
Five of a Kind

Arlow is kidnapped by who she originally thinks to be a foe, which might end up being her savior. Vega is a runaway trying to protect a target of her former family Why do they want Arlow? What is so special about her? Read to find out!

Logan_McLarty · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 9- Arlow POV

I wake with a gasp; my chest heaving with the force of each breath. Thousands of thoughts run through my head at a mile a minute. Who is she? More importantly, what is she? What does she want? How does she know Star? Is she some evil serial killer and I'm her next victim? I groan and close my eyes. Before I start being irrational, let's go through what I know…

-Her supposed name is Diamond

-She is obviously not mortal

-She has magical powers of some sort

- She probably wants Star dead

I pause as I realize the next thing.

-She wants me to kill her


"-low. Are you just going to lay there?" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. In front of my vision was a hand waving up and down. I realized that I'm still at the same spot- a bit paler and light-headed than before.

I sat up, straightened my posture, and took a deep breath. "Yeah? What?" I replied hastily and slightly out of breath.

"You've been frozen in place for a bit, are you okay?" the blond asked. I ignored the question and busied myself with changing her bandages. The wounds look fine enough, and that made me a bit relieved.

I faced back at the girl and said, "I'm not sure."

She seemed to be perplexed, for she just stared at me. He hums and says, "I can go get some boba tea. I'm sure that will distract you from whatever you're thinking about."

"Yeah, I'd like that." I replied softly. A tired, almost sad feeling in my gut as she stood to walk away. I tried to ignore the feeling as she locked the door and headed to the boba store.

I sit and just think about everything, really. When had Star and my relationship gotten so close? She kidnapped me for Gods sake… but everyday I find myself enjoying her presence more and more. She hasn't done anything to hurt me - I mean other than taking me in the first place. Stockholm Syndrome? I haven't been here nearly long enough for that… Since it's the easiest thing to say and avoid my feelings, Stockholm Syndrome it is.