
Don’t Shoot The Messenger

No sooner had the group of four felt that strange and malevolent prescence did they decide to act.

Disappearing from their place above the river, they arrived above the long and dark trenches that made up the entrance to the underworld.

There, they saw the silhouette of a large winged creature flying low over the dark trenches like it was trying to be inconspicuous about it's infiltration.


""We've got it.""

As soon as Valerie and Eris' eyes landed on their target, they immediately started to put their new powers to use.

Eris parted her perfect lips and a beautiful melody escaped her throat.

As a goddess of song, any melody that she sang could be manipulated for a huge number of desired effects from empowerment of others to destruction.

But to her family, it just sounded like a normal song of incredible beauty.

This time, Eris had chosen one of Abaddon and Valerie's favorite songs from earth.