

A Travel across the cosmos to find the Truth. A boy orphaned by the destruction of his homeworld. Now, he is faced with a harsh reality about the so-called cultivation and how humans are struggling to survive a world that is dominated by a higher level of civilization. Follow Bhram on his journey to explore the cause and effect of a universe.

zen001 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter-5: History

"Mr. Adam, don't be like that. You are the only human I know here" said Bhram as he started walking toward the Vyborg.

"I told you, I'm no longer classified as a human. I'm a genetically engineered Cyborg," said Adam with an annoyed look on his face.

"But, I heard from people that you were a human before some accident. So even if you modify some part of your body you are still a human to me" said Bhram.

"Boy! Who told you that? Let me hear his name" shouted Adam as both his eye sockets started glowing red and looked like they were about to spitfire.

"Doctor… sorry about that. I didn't mean to offend you, I just had some questions and didn't know whom else to ask" Bhram said with a stammering tone and he was slowly backing towards the lab exit.

Looking at the trembling Bhram, the red glow from his eyes faded and he returned to his usual self. He was inspecting something on the light screen before him.

"Sigh... fine ask your questions and get it over with"

"Thanks, Sir. Adam. I wanted to know where the Imperial court is located."

"Oh... the court is located in the Northwest of the cosmos. You can get that answer from the general files I gave you" Adam said as he sounded.

"No... No... I meant concerning the whole universe" Bhram said immediately after looking at Adams's annoyed face.

"Che… the universe is too big for you to even imagine, let me say this in layman term. Imagine your planet with 4 oceans and a central continent, as a universe and it's ever-expanding. Then the Imperial court is like a boat in the North Ocean moving toward the western ocean, which is also separated from the other 3 oceans and the central continents by a few chaotic space bridges"

Listening to the explanation, Bhram got an idea as to where his planet stands in the universe and how huge the actual universe is.

"Mr. Adam, my other question is how do I cultivate and how should I start?" Bhram asked looking nervously at the Doctor.

"Kid… not everyone can cultivate. Even I was not able to cultivate, so I had to modify my physical flesh into a robot and human combination to just replicate what a normal cultivator can perform. And I'm still lagging; most cultivators have something called a cultivation/power matrix. That's either in their bloodline or they are born with it due to special circumstances or obtain it by chance (like eating an ancient herb or through a cultivator's inheritance). In ancient human history, we used to call them (human cultivators) as wizards, sages, martial artists, and even Gods"

"All of them had something called a cultivation/power matrix, it's like a sensory organ or formula with which an individual can sense and also alter the path of energy flowing through their body"

"The human cultivators use different names to describe the energy manipulation formulas; the wizards call it a spell formula, sages called it Vedic formulas, martial artists called it breathing formula and the so-called gods called it divinity formula"

"The human cultivators discovered that, as they increased their level they were inapt in transferring their power matrix to their offspring's. And a few powerful human cultivators discovered very complex bloodline simulators that can transfer the dead cultivator's inheritance into a power matrix"

"But most human civilizations do not have such power matrix, so they built a different route to observe and manipulate the universal energy. So we developed a few metals and crystal cores with the help of the dwarf and elves civilization. Then we integrated those metal and crystal cores into human flesh, this slowly turning us into ½ human and ½ robot called Vyborg's and the defect is we can never reproduce"

"Then after millions of years of research, we humans with no power matrix discovered an alternate method, which is to alter the DNA and create mutants. But it was a failure because mutants were not able to improve his/her Level after they are born and none of them were able to pass on their ability to the next generation"

With a sad look on his face, Adam was looking at the ceiling of the lab as if thinking of something.

"And the human cultivators' guard their cultivation formula with the highest level of security that even the royal families in the imperial court find it difficult to obtain, they go so far as to even collect other dead human cultivator inheritance. So even if you are a human and if you don't have a power matrix and still have plans of looking for a cultivation formula or if they find you haveing a cultivation formula. The human cultivation union will hunt you down"

'Shit… 'Thought Bhram

"After I saw your lab reports. I found out that you don't have a power matrix in your body. I want to cultivate either then maybe I can…" asked Adam as he looked dead in the eye of Bhram as if looking for at a plaything.

"No… I just wanted to know. If I'm not able to cultivate I can still live a normal primitive life" replied Bhram immediately after looking at the hungry look in Adams's eye.

"Che... even as a normal human you can still be part of robotic or genetic research for the advancement of human civilization… because we humans are at the bottom of the food chain and with one of the biggest populations in the entire universe. If hunger is born in a higher level civilization their first target is us humans" Adam said as he placed his palm near his left eye and started trembling.

"But why…?" whispered Bhram.

"He… he… It's been a long time since I heard a naive question like that. Kid, the cultivators or the civilizations all they want is to survive and only the strongest can survive this harsh universe" Adam said as he started laughing by holding his stomach.

"Everyday civilization is destroyed and every day a species is going extinct and the cause of this is, they don't have the strength to protect themselves. Just like how your planet was not able to stop an insignificant piece of rock flying at an unimaginable speed. Similar to these trillions of life is being lost every day, so imagine the faith of all humans if we didn't cultivate or if we don't develop fast enough"

"Kid, go back and search the detailed history of humans and come back. And tell me your choice, if you want to be a part of human development" Adam said and made a hand motion.

Some invisible force pushed Bhram out of the Lab; he had a look of utter shock on his face.

He had discovered something extraordinary when Adam was explaining about cultivation for humans, and he learned how important cultivation is for survival.

He took a few turns and was back in his assigned room and took out the computer tablet and said "Human history"

[Humans are part of the 33 races under the Imperial court protection. The first Level-3 human civilization was discovered by the 'Sa' royal family 10 million years ago, human society has a very complex structure and the power system is divided into multiple branches. It's also the only race, which has difficulty in passing down a power matrix to the next generation]