

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

ALL402 · Fantasia
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28 Chs

chapter 12.The Mighty Phoenix

In the normal world..

Jack hesitates and asks "what are you saying? U can't go now to Sokura Lok.."

Arun asks "why!"

Ronnie says "what are you hiding Jack!"

Parat tells him "see if u will not tell us the truth then.. we won't co-operate. We won't be able to trust you." Jack takes a breath "i guess I can't pretend like everything is fine anymore. You kids are smarter than i thought." Arjun says "so tell us is everything fine or not?"

Jack tells them the truth "nothing is fine! You all be wondering why Advait's family isn't worried it's because I.. I made them forget about him forever!"

Jack says it emotionally Sameer and Ronnie reacts "what!" Arun is also surprised "no way!" Pratik says "did you use some type of black magic or what!"

Jack explains them "no it's not black magic. It's this spray. This is called memory spray. If you spray it on someone you can not only erase there memories but also manipulate them. You can erase and manipulate memories how much ever you want. "

Arjun says "really!!"

Jack tells him "don..don't worry, i can also restore there memories back with this spray."

Ronnie asks him "but why u have to?"

Jack with a sad face says "Sokura Lok is governed by Shirankars who live in golden palace. They are also the once who appoint or select the Sorcery Knights. Whatever they decide we have to obey them just like how u all have authority in your world. "

Jack further says "they decided to.. not allow Advait to gain control of his powers by k..killing him!"

Everyone were shocked by hearing it. All of them feared, went panic too.

Parat screams "but why!"

Jack tells him "i don't know exactly. The only thing I know that he is the owner of Red Demon and coz of this.."

Jack takes a breath and says "listen i don't know why they are doing it nor i can interfere  because only Sorcery Knights can do that. Me and Porus both only work under the lead by our Sorcery knight Shivaya . So i have to just obey the decision. "

Ronnie walks little ahead then tells everyone "guys! Let's go to Sokura Lok!"

Everyone says..


Jack says "heyyy wait all of you, you can't go there"

Jack tries to explain all of them again "this is what i was saying what are you even gonna do by going there? Save Advait i know but how? With your current state even a normal Shirankar will blow you off! Then there are Sorcery Knights who are the saviours of Sokura Lok and are way stronger than a normal Shirankar.

Pratik says "so you are telling us we should just stand here and do nothing!"

Arun tells everyone "listen everyone, i think he is making sense. If we go without any preparation or something we will still lose Advait. As we see these Shirankars can do some type of magic which is beyond for atleast  humans. We need time, we need some weapon or someone"

Jack points his hand towards him saying he is here.

Jack says "this is why i am training you all here. You have potential to be strong. Everyone even Advait has. But first u need to be physically strong because for you to unlock Shathriki you need to be physically strong in order to control your soul energy."

Sameer is confused "huh? Ss..soul?"

Jack explains "yes  Shathriki is the power which is within and inside your soul. U unlock it by gaining full control of your spiritual powers. As you have seen Porus using Shathriki, it has two stages."


 Jack further says "but for that u need to have that much physical strength to control your soul strength."

Ronnie and everyone were listening to him and then start there exercise.

In the Sokura Lok..

Advait is crying he says "but my family.."

Juvraj says "you don't have to worry about them they aren't to be executed. Your family will be fine and safe."

Advait says "but i am out of my house for about a day! My mom will.. be angry right?"

Rozark tells him "we have taken care of it."

Rozark lift his hands up, as he does 4 girls wearing sleeveless black hoodie enters in the palace. They had  a tattoo of Trishul on both of there upper arms. They looked young. One of the girls name is Tamaya who has long ponytail with a brownish skin she has a strong body she bows down to respect emperor

"we are ready with preparation emperor" she says

The four girls including Tamaya surrounded  Advait. One of them removed the cage and let him out. Advait was standing in between of four of them.

Tamaya crossed her both fingers and chants " hey goddess of Kali give us the power to trap the  angel"

As  she  said it created a black triangle on the ground where Advait was standing. It paralyzed him.

"aaaa!" He screams

Tamaya chants "gives us the power to pierce the soul"

Advait soul was getting slowly pierced. Advait went unconscious after this.

She continues the process "give us the power to reject demonation! Black chain!"

A thousands of black chain came from the black triangle and tied Advait up. Advait was already unconscious due to soul piercer. The black chain completely grabbed Advait and the chain cover his whole body and even soul.

Jako praise the girls "as expected from Koharian girls"

Tamaya and other girls bowed to Jako

Juvraj says "finally we executed him. Don't know about the red demon but may the kid's soul rest in peace."

In the Patal lok...

In the castle...

Someone walks by the castle. She was walking towards the emperor of Patal lok. With the silky grey sleeveless dress and with the 2 grey horns on both sides of head, she comes in front of him..

