
Five Game Addicts Creating Their Own Country In Another World

One day five guys, with different game specialization, from different parts of the World woke up in a room. In order to live they will have to create their own country and raise their rank, only then will they have the chance to find out whether it is still possible to return back to their former world. A game developer who specialize in battle and board games. A fireman who specialize in adventure and simulation games. A businessman who specialize in Dating and Sex games. A comic artist who specialize in anything that is about "Shoot the enemy" games. And a former mafia gang member who specialize in mystery and detective games. What kind of country will five jackasses make? ___________________________________________________________________________ English is not my first language so I apologize in advance if there is any error in the story. PS: Image is not mine and is credited to the artist. PS. There will be many song lyrics that will appear in the story and are credited to their creators. I cannot guarantee an everyday update but I will make sure to update at least seven chapters every week. [Warning: There are some things in the story that readers may find disturbing or uncomfortable]

ClaireSantos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Chapter 53: Vampire (4)

After healing themselves, Aldo received the reward for the third mission he took over.

"By the way, what sort of healing spell activated earlier?"

Gaqixion looked at Aldo with amusement.

"Aren't vampires suppose to be egotistic and snobby?"

"We are. But I am someone who loves finding out things. Research and experiments even though I'm not a magician myself"



"Sigh... the spell that is ingraved in my bones is a spell that enhances regeneration by using the mana as substitute cells for the injury I receive. Strictly speaking, it is not 'healing' but 'repairing'"

"Healing is faster but has its own demerits such as fatigue and the target will suffer numbness by forcing the creation of lost cells by using mana. But yours specialize in reconnecting your body by using the mana as to let your body recover by itself... how amazing!"

Gaqixion stood up in excitement.

"There was a vampire in the gorgons' nest, right? If you want, I will educate her well so she can also be your servant!"

"Are you sure about that?"

Aldo asked in disbelief.

"I am sure that it would be worthwhile being with you, milord! My interest lies in advancement of life no matter the means needed.

And I can tell you are the type of person who will open my eyes for that"

"That is good and all but you two are not allowed to eat anyone without my permission. If anything, if you two really want to drink human blood, then I will let you drink some from crimminals from our prison"

"That much is enough for me"

After resting for some more, the four of them went back to the gorgons' nest. Aldo then explained that the two were going to be his direct assistants and must be treated well in the future.

"How lucky of her"

Gaqixion said as he carried the other vampire.

"What makes you say she is lucky?"

"Well, she is the daugther of someone I loathe. If it wasn't for you taking her in, I would have killed her in the spot or use her as a hostage"

"The you better suck it up because you are not allowed to touch a single strand of her hair without my permission"

"I understand, milord"

After replenishing their energy with the rations that Luca gave them, the gorgons now had the energy to move once more.

"By the way, once we get back make sure to respect someone named Charlie. I don't care how you treat the others, just make sure you do that and he won't kill you"

"Is this one whose name is 'Charlie' stronger than you?"

Gaqixion asked with curiosity seeing as how Aldo emphasized on making sure that he should not offend Charlie in any way.

"Not really. But, he is the center of our city's morale and law, if he finds out someone like you, even I would have a hard time stopping him"

"I understand"


[180th day]

"I'm going away!"

Marco said excitedly with his hands forming a peace sign with a unique pose.

"Where and why?" (T)

"I am going on a journey to spread the name of our God. Basically, I'm going to increase our population through religion" (M)

"Go ahead. I am sure you already have someone who will take over your work here, right?" (A)

"Of course. My trusted secretary will be the face of the Garcia merchantry from now on"

"Then... where are you going to go first?"

Charlie asked as he pointed Heaven Blaze city on the map on the table.

"The kingdom of Hazol. After that, I am planning on making my way south to the kingdom of Horulas. After that I will continue to go south until I reach the kingdom of the Beastkin, Jial Rosan"

"Are you planning on bringing Lexi with you?" (T)

"Yes. His innocent face can be use as the face of the church after all" (M)

"If you do that, you may invite unnecessary danger along the way"

Charlie said with concern for the two.

"Don't worry, I already made plans for that. I am not so stupid to think that we would be safe in our travel.

Anyway, the real problem should be... what are we going to do with Pallius?"

The four went silent as they could not say anything.

"His aptitude in magic, combat, business, linguistics, socialization, instinct, sensitivity to everything near him whether it is physical or emotional, and charisma that makes even wild animals act docile in front of him... and then there is also his ridiculous luck!

Calling him talented would be an undestatement that we don't even know who could teach him to bring out his full potential" (A)

The four begun to curse Leon who left the child in their care.

"How did he even manage to convince teacher anyway?!" Tony yelled in anger.

"About that... I owe Leon one so I gave him a small bottle of ethanol. He must have used that to gain a favor from Hugo since your teacher specialize in using fire..." (A)

"Let's go back to the topic at hand... what are we going to do with Pallius? While it is good for him to enjoy his childhood, we need to make plans about his future a few years from now" (M)

"How about leaving him to me"


After saying those words, the other three did not expect that Aldo would take the initiative to take Pallius in as the three planned so hard to convince Aldo regarding this matter.

"Since Marco will be going away, he can put off learning anything related to business for now and focus on learning elementary level subjects base on our previous world's standards.

Of course, I will only be teaching things that will actually benefit him in the long run"


The three were speechless as he showed consideration to someone else for the first time.

After getting rid of the biggest problem they have before Marco set off for his journey to the west and south, Gaqixion and Rachel's mouth were left opened as they saw the greatness of a city that has been built for less than six months.

"You said that the vampires liked the scent of sir Aldo's blood, what do you mean by that Roman?"

Veronica asked Roman who was keeping an eye on the two vampires.

"Apparently, father's family is famous in the lords' previous world. Their family's bloodline is so strong that each member of their family has the trait 'Pictographic memory'.

I also heard from sir Leon once that at rare times, children from the Achterberg family are able to inherit their parents skills as the memory is passed down to them"

Hearing this, Lexi and Veronica begun to understand the reason for Aldo's lightning speed in formulating magic spells.

"Then... sir Aldo doesn't have to formulate a spell in his mind since he remember everything! How amazing!"

Lexi said in pure awe.

Meanwhile, the two vampires...

"Don't even think about touching me! Father will kill you if you do"

"Your father won't be able to do anything right now. You should know not even your father would win against the lord of flames"

Gaqixion continued on his merry way to tour the city as he left Rachel behind.