are having so much fun sleeping upon the nature and feeling it!"

Ronnie laughs in a sarcastic way and said "hahah atleast try to make it more sarcastic next time" Sameer said "we had a fight against those brain deads""Nah wrong. Fight is defined as when two equally strong people clash against and is not one sided. In short u just got your ass kicked"Advait notices his friend Parat who had silky hair, with  little dark skin he comes and tounts both of them like he always do "Parat. Atleast we saved the ground where we are gonna play now." Advait replied.

Parat said "what us four are gonna do in this whole ground? And none of us have football also. Ronnie where is Abhimanu?"Ronnie replied "he said he would be coming the moment his classes are over." Advait  asked him "which classes?"Ronnie replied "footbal classes."Sameer said "he finally joined footbal classes good for him."Ronnie further replied "he is in footbal classes for 3yrs."Advait makes a comical reaction "heeeh!" Then how come he is the weakest player among us?!"Sameer laughs and said "yea even Arjun who doesn't even go to any classes except karate is the pro of football in our group!"

Ronnie also supported them by saying "yea he is built different tho. I bet if he was around he would have beat those brain deads."

Advait with little serious reaction replies "u are underestimating my strength "Parat mocks Advait by saying "stop capping, u didn't even did damage to him and he even broke your glasses.

"hey Sameer tell them i almost got Ronak if it weren't for u to just stand there we could have atleast landed a punch" Advait tells Sameer to tell the truth  but Sameer tries to look other way and pretend he didn't hear anything. Advait gets mad and screams "hey don't just pretend to not listen! Just admit it bro u got scared to even punch him."

Arjun comes by, he was fit, and was coming from karate classes in his karate uniform only  "hello guys hey what happened to u two? Have u started match before me? Wait where is ball?"

Ronnie tells Arjun everything and Arjun is like..."hmm. Anyways just leave it."Advait shockingly replies "u are just gonna leave it? I was helping Sameer he was scared of them but the two of us were not enough.." Sameer replies with hesitation "hey i wasn't it's just my whole body.. stopped at that moment don't know how and why?" Arjun was calm and he replied to them by saying "Yes we are gonna get revenge on them but now i wanna play Soccer"don't worry. We are all gonna go against those two but we can't lose our time of playing." Ronnie said.

Parat agreed and said "they are right. Even i wanna beat them but i also want to play i don't have much time. Since I have a joint family i have to have dinner with all of my family members together"

"But where is Abhimanu?" Parat asked again "Don't know" Ronnie replied.

Abhimanu enters here but with a broken left leg and his football got punchered and Abhimanu comes crying. Ronnie said "what the hell bro what happened to the ball?"Advait regrets"we did everything and now this is what we get" "You just got your ass beaten bro." Parat mocks him again. Advait mocks Parat in return with anger  "huh? I bet even u would have got beaten bro" Advait and Parat stare at eachother and Ronnie comes in between and says "Hey hey now u don't start fighting. Advait u already got injured and broken your glasses so u shouldn't pick a fight now"

Advait moves back and said "i wasn't he was." Ronnie says "ok ok enough can we now listen to Abhimanu?"

Abhimanu keeps crying hard "it happened coz of those two. They punchered my ball and in the name of playing a match with me they broke my leg too"

Before Abhimanu met his friends "hey abhimanu where u going with that ball?" Ronak asks him, Abhimanu looked behind and said "i.. i am going to play with my friends we play everyday u know" Ronak teases him "u still can't play better than your group even tho u go to classes"(laughs). Rohit also teases him " yea even I play better than him and i just learned from watching the fifa"

Abhimanu gets angry and said "hey don't underestimate me. I go to coaching and i learned some new tricks." Ronak puts his hand on Abhimanu and says"Yea then show us what u got. Wanna match? U alone and us two" Abhimanu loudly answers yes to them and Ronak makes a deal if Abhimanu loses his ball will be punchered in front of him.

Match goes on. Ronak had the ball and passed to Rohit.  Rohit again passed him the ball. Abhimanu on the way to snatch the ball but they just kept pushing him away. The score was 0-2. Ofcourse Abhimanu had none of goals. Ronak is going for the last goal and Abhimanu bends down and slides to kick the ball but Ronak knew that coming and stabs his left leg so hard that his ankle got broken.

aaaaaaaaaashaaa!" Abhimanu screams with pain.

Ronak kicks the ball and that goes the final goal. Ronak doesn't leave him now he kept stabbing his leg till Rohit takes the ball and punchered it right front of him.

Abhimanu screams while crying "no not the ball. That's the ball my dad gave me on my birthday noooooo!"

Abhimanu currently is also crying"that's how this happened"

There was sudden silence between the group. Advait came close to Abhimanu and said "Everything will be fine don't worry" he lifted him and moved to Ronnie  "Now what should we do Ronnie?"

Ronnie gets seriously angry too "our game got cancelled only coz of them we aren't giving up right everyone!" Everyone agreed to it and now it's already sunset.  Advait will u be  doing this without glasses can u see?" Parat asks him. ofcourse i only can't see  things which are way ahead of me and while reading i need it. Even tho my mom is gonna be angry ." Advait replies and kept his glasses on his pocket.

"I broke another specs she bought" Advait  said.

Everyone started moving from the play ground and were finding  Ronak.

Arjun does warm up to his fists "my karate sir said i need to do some homework. Guess now is the time." Advait calms Sameer "Sameer don't worry now everyone is here to help you"

Ronnie said "wish we had Pratik with us. He is tall almost same height as them we might get help."

Parat gives a badass smile and  says "don't worry if  we all together attacked him we might have a chance. That fatass can't move fast nor run fast we can take advantage of it."

And at the last they arrived  where Ronak and Rohit were chilling

"chilling time is over Brain deads." Ronnie screams.