
Five worlds and me

Vicky is a 16 year old teen who was born without powers or so she thought. She leaves her own world and travels through 4 other worlds, plus one, just to see how they view life but she ends up in one problem or the other, learns more about herself, have friends and also go on crazy adventures. By the time she goes back home, what would she have learnt about herself and her family history

Oyinsho · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 2- Anger issues

I couldn't help but to feel reckless. I can't stay here till my parents come back. Friday felt like centuries away even though it was actually just 2 days away, it felt like eternity. This was the main reason I disliked Mimi, making me do stuffs for her stupid brother. I would choose my so-called 'stupid adventures' over her so-called stupid brother any day. I could not just sit around so I decided to go to the library instead of thinking so much about what's happening

When I got to the library, I realised that I have read all the books about the four worlds: monsters, supernaturals, angels and demons, and humans. There was actually nothing to read on humans apart from their boring lifestyle and even more boring histories. There was no book about multi dimensions, as if it was wiped off. Since there was nothing else to read I decided to learn more about my world, so, I decided to do some digging around. I found a book which was written 30 years ago, which is the exact number of years after Hudson killed all the extractors.

It was evening when I decided to leave after learning a lot about power beings

Hunter Hudson had four kids which history never mentioned, even his last name or wife's name. I checked other books but still nothing, as if that information was erased. Also, the writer believed that extractors were never from this world that they were possibly from another world but it was never proven. They tried but never found answers. He also said extractors collect people powers by just mere touch and he also highlighted that 'Extractors don't have the power to extract power, they just don't have the power'

I was on my way back home when Mimi decided to call me

"Hey, Vicky"

"What Mimi?"

"Still upset?"

"What do you think?!"

"Sorry. Just wanted you to come for Steve"

"Yeah sure. I mean, why not" I said sarcastically

"Can you please come tomorrow?"


"For the preparation"

"No" I said straight forward

"Why not?"

"Do you think I wanna be here? No. I would have been on an adventure if not for you. You told me to just come for the birthday party and nothing else, so, I'm sure your brother can be useful for his own birthday party rather than being a useless piece of shit who can't do anything by himself apart from just asking and getting everything and now I'm caught up in his own mess and I'm really upset about it, so, don't add to what you started" and then I hung up. I was so not in the mood to deal with anyone right now

I was on my way home, when i felt someone was in the bushes around me, i ignored it at first thinking it was probably a baby dragon but the sound kept on following me. I stood on a spot and waited for whatever was in the bushes. I could hear the person lounged out of its hiding spot but i was quicker and faster. I spun around, giving the person a hard slap on the face with my foot and the person fainted.

"Are you that weak?" I whispered while looking at the silhouette of the person on the ground

I crouched down next to the person and brought out my phone to see who the weirdo was. It was stranger. I was still upset about the Mimi situation that i started slapping the stranger. I mean, he deserved it for sneaking up on me. Yeah, that's why

"Why. Won't. You. Wake. Up?"

It was as if my slaps weren't as painful as before

"Vicky, what are you doing?"

My heart skipped a beat for a mini second before i recognized the voice

I could recognise that thin cute mama's voice from anywhere. The one person i knew who would light up wherever she stepped foot into, i mean, literally. Her name should have been Delight to cover up her sorry butt but nope, it was another name

"I'm killing a power being, Ema. Can't you see?" I said with a smug smile on my face. The fair blonde with the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen. Barf

That was actually the only thing my sister and i had in common. We both had blue eyes but we had different complexion. I was dark and she was opposite. I was a diva and she was the opposite. I was adventurous and she was.....yup, you guessed it, the opposite

"Can you dim your light? We are in the middle of the forest and I don't want any attention to be pivoted at us and I'm sure your fan club wouldn't be a fan of this" I stood up, straightened my dress and turned to her. "Dim your light, girl"

My sister finally snapped out of whatever thought she was having and then dimmed herself

"Let's go" i was about to pass by her but she grabbed my hand, her light flickered for a moment. "Wha...what actually happened?" I guess princess delight was too scared to see an unconscious body. I sighed and told her what happened knowing she wouldn't relax until i told her. "He wanted to do a surprise attack but he ended up being the surprised one. I tried slapping him to come back from the dead but it's like I've lost my taste already. Now, can you we go" Ema finally let go of my hand and we headed home

* * *

Thursday came and went. It was boring. I was going through my phone replying to chats I haven't answered for the past few days. I went for a lot of strolls to cool down since i was still upset with Mimi. I would have done a lot of things in these past few days rather than just sitting around

Steve's party was going to be in an hour later in the evening. I used my time looking for an outfit to wear to the party. I didn't care about the party but i still like looking good no matter what

When i was done, i strolled down to their house. My sister left an hour earlier to help them finish up the last touches of decorations while i was not interested of course. I didn't rush to get to their house, i really took my time to get there but i was still on time


I went in and dropped my 'present' to him on the gift's table and went to the backyard where the pool was located

What do you will happen next during the birthday party. Will there be another unconscious body or an urge for explanation. To find out you have to stay tuned. Don't forget to vote and leave your comments in the comment section below. Love ya. See you soon. Peace.