
Flame Licker

When the first human had suddenly disapeared out of thin air, their family was horrified and shocked. But when that same human suddenly came back, and stronger at that, their family was somehow more horrified and shocked. That started a chain reaction, and now society has adapted to the changes. Forming a new and improved system that helped humanity thrive. That leads us now to Jin who had suddenly awoke in a small, dark room. That room was where it all started. Follow Jin on his journey.

Footfinder · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 10: Onyx Scale.

[You have killed a Beast class: Onyx Scaled Crocodile.]

[You have recieved a piece of equipment.]

Jin looked at the two messages that had appeared after killing the scaly bastard.

Shifting to get a better seat on the crocodile's snout, he sighed at inspected his body. His body was not in good shape.

He had gashes and wounds almost everywhere on his body. Even though it didn't look like he was in a lot of pain, he was screaming murder inside his head.

With a gaze full of sorrow he looked at his left arm. There was just empty space where his arm should have been. The stump that was left on his shoulder had thankfully sealed shut and was already beginning to heal.

'I really hope that my sub-ability is capable of regenerating a limb,' he thought solemnly.

He will probably have to abandon his journey for a while to recover, though he really wanted to end the evaluation as quickly as possible.

A moment later though, he shook his head, it was probably for the best that he took a rest. He would rather take longer to end the evaluation, then be a dead man.

Satisfied with his reasoning, Jin turned his attention back to the last message that Darwin's Guide ahd shown him.

His eyes lit up with a glint of excitedness. 'You better have given me something good you bastard.'

Focusing on the equipment, another set of words appeared infront of his eyes.

[Onyx Scale]

[Equipment type: Armour]

[Origin: Beast]

["Kneel." The Tyrant said. The small lizard, feeling the titanical pressure flowing off of the Tyrant, it had no choice but to obey.

When it had bowed, it felt as if a thousand tons was bearing down on it. The Tyrant scoffed, seemingly no longer interested, and flew away. When the Tyrant left, the small lizard felt the weight on it's body vanish.]

[Enchantment: Scale - The wearer can alter the weight of their body.]

Child like joy flashed in Jin's eyes as he read the Armour's description. He had actually gotten an armour type equipment.

Reading further though, Jin's whole complection turned a few shades darker. The endgame boss for this evaluation could talk?

Gritting his teeth, he smiled crookedly. 'So what?' With just that, he carried on reading. He finally read the enchantment, a glint curiousity shining in his eyes.

This could vastly improve many qaulities of his power. He could highten the force of his punches and slashes with Blood Taster. He could also lighten himself to make him move more agile and faster.

Unable to hold his excitement any further, he focused on the equipment, summoning it. Instantly red smoke materialised around Jin's body, covering his entire figure and the crocodile's head.

In the smoke, black scales began falling on his skin like domino's, starting from his mid-section and spreading outward to the other parts of his body.

When the last few scales plastered themselves onto Jin's face, he took a step out of the red cloud of smoke.

Jumping for joy in his head, Jin looked down toward his body. The armour was like a second skin, it tightly fitted around his body, and surprisingly did not hinder his movements.

The onyx black scales almost looked like obsidian, as their surface reflected the sun. Hopefully, this meant that the armour would not absorb the heat from the blazing sun.

He then shot a glance toward his missing left arm. Magically, the scales had formed tightly around the stump, and had not made a dangling shell of armour.

Jin then kneeled down beside the pond and looked at his reflection on it's surface. His head was also covered in black scales, only leaving two sinister holes for his eyes and a jagged smile where his mouth was.

Though, none of his features showed. The holes and jagged smile was filled with darkness.

On instinct, Jin though of removing the head piece and instantly the armour complied. The scales peeled off of his face and disapeared into thin air, recealing his face once more.

Though, when Jin saw his reflection his face had turned as white as a ghost. 'Why does my hair and eyes look like that!?'

Combing his right hand through his hair and then pulling his one eye wide. Jin couldn't believe what he was seeing. His eye's were gold and his hair was dark red!

Shaking his head, Jin returned his attention to more important matters, he would mourn about his appearance later.

Commanding the armour to conceal his face once more, Jin stood up. He now had to try the enchantment.

Walking to one of the patches of grass that wasnt burnt, he stood there and focused on lighting his weight. Instantly he felt much lighter.

Experimenting, Jin threw a few punches; his arm had extended way faster then before. He then took off in a sprint; his speed was also greater then before.

He then stopped infront of a palm tree. Jin was already very satisfied with the one half of the enchantment. His movements, speed and agility was a lot better than before.

'Now let's try increasing my weight,' Jin thought excitingly.

Raising his right arm, he readied a punch. 'First, lightening my weight.' His body once again felt much lighter. He then threw the punch, wind whistled as it flew through the air.

And, just before the lunch had landed on the bark of the palm tree, Jin upped his weight to the max. A moment later their was a roar of wood falling. The tree had snapped in half, and the top had fallen down.

Jin's punch had taken out a whole chunck of the base of the palm tree, the wood splintered and almost looked as if it disapeared. It honestly took him by surprise.

Looking at his fist, he couldn't help but smile brightly. This would elevate his combat power to new levels. He just had to train with it, and become familiar with it.

The tree then landed with a huge thud. A moment later Jin realised, that it had landed on the crocodile.

'Damn it!'

A breather chapter. Hoped you liked it.

Thank you for reading! Enjoy! <3

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