


Starring down at him with her lips still on his, Joanna felt a weird feeling in her.

Never had she felt this way before could it be because it's her first kiss, she thought pulling away from him.

She sat up only to see Pierce starring at her, he is meant to be the one sharing this kiss with her but instead, she had to have it with this jerk and what's worse Pierce saw the whole thing... she thought while hating herself for letting this happen.

"What's this?" the jerk asked having a grin on his face as he sat up.

"Did you do that on purpose? Is it that you really aren't interested in Pierce but me?" He asked again while she glared at him.

"Well I accept girls who are offering themselves but I don't do love, so if you are willing to get a heartbreak, you can kiss me some .... Arrgh!" He yelled when a slap suddenly landed on his cheek.

"Jerk!" She muttered before running off.

"And your a psycho!" Francis yelled after her just as Pierce knelt beside him.

"Are you okay?" Pierce asked.

"Of course, it's just a slap" Francis replied.

"But you are....."

"Blood!" Evelyn yelled before Pierce could finish his sentence.

"Blood? Where?" Francis asked.

"It's coming from your nose" Pierce replied.

"What?" Francis ask touching his nose only to see blood.

"It is....blood! Am bleeding, am going to die....am really going to ..." He didn't get to finish his sentence cause he fainted.



"How did things go?" Jennifer asked as Joanna walk into their home.

"Bad" she replied taking a seat on her bed in her room.

"Bad? What went wrong?" Jennifer asked.

"I kissed the wrong guy mom! I kissed a guy I shouldn't have " Joanna said looking horrified.

"Calm down and tell me exactly what happen?" Jennifer said and as quick as she can she explained the whole thing to her.

"What am I going to do mom?" Joanna asked

"He's the worst of the worst, I don't want him to be my soul mate" she added.

"Having your first kiss doesn't mean that the guy you kiss will be your soulmate" her mother said suddenly which got her looking up at her.

"But who ever we have our first kiss with will be our soul mate, you've always made that clear to me" she said.

"I did but there are other circumstance that the person we share our first kiss with isn't our soul mate but he will be the one to lead us to our soul mate" Jennifer explained.

"So you mean I still have a chance to be with the guy I love?" Joanna asked.

"You do" her mother explained which made Joanna hopeful again.

 Francis took away the chance of her having her first kiss with Pierce and so, he will be the one to help her get the guy she loves which is Pierce.

"I get it now, mom. Thanks for the explanation" Joanna said as she excitedly left her room.

With a worried frown on her face, Jennifer head back to her room where her husband, Gregory was reading a book.

"What's with the frown? Did Anna's first kiss go wrong?" Gregory asked.

"She says she kiss the wrong guy and I couldn't help but to remember us too. I kissed the wrong guy at first before meeting you" she admitted.

"Yours was due to a mistake and....." 

"She claims her kiss with this guy is a mistake too. I can't help but to feel worried, what if the same thing that happen with us happen to her?" Jennifer asked and Gregory put down his book before moving towards his wife.

"That won't happen. Joanna story won't be like ours so stop worrying" he said.

"I can't help but to and I can't use my powers for personal reason except any one of us is in danger, If not I would have tried to see her future" Jennifer said still looking worried.

"Let's just hope every thing works out for the best love, so stop worrying" Gregory said also having a look of worry on his face.



"What exactly have you been doing in school?" Pierce father bark at him through the phone.

"Have been searching just as you asked me to and ....."

"You said the same thing the last time we spoke! I told you to find her cause am sure she's one of the student there and that's mainly why I sent you to study there so you give me result but you turn out to be useless " he yelled at him.

"Am sorry dad, I will do my best in finding her" Pierce said wincing at the curse his father said right after his apology.

"Do your best in finding her, you live and study in Royal college, so do your best in giving me result stop making me regret that I adopted a good for nothing like you!" With that said he ended the call.

Pierce let out a sigh as he stared at him self in front of the mirror.

Until when will he keep being used like this? He thought as he force a smile on his face before going to join Francis and the others at their usual booth.

"What took you so long" Nicholas who had a girl beside him and was also munching on chicken ask.

"He is probably meditating or stuff" Theo chipped in as he kept caressing the b**b of the girl beside him.

"You both should stop concerning your self with me" Pierce muttered softly.

"But we are friends and we are only worried about you" Nicholas said.

"You tend to act like a loner even when you have us,you should....." Theo stopped talking when Pierce stood up abruptly.

"I will head back to the dorm first" Pierce said as he took his leave.

"He's gonna become a loner if he keeps on acting like that" Theo murmured.

"Aren't you gonna say a thing?" Nicholas asked Francis who was seated alone, contemplating.

"You both should let Pierce be, I have a lot on my head to think of some one else" Francis said.

"Some thing like what? Like your fainting earlier?" Nicholas asked which got him and Theo laughing.

"I only fainted because I get weak whenever I see blood,so quit it!" Francis snap.

"We won't, weak boy" Theo said as they burst into laughter again.

Feeling frustrated by them, Francis left their booth, ignoring the offer he got from some of the girls who have been gawking at him ever since he arrived.

To be continued.