
First we fell.

Stivastin was made an orphan by the Portals, the promised happy life was stolen from him, he gained a new destiny. In the world full of Evolveds doing miraculous things, all he ever wanted is to be one of them and escape the hell hole he lived. But like with the fulfilment of every wish that mattered, there were consequences. A family. Brothers, Sisters a doting Mother and a Father, who happens to see the future. Couple that with High school and girls, add THE single most destructive ability the world has ever seen and voila .. How the hell is he supposed live a normal life? Get real friends? Go to school trips? Let alone date the girl he likes? .. not to mention those Portals and the monsters pouring out of them. This will require some finesse.

Stivanstin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
95 Chs

Carnage it was not.

I soon let Remy lead me back to the commanders tent.

Inside various old man in military get up were making plans of attack. Rating and placing Evolveds with compatible abilities in the frontlines, those with with support or healing placed in the back.

" Lord Bennet you came back, here are the finalised plans. "

One of the silver haired gentlemen handed Remy some papers the others projected drawings of detailed formations around the portal.

They basically treated this as Anniversary game. They understood if our predictions prove true, about their timings there is not a lot to fear. That kind of information always enough to ensure victory for your side.

The military contributed with explosives and other tactics aimed not to kill but to separate or incapacitate them.

Evolveds with enough fire power to kill, will finish the job. And then there's the poison ..

It released 2 different types.