
Flame Licker

When the first human had suddenly disapeared out of thin air, their family was horrified and shocked. But when that same human suddenly came back, and stronger at that, their family was somehow more horrified and shocked. That started a chain reaction, and now society has adapted to the changes. Forming a new and improved system that helped humanity thrive. That leads us now to Jin who had suddenly awoke in a small, dark room. That room was where it all started. Follow Jin on his journey.

Footfinder · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 6: Fight.

'I can do this!'

The bee once again shot toward Jin. Jin readied Blood Taster and jumped to the side. The bug blurred past him and then circled once more to impale him.

Jin quickly recovered and took a huge step to the side, extending his blade to scratch at the bee as it flew by. The blade left a small red line on the side of the bee.

Turning around, he brandished the blade onece more, blood dripping down it's black surface. It looked a little sharper than it was before.

The bee circled again, and Jin also prepared again. The bee grew closer and closer.

But suddenly, the bee's vibrating wings came to a halt. Carrying it's momentum, the bee landed on the sand, leaving grooves in it's wake, which led to the sand flying everywhere, causing a huge dust cloud.

'Just great! This is bad!' Jin looked around, unable to see anything.

Suddenly a flash of pain shot through his body. Jin screamed and looked down. A huge line was carved in his abdomen, red blood leaked from it.

Cursing Jin narrowed his eyes. 'This is bad! Really bad!'

As if by instinct, Jin focused on his inner core once more. A moment later in the centre of the dust cloud, red light suddenly exploded.

Jin, who was now bathed in scorching, scarlet flames, heard a retreating screech and instantly dashed in it's direction.


Seeing a small flickering red light, he dashed toward it. As he came closer he could make out the shape of the bee.

It's left wing was burnt to a crisp, the last of the fire's embers had just dwindled out. Smirking, Jin kept his pace and came closer and closer to the bee.

He quickly came to the bee's side, swinging Blood Taster in a downward arch. The bee reacted quickly and caught the blade in it's mandibles.

Jin cursed and pushed the blade down as hard as he could, but the bee was tenacious. The blade had not moved an inch.

Jin's left hand suddenly lit up a bright red. Closing it into a fist, he swung it against the side of the bee's head.


A scorch mark was left on the side of it's head, but the grip on the blade still held. Jin scowled and threw on punch after another.

When he threw the third one, he suddenly felt danger. Letting go of Blood Taster, Jin sprang back, just in time to avoid a deadly stinger that came from below.

Jin looked at the bee, it still had the blade between it's mandibles. It's body had arched in a way, so that he could shoot the stinger from under him.

The bee looked back and dropped the blade. It's mandibles clicked together in a mocking manner, as if laughing at Jin.

Jin scowled and thought of a plan. A second later he smirked.

'You just dug yourself a grave, bastard.'

Jin immediatly took action, he jumped toward the bee. The bee quickly reacted, it's stinger flew through the air, intending to impale it's target.

It never happened though. The stinger only pierced a thick red cloud, meating only air.

Jin, now in his salamander form, sprinted ouy of the smoke toward the bee. The bee reacted to late.

Jin arrived by Blood Taster. Keeping his momentum, Jin transformed again, grabbing Blood Taster as he slid beside the bee.

Jin quickly sliced the blade toward the bee's legs. As he slid past, the bee's left legs were cut in half.

Losing it's balance, it toppeled to the side. Taking this chance Jin quickly stood up and dashed toward the bee. Once again brandishing Blood Taster, Jin stopped by the bee's side.

The black radiance of the blade's surface shone as it flew through the air, leaving a soothing whistle in it's wake.

The next moment the blade plunged deep into the bee's head, a ugly squishing sound resonating from it.

The bee wreathed for a second, then it became still, the light from it's eyes dimming.

[You have killed a Beast class: Blood Bee.]

Eyeing the message, Jin sighed and retracted the blade from the monster's head. Taking a step back, he fell down, all the strength in his body suddenly gone.

He looked down at the groove the bee left on his abdomen. It ran from his chest toward his left hip. Luckily the blood had stopped, his flames had helped with that.

He scowled. 'Just great! Now my shirt is ruined!'

Sighing, he took off his shirt and then threw it away. He looked at his upper body. His tanned skin was full of sweat, some of the dust stuck to it, and he could see the scar way better.

'I can't really do anything about it, my sub-ability will probably handle it,' Jin thought, as he traced the edges of the groove.

He was surprised he was still alive. Such an injury would have killed a normal human.

Looking back to the corpse, Jin frowned. The monster was alot smarter then he thought. It had used the enviroment to it's advantage, which led to him getting injured.

'It just means that I have to get stronger,' Jin thought, full of motivation.

With that he stood up and made his way to the corpse. Repeating the process of retreaving it's blood and it's core.

[...Your body grows stronger.]

[...Your body grows stronger.]

[...Your core grows more vast.]

After that, the two luminous moons were floating gently in the sky. Taking in the night air, he brought his gaze toward the volcano. 'I'll have to get much stronger if I want to finish this evaluation.'

With that he ate his meal and then layed down, closing his eyes. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the days after that were going to be hard, grueling and long, so he had to prepare.

The moons slowly flew through the night sky and then dipped down behind the dunes. The golden sun replaced them. A new day had arrived.

A chapter with action!?

Thanks for reading. Enjoy!<3

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