The emperor was drunk..

"Who are you?"

She is Mahinika the queen and the wife of emperor she says "really, forgot about how the queen  looks like Shaigrith"

Shaigrith looks at her "ohhh I see you are the bitch among Rakshasas Mahinika!" He said in a drunken way.

Mahinika flex her beautiful body and says "ofcource queen of patal lok is supposed to be a bitch after all" she smiles

Emperor Shaigrith comes close to her and grab her boobs and says..

"It has grown a lot from the last time I felt it"

"It's also got juicy compared to...

Mahinika kicks him and he falls on his own throne.

Mahinika makes a disgusting reaction "pervert as always. You should be called as emperor of perverts instead of Rakshasas!"

Shaigrith screams as he got hurt but still was smiling in a creepy way since he was already drunk.

Mahinika tells him "i have just come here to ask you why did you give Bitoka and others permission to enter the Kaal Minaar ? Just because somehow you got  beyond your Shathriki and awakened Shatai doesn't mean they will. U didn't even ask me about it! Don't forget i am the queen."

Shaigrith tells her "I know that, also the reason I did allow Bitoka coz he got me a good news. He found the owner of Red Demon! Now we are gonna catch him and use his power to unseal the lord!"

Mahinika laughs "hahahah! That's funny coz the owner of Red demon is in Sokura Lok and they already planned his execution emperor of perverts!"

Shaigrith is shocked and suddenly he gets out from the effect of alcohol "whaaaat! Bitoka didn't tell me anything like this."

Mahinika informs him "it happened just now. If u stop focusing on drinking and just watched through this wouldn't have happened."

Shaigrith seemed now tensed and angry at the same time with the grey  colour glass of alcohol in his hand.

In Sokura Lok....

Advait got his body completely covered with black chain and his soul energy slowly starting to disappear. In palace there were supposed to be 8 Sorcery Knights but only 6 were there from the start. Rozark got up from his throne and said..

"Everyone is dismissed. The execution was successful. We did it for the sake of everyone in every world."

Suddenly there was a negetive aura felt by everyone in golden palace.

Malika says "what is this? It's .."

Jako tells her " Rakshasas!"

Narayana is surprised "they came out of nowhere."

Gabara thinks "they seem different compared to the ones we face many times."

Juvraj orders all of them "all the Sorcery Knights charge up"

All the Sorcery Knights teleported from the palace to where the enemy is.

Rozark tells "I will guard the palace from outside you guard it from inside and tell your brothers Luv and Khush about this too."

Juvraj bows towards emperor "yes"

In the Patal lok...

Bitoka walks in the castle  and reaches the emperor.

"Enjoying your drink majesty " Bitoka says to Shaigrith.

Shaigrith asks in anger "why are you here?"

Bitoka says "as you know we went to pray to our lord. Surprisingly our lord has awoken all of our true forms and our powers. Even mine were awakened by him only."

Shaigrith says "see i told you Mahinika, lord Ashwasun will give anyone what he wants if u respect him. Bitoka can't grow horns still he has a true form."

Bitoka gets little piss and says "however some Rakshasas were either absorbed or killed by Ashwasun don't know why?" He says sarcastically

Shaigrith tells him "they probably didn't knew all the rules while praying to him. If Ashwasun thinks you are annoying or not worthy he will just take your soul or maybe send you to hell."

Bitoka acts like he is surprised "what!"

Shaigrith says "yes. Also do you know if u disappointed him even he can take the powers he gave you or maybe simply throw you to hell if he wanted to. After all he is one of the Navastra. "

Mahinika shockingly says "Navastra"

Bitoka says "but we need the power of Red Demon to bring Ashwasun to real life."

Mahinika says "it's over Shirankars already killed him."

Shaigrith refuses to accept it "no they didn't! They can't! Huhuhuhahaha!"

Mahinika tells Bitoka "he is drunk don't worry about it"

Bitoka gives a smile.

In Sokura Lok..

4 Rakshasas entered Sokura Lok with the intention of taking red demon. The place where Rakshas arrived is called Jayadan the country where the population of common people is huge. All the Sorcery Knights arrived there.

Jako says "these Rakshas are way bigger compared to normal ones!"

Gabara says "generally they should be only 8 foot but here they seem more taller like a giant"

One of the giant Rakshasa tried to attack them with his fist  but Gabara khaar stopped his fist with his own fist. But the giant Rakshas pulled his another fist and punched Gabara. Gabara tried to block but couldn't and hence fell off.

Narayana comes by "hey are u ok?" He asked Gabara.

Gabara was fine.

Jako says "looks like they are pretty strong"

Jako crossed his finger and chants "Godai 35% Blue flames of candles!"

6 giant candles with blue flames were summoned and surrounded the giant Rakshasa. The Blue flames on the giant candles burned, the flames of each candle increased and attacked  the giant Rakshasa with the flames.

