
Chapter 209 "Heavyweight" News

A string of names was called out one by one, and those who were called stepped up to the large lottery box to grab a number, which was then recorded. Those who had drawn their lot were very conscious of the rules; they did not return to their gear to move things to their fishing spots. According to the rules, they had to wait until everyone had drawn before entering the field and casting their lines at the same time.

Unconsciously, it quickly became Yue Feng and Qiangzi's turn. Yue Feng stepped forward and drew a ping pong ball.


"This is great! Mid-south shore! Brother, you're awesome!"

"Jealous! Dude, you're basically halfway to winning!"

Seeing the number Yue Feng drew, everyone became green with envy. Spot 185 was basically in the middle of the southern shore at Big Fish Pit, a position as valuable as a major spot in a medium or small Black Pit, considered exceptionally good.