
Poor Negotiations

There is a particular building within the heavenly lands that has lie empty for the better part of a few hundred years.

Asherah called it The Throne of Grace.

It is a great white spire cathedral overlooking the vast reaches of heaven from beginning to end.

Not only that, at the very top of the tower, there was a single throne made of wood carved from the tree of life. 

And by sitting on it, Yesh could see everything, everywhere, all at once.

There are four 'guardians' who sit beside the throne.

They should also be classified as angels, but... it is difficult to actually refer to them as such.

They resemble creatures that a child might come up with in art class.

Their appearances are that of a lion, calf, man, and eagle, with only a single face but eyes all throughout.

Like stone statues, they kneel eternally without respite; as a sign of respect to the grand leader that left them behind so long ago.