The other giant Rakshasa attacked Malika. Malika dodged it instantly. Malika released her Shathriki.

"Gloom Naag Devi" (when she releases her Shathriki her right hand becomes a pink transperant snake.)

Malika uses her naag Devi and attacks the giant Rakshasa.the Rakshasa jumps high to dodge it and lands down but her  naag Devi still doesn't leave him.

"Do u really think a mere sneak that too this small could even bite me?"       

The giant Rakshasa says laughingly.

Malika moves  her naag Devi upwards and it finally attacks him.

"It didn't even gave a scratch to me hahaha" the giant Rakshasa says.

"Now I will sit on you lady.. what!"

The giant Rakshasa couldn't move. He didn't understand what's happening.

Malika gives a beautiful smile and says..

"Forgot to tell you my Naag Devi whenever bites someone it poisons that person making them unable to move. It's also called paralysis poisen."

Malika then uses the naag Devi to crush him while he is still paralyzed.

Meanwhile Gabara is fighting the other giant Rakshasa. Gabara's fist and legs seem to not injure him at all. The giant Rakshasa uses his technique

"Tiger claw!"

Gabara khaar got hit on his left chest and fell down.

The other giant Rakshasa who was trapped between blue flames candles seems to have destroyed all of them and he faces Jako.

"i guess it's time for you to come Phoenix!" He releases his Shathriki

Jako removes a card from his pocket, he throws it above and as he does  a mighty phoenix comes from the card. The phoenix was way bigger compared to a normal eagle. His wings were golden colour from front and silver colour from back. His eyes looked wide and sharp, he landed in front of Jako.

Malika sees the phoenix and gets excited "even now also your Pokemon looks so cute!"

Jako gets offended "it's not Pokemon idiot! It my mighty phoenix."

Jako touches mighty phoenix head and says "he is the enemy, are you ready Phoenix."

Phoenix screams and fly towards the giant Rakshasa, the giant Rakshasa starts flying too. Phoenix uses his ability known as Air blade where he swings his both wings very fast and slashes the giant Rakshasa chest. The giant Rakshasa fells down but he slowly gets up but it was too late Jako came in front of him pulled a card and threw up,  summons a golden sword, Jako cuts the giant Rakshasa legs in half with one slash.

The giant Rakshasa punches Gabara while he is still down. Gabara stomach gets injured. He then lifts his leg and threw him.

Gabara says "my fist isn't working on you? I guess you monsters have gotten a lot stronger than before."

Gabara lifts his right hand upwards "Shathriki! Koma Daki!" (Gabara's Shathriki allows him to wield the weapon  Gada. It's a silver Gada which he uses to fight whenever his punches or kicks doesn't work.)

Gabara fly above and lifts his silver Gada with both hands upwards, the giant Rakshasa also jumps towards Gabara. Gabara screams and hits on his head so hard that his top of head gets a big hole due  to the damage.

All the three giants finally gets knocked by 3 of them but..

Narayana is facing a Rakshas name Urqus he is not tall nor muscular like other Rakshas he has a grey silky hair with grey horns on both sides of his head he wears green sleeves on top and white pant "I think only you are left. Good grief you are not a giant like those 3 were. It would be much fun to fight you." Narayana smiles and is excited to kill him

Urqus tells him "so you like bullying weak?" he says it in a mocking way

Narayana attacked him using his sharp knife and tried to stab him on his neck but..

Narayana is shocked "what! Why did i..stab myself in chest!"

Somehow Narayana got himself stabbed by his own knife on his left chest! Urqus says..

"I can read your mind. I know what are you thinking. I forgot to tell you that i also can use Shathriki."

Urqus further calmly says "the reason you can't read my mind and thoughts with your Shathriki is because your aura is weaker compared to mine"

Narayana moves back and says..

Urqus says "finally distancing yourself from me?"

Narayana removes his Damru and starts playing it.

(his Shathriki is  Blood Music, where he uses his Damru to play the music,  his music affects to a certain range and whoever hears his music or is in his range for a longer time his ears starts  bleeding  and probably becomes deaf.)

Jako immediately turned around to Narayana. He looked at him with his eyes wide open, he then screamed and said..

"everyone who is near Narayana distance away from him and close your ears."

Malika, Gabara, and Jako run far from Narayana closing there ears.

Urqus is calm he moves his right hand pointing at Narayana and says


Narayana ears starts bleeding and looks like Narayana can't fight anymore due to that. Narayana falls down and screams in pain.

Jako, Malika, Gabara were surprised seeing it. They came right there to help Narayana.

At the same time the three giant Rakshasas got up and started screaming. Those three giant Rakshasas gained a new level of aura and they opened there third eye.

Jako reacts to there third eye "wait how could they.."

Meanwhile Advait is experiencing something else in his soul.